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Chung Leong edited this page Apr 24, 2024 · 6 revisions

A float is a data type used to store numbers with decimal parts. There are five types in Zig: f16 (half-precision), f32 (single-precision), f64 (double-precision), f80 (extended precision), and f128 (quadruple-precision). They are all represented in JavaScript as number. Because number is defined by ECMA to be a double-precision float, returning f80 and f128 to JavaScript will result in loss in precision.

const std = @import("std");

pub fn getPi64() f64 {
    return std.math.pi;

pub fn getPi80() f80 {
    return std.math.pi;

pub fn getPi128() f128 {
    return std.math.pi;
import { getPi64, getPi80, getPi128 } from './float-example-1.zig';

console.log(getPi80() === getPi64()); 
console.log(getPi128()  === getPi64());

Comptime float

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