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This is a module for the MagicMirror². This module shows you your favorite Notion databases on MagicMirror. All you need is to create a Notion integration, download this module and connect your Notion database. 🙌

NOTE: This module is currently in development status. You can already use it, but there may be some bugs or changes in the configuration

How to use

To show your Notion Database, you need to create a Notion integration. To do that, you need Admin level access on your Workspace. Notion has a very good documentation on how to create your integration and obtain the database id, but here is a summarized version of how to setup.

Create an integration

To create a Notion integration, proceed as follows:

  1. Visit in your browser.
  2. Click the + New integration button.
  3. Name the integration.
  4. Select the capabilities that your integration will have (Read permission should be enough).
  5. Click Submit to create the integration.

Paste the secret key in you MagicMirror config file (config.secret).

Add integration to database

Now that you’ve created an integration, you need to grant it access to a database. For each database you want to display, you need to add the integration to the database

  1. Go to the database page in your workspace.
  2. Click the ••• on the top right corner of the page.
  3. At the bottom of the pop-up, click Add connections.
  4. Search for and select your integration in the Search for connections... menu.

Your integration now has permission to edit the database.

Obtain the database id

To get the database ID, copy the URL of your Notion database. If you're using an inline database, then make sure you're viewing the database as a full page. If you're using the Notion desktop app, then click Share and select Copy link to find the database URL.

The database ID is the string of characters in the database URL that is between the slash following your workspace name (if you named it) and the question mark. The ID is 32 characters long, containing numbers and letters.

Paste your Notion database id in you MagicMirror config file (

Using the module

To use this module, add the following configuration block to the modules array in the config/config.js file:

var config = {
  modules: [
      module: 'MMM-Notion',
      config: {
        updateInterval: 60000,
        secret: "YOUR_NOTION_SECRET",
        databases: [
            title: "My Notion Database",
            id: "NOTION_DATABASE_ID",
            layout: {
              type: "listview",
              showPersonWithNames: true,
              dateFormat: "full_date", // full_date, month_day_year, day_month_year, year_month_day, relative
              properties: ["Checkbox", "Name"]
            filter: {
              "property": "Task completed",
              "checkbox": {
                "equals": true
            sorts: []
            title: "My other Notion Database",
            id: "NOTION_DATABASE_ID",
            layout: {
              type: "listview",
              properties: ["Date", "Status"]

Configuration options

Option Description
secret Required Your Notion secret key goes here
updateInterval Optional Interval to update Notion database

Type: int(milliseconds)
Default 60000 milliseconds (1 minute)
databases Required List of databases from Notion. Here you can set the title, properties, filter and more for the database
databases.title Optional Title of the database, with will display over the database content. If empty, the title will be ignored
databases.showTitle Optional Option to set a title, but manually hide it

Type: boolean
Default true Required id of the database from Notion
databases.layout Required Information about the layout to display the database information
databases.layout.type Required Set the type of the different views. Unfortunately there is only one view listview implemented for now.

Type: listview
Default listview
databases.layout.dateFormat Optional Define the date format. You can use the date formats from Notion.

Type: full_date | month_day_year | day_month_year | year_month_day | relative
Default full_date
databases.layout.showPersonWithNames Optional To save space, the name of a person is hidden. But you can enable the name by setting the property to true

Type: boolean
Default false
databases.layout.displayElementTitle Optional If set to true, the title of each element is displayed at the beginning. The title property in the properties array is ignored. If it is set to false, you can arrange the properties in the array

Type: boolean
Default true Required List of Properties, which will displayed on the view. Please use the exact name like in Notion. If leaving empty, there will be no properties visible
databases.filter Optional Here you can set a filter for the database. You can use the exact options from Notion, which are described here
databases.sorts Optional Like the filter, you can specify the order here. You can also use the exact options from Notion, which are described here

See also