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Migration framework for the CloudBlue Connect PHP SDK for the migration scenarios automation


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Connect Migration Middleware

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Small middleware to ease the service migration from legacy to Connect


Install via composer:

    "require": {
      "apsconnect/connect-sdk-migration-framework": "*"


Once we have the package installed we need to create a new service provider to inject the middleware into our connector. We need to provide some basic configuration to our migrations service in order to properly migrate the incoming old data.

Configuration parameters

Parameter Type Description
logger Psr\Log\LoggerInterface The logger instance of our connector.
migrationFlag string The name of the Connect parameter that stores the legacy data in json format. Default value is migration_info
serialize bool If true will automatically serialize any non-string value in the migration data on direct assignation flow. Default value is false
validation callable Custom validation function. Not defined by default.
onSuccess callable Custom function to execute on migration success. Not defined by default.
onFail callable Custom function to execute on migration fail. Not defined by default.
transformations array Assoc array with the connect param id as key and the rule to process the parameter value from the legacy data. Default value is an empty array.

Input parameters:

  • validation: $migrationData, Request $request, Config $config, LoggerInterface $logger
  • onSuccess: $migrationData, Request $request, Config $config, LoggerInterface $logger
  • onFail: $migrationData, Request $request, Config $config, LoggerInterface $logger, MigrationAbortException $e
  • transformations: $migrationData, Request $request, Config $config, LoggerInterface $logger

namespace App\Providers;

use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use Connect\Config;
use Connect\Request;
use Connect\Fail;
use Connect\Middleware\Migration\Handler as MigrationHandler;
use Connect\Runtime\ServiceProvider;
use Pimple\Container;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Connect\Middleware\Migration\Exceptions\MigrationParameterFailException;
use Connect\Middleware\Migration\Exceptions\MigrationAbortException;

 * Class MigrationServiceProvider
 * @package App\Providers
class MigrationServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Create a Migrate middleware
     * @param Container $container
     * @return MigrationHandler
    public function register(Container $container)
        return new MigrationHandler([
            'logger' => $container['logger'],
            'config' => $container['config'],
            'transformations' => [
                'email' => function ($migrationData, Request $request, Config $config, LoggerInterface $logger) {
                    $logger->info("[MIGRATION::{$request->id}] Processing teamAdminEmail parameter.");
                    $client = new Client();
                    $response = $client->request('GET', strtr($config->service->migration->url, [
                        '{instance}' => $migrationData->instance,
                        '{subscription}' => $migrationData->subscription
                    ]) . '/teamAdminEmail', [
                        'headers' => [
                            'http_errors' => false,
                            'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . $migrationData->token
                    if ($response->getStatusCode() !== 200) {
                        throw new MigrationParameterFailException("Missing field teamAdminEmail", $response->getStatusCode());
                    $data = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents());
                    if(empty($data->value)) {
                        throw new MigrationParameterFailException("Missing field teamAdminEmail.", 400);
                    if(!filter_var($data->value, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
                        throw new MigrationParameterFailException("Wrong field teamAdminEmail must be an email.", 400);
                    return strtolower($data->value);
                'team_id' => function ($migrationData, Request $request, Config $config, LoggerInterface $logger) {
                    $logger->info("[MIGRATION::{$request->id}] Processing teamId parameter.");
                    $client = new Client();
                    $response = $client->request('GET', strtr($config->service->migration->url, [
                        '{instance}' => $migrationData->instance,
                        '{subscription}' => $migrationData->subscription
                    ]) . '/teamId', [
                        'headers' => [
                            'http_errors' => false,
                            'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . $migrationData->token
                    if ($response->getStatusCode() !== 200) {
                        throw new MigrationParameterFailException("Missing field teamId", $response->getStatusCode());
                    $data = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents());
                    if(empty($data->value)) {
                        throw new MigrationParameterFailException("Missing field teamId.", 400);
                    return strtolower($data->value);
                'team_name' => function ($migrationData, Request $request, Config $config, LoggerInterface $logger) {
                    $logger->info("[MIGRATION::{$request->id}] Processing teamName parameter.");
                    $client = new Client();
                    $response = $client->request('GET', strtr($config->service->migration->url, [
                        '{instance}' => $migrationData->instance,
                        '{subscription}' => $migrationData->subscription
                    ]) . '/teamName', [
                        'headers' => [
                            'http_errors' => false,
                            'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . $migrationData->token
                    if ($response->getStatusCode() !== 200) {
                        throw new MigrationParameterFailException("Missing field teamName", $response->getStatusCode());
                    $data = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents());
                    if(empty($data->value)) {
                        throw new MigrationParameterFailException("Missing field teamName.", 400);
                    return ucwords($data->teamName);
            'onSuccess' => function($migrationData, Request $request, Config $config, LoggerInterface $logger) {
                $logger->info("Migration for request {$request->id} successful!");
            'onFail' => function($migrationData, Request $request, Config $config, LoggerInterface $logger, MigrationAbortException $e) {
                throw new Fail("Failing request {$request->id} due: " . $e->getMessage());

Next we need to add this service provider to our configuration json:

  "runtimeServices": {
    "migration": "\\App\\Providers\\MigrationServiceProvider",

And in our ProductFulfillment.php:


namespace App;

use Connect\Logger;
use Connect\Middleware\Migration\Handler;
use Connect\FulfillmentAutomation;

 * Class ProductFulfillment
 * @package App
 * @property Logger $logger
 * @property Handler $migration
class ProductFulfillment extends FulfillmentAutomation
    public function processRequest($request)
        switch ($request->type) {
            case "purchase":
                $request = $this->migration->migrate($request);
                // the migrate() method returns a new request object with the
                // migrated data populated, we only need to update the params 
                // and approve the fulfillment to complete the migration.
                $this->updateParameters($request, $request->asset->params);
                // more code...

    public function processTierConfigRequest($tierConfigRequest)
        // NOT MIGRABLE! (YET)


The connect migration middleware uses two different exceptions:

Exception Description
MigrationParameterFailException Can be thrown if any parameter fails on validation and/or transformation, an error will be logged for that parameter, the migration will fail, the fulfillment will be skipped.
MigrationAbortException The migration will directly fail, the fulfillment will be skipped.
MigrationParameterPassException Parameter process will be omitted, other parameters will continue normally.


Migration framework for the CloudBlue Connect PHP SDK for the migration scenarios automation








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