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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


Common Mistakes

GitHub's Extended Syntax Reference

Link Tricks

  • Header in current file
    • [text](#_some-header)
  • To another file
    • [text](/path/to/
  • Header in another file
    • [text](
  • Ref links (links saved in variable) [link-id]: [text][link-id]
  • Create vscode link validation exceptions
    • In settings.json add "markdown.validate.ignoredLinks"


Change default editor

  1. Right click file
  2. Click Open with...
  3. Click Change default editor at the bottom of the pop up
  • Rename markdown headers and all its links: right click header -> Rename symbol

  • Paste link on selected text for link auto format

  • > Create table of contents auto creates table of contents for file

  • Change styling of markdown preview

    "markdown.styles": [
          "/home/chris/Documents/Code/current/markdown-preview.css", //Linux
          "C:\\Users\\chris\\Documents\\Code\\current\\markdown-preview.css" //Windows

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Open preview ctrl+shift+v

- Go to header in file `ctrl+shift+o` - Bold `ctrl+b` - Check mark `alt+c`
- Quick change to bullets `ctrl+m ctrl+b` - Quick change to numbers `ctrl+m ctrl+1` - Quick change to checkboxes `ctrl+m ctrl+x`


NOTE: VSCode already comes with a markdown preview and editor.

  • Markdown Extension Pack (bat67.markdown-extension-pack) Includes:
    • Markdown All in One
    • Markdown Checkboxes
    • Markdown Emoji
    • Markdown Paste
    • Markdown Pdf
    • Markdown Preview Enhanced
    • Markdown Preview GitHub Styling
    • Markdown Shortcuts
    • Markdown Table Prettifier
    • Markdown+Math
    • markdownlint
      • enforces a library of rules to encourage standards and consistency for Markdown files
      • helps prevent common markdown mistakes
      • Can have VSCode ignore certain rules in settings.json
        • "markdownlint.config": {"MD033": false,},

Extra Links to Look At