NIST Conversion Scripts for LLNL: (Created in July 2021)
A conversion script in which it can take user input for either single or multiple elements from the periodic table. The script requires minimal user setup; it only requires Scipy and Python, and the script can be run with The script utilizes a couple of .txt files scrapped from using BeautifulSoup.
Supported conversions for entropy: (Entropy conversions start with "S")
- J/mol/k <-> kB/atom
- erg/g/K (cgs) <-> kB/atom
- J/g/K (SI units) <-> kB/atom
- Mbar-cc/g/K (bdivK) <-> kB/atom
- J/mol/K <-> J/g/K
- J/g/K <-> erg/g/K (cgs)
- Mbar-cc/g/K (bdivK) <-> J/g/K
Supported conversions for energy: (Energy conversions start with "E")
- kJ/mol <-> meV/atom
- eV/atom <-> er/g
- J/g <-> eV/atom
- Ry/atom <-> eV/atom
- Ry/atom <-> erg/g