GB Studio v1.2.1
GB Studio is a quick and easy to use drag and drop retro game creator for your favourite handheld video game system.
- Allow variables to be used in choice and menu events. @pau-tomas
- Switching scene background will keep current collisions if image hasn't had collisions set already. @RichardULZ
- Fix bug where color palettes would appear in different shades to provided hex codes when viewed in game
- Fix bug where event buttons would become stuck in paste mode when switching windows while holding Alt key
- Fix bug where projects could be made with invalid filenames
- Fix bug where collisions couldn't be placed if "Show Collisions" setting was off.
- Fix bug where variable lists sometimes showed old names.
- Fix bug where game engine would occassionally be corrupted in Window 10 builds @chrismaltby + @RichardULZ
- Fix bug where overlays would prevent timer scripts from running @RichardULZ
- Fix bug where opening menu would modify text draw speed. @pau-tomas