Install via chezmoi
- python3-pip (for neovim python dependencies)
- unzip (for installing aws-cli)
- python3-venv (for installing azure-cli)
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS"
(Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing | pwsh -c -
profile: # all properties reqired, but there will be a prompt or a default in .chezmoi.yaml.tmpl
work: <bool> # prompted. switches work vs. home settings
config: # all properties optional, see .chezmoitemplates/configDefaults for defaults
family: <string> # name of the font to use for terminals and code editors.
# needs to be a nerd font.
size: <number> # size of the font for terminals / code editors.
gitCredentialManager: # will be filled with defaults.
configure: <bool> # whether to add the prompt configuration into gitconfig.
# defaults to true.
install: <bool> # whether to install git credential manager.
# Defaults to true on linux, false elsewhere.
# On windows it is distributed w/ git.
# On mac, needs to be installed w/ brew.
- name: <string> # required, friendly/short name of the ssh host.
host: <string> # optional, defaults to name if unset. actual host name.
type: <string> # optional
# wezterm: will be added as a wezterm remote multiplexing domain only, not to ssh config.
otherwise it will be added as a remote ssh domain, and to ssh config.
# trusted: will forward ssh agent.
can be used for local config. dotfiles config is added as an include.