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Ansible Collection: chocolatey.chocolatey

Build Status
Build Status

The chocolatey.chocolatey Ansible Collection includes the modules required to configure Chocolatey, as well as manage packages on Windows using Chocolatey.

Ansible version compatibility

This collection has been tested against the following Ansible versions: >= 2.13, 2.14, 2.15

Installation and Usage

Installing the Collection from Ansible Galaxy

Before using the Chocolatey collection, you need to install it with the ansible-galaxy CLI:

ansible-galaxy collection install chocolatey.chocolatey

You can also include it in a requirements.yml file and install it via ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml using the format:

- name: chocolatey.chocolatey


This collection provides the following modules you can use in your own roles:

Name Description
win_chocolatey Manage packages using chocolatey
win_chocolatey_config Manage Chocolatey config settings
win_chocolatey_facts Create a facts collection for Chocolatey
win_chocolatey_feature Manage Chocolatey features
win_chocolatey_source Manage Chocolatey sources


Some example usages of the modules in this collection are below.

Upgrade all packages with Chocolatey:

- name: Upgrade installed packages
    name: all
    state: latest

Install version 6.6 of notepadplusplus:

- name: Install notepadplusplus version 6.6
    name: notepadplusplus
    version: '6.6'

Set the Chocolatey cache location:

- name: Set the cache location
    name: cacheLocation
    state: present
    value: C:\Temp

Use Background Mode for Self-Service (Business Feature):

- name: Use background mode for self-service
    name: useBackgroundService
    state: enabled

Remove the Community Package Repository (as you have an internal repository; recommended):

- name: Disable Community Repo
    name: chocolatey
    state: absent

Testing and Development

If you want to develop new content for this collection or improve what's already here, the easiest way to work on the collection is to clone it into one of the configured COLLECTIONS_PATHS, and work on it there.

Testing with ansible-test

The tests directory contains configuration for running integration tests using ansible-test.

You can run the collection's test suites with the commands:

ansible-test windows-integration --docker -v --color


GPL v3.0 License

See LICENSE to see full text.