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Email Templates Guide

Aaron edited this page Oct 18, 2017 · 1 revision

osTicket relies on predefined templates when sending out auto responses, notices and alerts. Each template has a set of variable placeholder as shown below.

To use the Variables, configure these Email templates or Canned Responses.

Email Templates

Admin Panel -> Emails -> Templates -> Select a Set, eg: osTicket Default Template (HTML)

Now you can change the template used to create email notices from the list


Base Variable

Variable Name Output
%{} Ticket ID (internal ID)
%{ticket.number} Ticket number (external ID)
%{} Email address
%{} Full name
%{ticket.subject} Subject
%{} Phone number
%{ticket.status} Status
%{ticket.priority} Priority
%{ticket.assigned} Assigned staff and/or team
%{ticket.create_date} Date created
%{ticket.due_date} Due date
%{ticket.close_date} Date closed
%{ticket.auth_token} Auth. token used for auto-login
%{ticket.client_link} Client's ticket view link
%{ticket.staff_link} Staff's ticket view link
%{recipient.ticket_link} Auth.token used for user-login and Agent's ticket view link

Expandable Variables

Initial Variable Context
%{ticket.topic} Help topic
%{ticket.dept} Department
%{ticket.staff} Assigned/closing staff
%{} Assigned/closing team
%{} First Name of Agent
%{} Last Name of Agent
%{} First Last
%{} First L.
%{} F. Last
%{} Last, First
%{ticket.thread.original Original Message
%{ticket.thread.lastmessage The last message received
%{ticket.thread.entry.poster} Poster of entry to thread
%{ticket.thread.entry.create_date} When the thread was created

Other Variables

Variable Context
%{message} Incoming message
%{response} Outgoing response
%{comments} Assign/transfer comments
%{note} Internal note (expandable)
%{assignee} Assigned staff/team
%{assigner} Staff assigning the ticket
%{signature} Staff/Dept signature (selection)
%{url} osTicket's base url (FQDN)
%{reset_link} Reset link

Variable Contexts

Please note that only known (supported) variables are substituted. Non-base variables depends on the context of template type to which they are used. That is a cryptic way of saying: Task variables won't work in Ticket templates, and %{message} won't work for Replies.. etc.

Available Templates

  • New Ticket Auto Response: Autoresponse sent to user/client on new ticket if enabled. Meant to give the user the ticket ID which can be used to check the status of the ticket.
  • New Message Auto Response: Confirmation sent to user when a new message is appended to an existing ticket. This can be emailed or web-based replies.
  • Over Limit Notice: Ticket denied notice. This is a one time notice sent when the user has reached the max allowedopen tickets defined in preference section. Reasonable limit helps control spam and possible email flood loops.
  • Ticket Response/Reply: Message template used when responding to a ticket or simply alerting the user about a response/answer availability.
  • New Ticket Alert: Alert sent to staff on new ticket.
  • New Message Alert: Alert sent to staff when user replies to an existing ticket.
  • New Internal Note Alert: Alert sent to selected staff ( if enabled) when an internal note is appended to a ticket.
  • Assigned Ticket Alert: Alert sent to staff on ticket assignment.
  • Overdue/Stale Alert: Alert sent to staff on stale or overdue tickets.

Template list from 1.10:

Ticket End-User Email Templates

  • New Activity Notice Template used to notify collaborators on ticket activity (e.g CC on reply)
  • New Message Auto-response Confirmation sent to user when a new message is appended to an existing ticket.
  • New Ticket Auto-reply Canned Auto-reply sent to user on new ticket, based on filter matches. Overwrites "normal" auto-response.
  • New Ticket Auto-response Autoresponse sent to user, if enabled, on new ticket.
  • New Ticket Notice Notice sent to user, if enabled, on new ticket created by an agent on their behalf (e.g phone calls).
  • Overlimit Notice A one-time notice sent, if enabled, when user has reached the maximum allowed open tickets. -Response/Reply Template Template used on ticket response/reply

Ticket Agent Email Templates

-Internal Activity Alert Alert sent out to Agents when internal activity such as an internal note or an agent reply is appended to a ticket.

  • New Message Alert Alert sent to agents, if enabled, when user replies to an existing ticket.
  • New Ticket Alert Alert sent to agents, if enabled, on new ticket.
  • Overdue Ticket Alert Alert sent to agents on stale or overdue tickets.
  • Ticket Assignment Alert Alert sent to agents on ticket assignment.
  • Ticket Transfer Alert Alert sent to agents on ticket transfer.

Task Email Templates

  • New Activity Alert Alert sent to selected agents, if enabled, on new activity.
  • New Activity Notice Template used to notify collaborators on task activity.
  • New Task Alert Alert sent to agents, if enabled, on new task.
  • Overdue Task Alert Alert sent to agents on stale or overdue task.
  • Task Assignment Alert Alert sent to agents on task assignment.
  • Task Transfer Alert Alert sent to agents on task transfer.