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Veblen Function in Agda


  • --without-K and --safe
  • Ready for googology function such as fast growing hierarchy
  • Literate agda script (but in Chinese) and html5 rendering


  • Inductive definition of Brouwer ordinal
  • Inductive definition of non-strict order _≤_
  • Equality _≈_ and strict order _<_ are defined by _≤_
  • Partial ordering of _≤_ and strict ordering of _<_ is proved
  • No total ordering, but that's fine
  • Well formed (WF) ordinals are those constructed hereditarily by strictly increasing sequence
  • WF of finite ordinals and ω is proved
  • Common properties of ordinal functions are defined
  • Definition of normal function is adapted for constructive setup
  • General form of ordianl recursive function is defined and its properties are proved
  • _+_, _*_ and _^_ are defined by recursion and their WF preserving properties are proved
  • Association law, distribution law, etc
  • We show that tetration is no-go since α ^^ suc ω ≈ α ^^ ω and, moreover, α ^^ β ≈ α ^^ ω forall β ≥ ω
  • Infinite iteration _⋱_ is defined
  • If F is normal then F ⋱ α is a fixed point not less than α
  • Recursion of F ⋱_ ∘ suc is the fixed point yielding function of F, written F ′
  • We proved that higher order function _′ is normal-preserving and wf-preserving-preserving
  • Trivial examples of fixed point
  • ε function is defined as (ω ^_) ′
  • We have ε (suc α) ≡ ω ^^[ suc (ε α) ] ω forall α
  • ζ is defined as ε ′ and η as ζ ′
  • ε, ζ, η, ... are all normal and WF preserving
  • We proved ε (suc α) ≈ ε α ^^ ω forall WF α
  • Veblen function φ α β is defined
  • We show that φ is normal, monotonic, congruence and wf-preserving
  • Γ₀ is defined as (λ α → φ α zero) ⋱ zero

There is also a well formed version of most of the above in src/WellFormed. From Γ₀ on, there will be only the well formed version.

