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The ideas for FIRRTL (Flexible Intermediate Representation for RTL) originated from work on Chisel, a hardware description language (HDL) embedded in Scala used for writing highly-parameterized circuit design generators. Chisel designers manipulate circuit components using Scala functions, encode their interfaces in Scala types, and use Scala's object-orientation features to write their own circuit libraries. This form of meta-programming enables expressive, reliable and type-safe generators that improve RTL design productivity and robustness.

The computer architecture research group at U.C. Berkeley relies critically on Chisel to allow small teams of graduate students to design sophisticated RTL circuits. Over a three year period with under twelve graduate students, the architecture group has taped-out over ten different designs.

Internally, the investment in developing and learning Chisel was rewarded with huge gains in productivity. However, Chisel's external rate of adoption was slow for the following reasons.

  1. Writing custom circuit transformers requires intimate knowledge about the internals of the Chisel compiler.

  2. Chisel semantics are under-specified and thus impossible to target from other languages.

  3. Error checking is unprincipled due to under-specified semantics resulting in incomprehensible error messages.

  4. Learning a functional programming language (Scala) is difficult for RTL designers with limited programming language experience.

  5. Confounding the previous point, conceptually separating the embedded Chisel HDL from the host language is difficult for new users.

  6. The output of Chisel (Verilog) is unreadable and slow to simulate.

As a consequence, Chisel needed to be redesigned from the ground up to standardize its semantics, modularize its compilation process, and cleanly separate its front-end, intermediate representation, and backends. A well defined intermediate representation (IR) allows the system to be targeted by other HDLs embedded in other host programming languages, making it possible for RTL designers to work within a language they are already comfortable with. A clearly defined IR with a concrete syntax also allows for inspection of the output of circuit generators and transformers thus making clear the distinction between the host language and the constructed circuit. Clearly defined semantics allows users without knowledge of the compiler implementation to write circuit transformers; examples include optimization of circuits for simulation speed, and automatic insertion of signal activity counters. An additional benefit of a well defined IR is the structural invariants that can be enforced before and after each compilation stage, resulting in a more robust compiler and structured mechanism for error checking.

Design Philosophy

FIRRTL represents the standardized elaborated circuit that the Chisel HDL produces. FIRRTL represents the circuit immediately after Chisel's elaboration. It is designed to resemble the Chisel HDL after all meta-programming has executed. Thus, a user program that makes little use of meta-programming facilities should look almost identical to the generated FIRRTL.

For this reason, FIRRTL has first-class support for high-level constructs such as vector types, bundle types, conditional statements, and modules. A FIRRTL compiler may choose to convert high-level constructs into low-level constructs before generating Verilog.

Because the host language is now used solely for its meta-programming facilities, the frontend can be very light-weight, and additional HDLs written in other languages can target FIRRTL and reuse the majority of the compiler toolchain.


The FIRRTL specification was originally published as a UC Berkeley Tech Report (UCB/EECS-2016-9) authored by Adam Izraelevitz (@azidar), Patrick Li (@CuppoJava), and Jonathan Bachrach (@jackbackrack). The vision for FIRRTL was then expanded in an ICCAD paper and in Adam's thesis.

During that time and since, there have been a number of contributions and improvements to the specification. To better reflect the work of contributors after the original tech report, the FIRRTL specification was changed to be authored by The FIRRTL Specification Contributors. A list of these contributors is below:


File Preamble

A FIRRTL file begins with a magic string and version identifier indicating the version of this standard the file conforms to (see [@sec:versioning-scheme-of-this-document]). This will not be present on files generated according to versions of this standard prior to the first versioned release of this standard to include this preamble.

;; snippetbegin
FIRRTL version 2.0.0
circuit Foo :
;; snippetend
  module Foo :

Circuits and Modules


A FIRRTL circuit is a named collection of FIRRTL modules. Each module is a hardware "unit" that has ports, registers, wires, and may instantiate other modules (see: [@sec:modules]). (This is the same concept as a Verilog module{.verilog}.)

Each FIRRTL circuit must have exactly one main module. The main module is a module that has the same name as the FIRRTL circuit. The main module must be public (see [@sec:public-modules]).

The following circuit contains a FIRRTL circuit with two modules. Foo is the main module:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
;; snippetbegin
circuit Foo :
  public module Foo :

  module Bar :
;; snippetend


Each module has a given name, a list of ports, and a list of statements representing the circuit connections within the module. A module port is specified by its direction, which may be input or output, a name, and the data type of the port.

The following example declares a module with one input port, one output port, and one statement connecting the input port to the output port. See [@sec:connections] for details on the connect statement.

FIRRTL version 3.2.0
circuit MyModule:
  ;; snippetbegin
  module MyModule :
    input foo: UInt<3>
    output bar: UInt<3>
    connect bar, foo
  ;; snippetend

Refer to the description of the instance statement for details on how to instantiate a module ([@sec:submodule-instances]).

Modules may be either public or private.

Public Modules

A public module is marked with the public{.firrtl} keyword. A public module has a stable interface allowing it to be instantiated by other circuits. A public module will always be physically present in a compiled circuit. In effect, public modules are the exported identifiers of a circuit.

The example below shows a public module Foo:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module Foo:
    input a: UInt<1>
    output b: UInt<1>

    connect b, a
  ;; snippetend

A public module has a number of restrictions:

  1. A public module may have no ports of uninferred width.
  2. A public module may have no ports of abstract reset type.
  3. A RWProbe{.firrtl} may not be used to access a public module's ports.
  4. A public module may be instantiated by other modules within a circuit, but the behavior of the module must not be affected by these instantiations.

For more information on the lowering of public modules, see the FIRRTL ABI Specification.

Private Modules

A private module is any module which is not marked with the public{.firrtl} keyword. Private modules have none of the restrictions of public modules. Private modules have no stable, defined interface and may not be used outside the current circuit. A private module may not be physically present in a compiled circuit.

Externally Defined Modules

Externally defined modules are modules whose implementation is not provided in the current circuit. Only the ports and name of the externally defined module are specified in the circuit. An externally defined module may include, in order, an optional defname which sets the name of the external module in the resulting Verilog, zero or more name--value parameter statements. Each name--value parameter statement will result in a value being passed to the named parameter in the resulting Verilog.

The widths of all externally defined module ports must be specified. Width inference, described in [@sec:width-inference], is not supported for externally defined module ports.

An externally-defined module must have no ports of or containing the abstract reset type.

A common use of an externally defined module is to represent a Verilog module that will be written separately and provided together with FIRRTL-generated Verilog to downstream tools.

An example of an externally defined module with parameters is:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit MyExternalModule :
  ;; snippetbegin
  extmodule MyExternalModule :
    input foo: UInt<2>
    output bar: UInt<4>
    output baz: SInt<8>
    defname = VerilogName
    parameter x = "hello"
    parameter y = 42
  ;; snippetend

The types of parameters may be any of the following literal types. See [@sec:literals] for more information:

  1. Integer literal, e.g. 42{.firrtl}
  2. String literal, e.g., "hello"{.firrtl}
  3. Raw String Literal, e.g., 'world'{.firrtl}

An integer literal is lowered to a Verilog literal. A string literal is lowered to a Verilog string. A raw string literal is lowered verbatim to Verilog.

As an example, consider the following external module:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  ;; snippetbegin
  extmodule Foo:
    parameter foo = '`hello'
    parameter bar = "world"
    parameter baz = 42
  ;; snippetend

This is lowered to a Verilog instantiation site as:

`define hello 1
module Foo #(
  parameter a=1,
  parameter b="b",
  parameter c=1
) ();
module Top();
// snippetbegin
Foo #(
) foo();
// snippetend


Layers are collections of functionality which will not be present in all executions of a circuit.

During execution, each layer is either enabled or disabled. When a layer is enabled, the FIRRTL circuit behaves as-if all the optional functionality of that layer was included in the normal execution of the circuit. When a layer is disabled, the circuit behaves as-if all the optional functionality of that layer was removed from the execution of the circuit. Layers are intended to be used to keep verification, debugging, or other collateral, not relevant to the operation of the circuit, in a separate area. Each layer can then be optionally included in the resulting design.

The layer{.firrtl} keyword declares a layer with a specific identifier. A layer may be declared in a circuit or in another layer declaration. A layer's identifier must be unique within the current namespace. I.e., the identifier of a top-level layer declared in a circuit must not conflict with the identifier of a module, external module, or implementation defined module.

Layers may be nested. Nested layers are declared with the layer{.firrtl} keyword indented under an existing layer{.firrtl} keyword.

Each layer must include a string that sets the lowering convention for that layer. The FIRRTL ABI specification defines supported lowering conventions. One such strategy is bind{.firrtl} which lowers to modules and instances which are instantiated using the SystemVerilog bind{.verilog} feature.

The example below shows a circuit with layers A, B, and B.C:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
;; snippetbegin
circuit Foo :
  layer A, bind :
  layer B, bind :
    layer C, bind :
;; snippetend
  public module Foo :

Functionality enabled by a layer is put in one or more layer blocks inside modules. For more information on layer blocks see [@sec:layer-blocks].

Probe types may be colored with a layer. Layer coloring indicates which layers must be enabled for a probe to be used. For more information on layer-colored probes see [@sec:probe-types] and [@sec:layer-coloring].

Modules with Enabled Layers

Modules may be declared with enabled layers. A module with enabled layers colors the body of the module with the color of all enabled layers. This affects the legality of operations which use probes. See [@sec:layer-coloring] for more information on layer coloring.

To declare a module with layers enabled, use the enablelayer{.firrtl} keyword. The circuit below shows a module with one layer enabled:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo :
  layer A, bind :
  public module Foo enablelayer A :

Formal Tests

Formal tests are named top-level constructs which allow for formal test harnesses to be definied as bounded model checking (BMC) problems. The body of the formal test harness is converted into a BMC formula which encodes a state-transition system version of the design using one of the formal backends (targetting either BTOR2 or SMTLib). Formal tests have 3 operands:

  1. A name that the test can be referred to with.
  2. The name of the formal test harness module.
  3. A positive integer bound for the test. This number indicates the depth to which the model will be checked.
FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo :
  public module Foo :
    ; ...
  formal testFoo of Foo, bound = 20

More details about how bounded model checking works and what the bound refers to can be found in Biere et al. 2003.

Formal Test Harness

A public module definition may be used as a formal test harness. Their input ports act as symbolic variables for the test.


FIRRTL version 4.0.0

circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    input data : UInt<32>
    input c : UInt<1>
    output out : UInt<32>
    ;; Foo body

  public module FooTest:
    ;; symbolic input -- maps to input in btor2
    input s_foo_c : UInt<1>
    input s_foo_data : UInt<32> 
    ;; example test
    inst foo of Foo
    ;; feed the symbolic inputs to the instance
    connect foo.c, s_foo_c 
    connect, s_foo_data
    ;; example assertion that uses the symbolic inputs and outputs
    intrinsic(circt_verif_assert, intrinsic(
      circt_ltl_implication : UInt<1>, s_foo_c, eq(foo.out, s_foo_data))

  formal testFormal of FooTest, bound = 20

Circuit Components

Circuit components are the named parts of a module corresponding to hardware.

There are seven kinds of circuit components. They are: nodes, wires, registers, output ports, input ports, submodule instances, and memories.

Circuit components can be connected together (see [@sec:connections]).

Each circuit component in a module has a type ([@sec:types]). It is used to determine the legality of connections.



Nodes are named expressions in FIRRTL.


FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    input in: UInt<4>
    ;; snippetbegin
    node mynode = and(in, UInt<4>(1))
    ;; snippetend

The type of a node is the type of the expression given in the definition.


Wires represent named expressions whose value is determined by FIRRTL connect{.firrtl} statements (see [@sec:connections]).


FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    ;; snippetbegin
    wire mywire : UInt<1>
    connect mywire, UInt<1>(0)
    ;; snippetend

Unlike nodes, the type of a wire must be explicitly declared. The type of a wire is given after the colon (:{.firrtl}).


Registers are stateful elements of a design.

The state of a register is controlled through what is connected to it (see [@sec:connections]). The state may be any storable type (see [@sec:storable-types]). Registers are always associated with a clock. Optionally, registers may have a reset signal.

On every cycle, a register will drive its current value and then latch the value it will take on for the next cycle.

The regreset{.firrtl} keyword is used to declare a register with a reset. The reg{.firrtl} keyword is used to declare a register without a reset.


FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    ;; snippetbegin
    wire myclock : Clock
    reg myreg : SInt, myclock
    ;; snippetend
FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    ;; snippetbegin
    wire myclock : Clock
    reg myreg : SInt, myclock
    ;; snippetend
FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    ;; snippetbegin
    wire myclock : Clock
    wire myreset : UInt<1>
    wire myinit : SInt
    regreset myreg : SInt, myclock, myreset, myinit
    ;; snippetend

For both variants of register, the type is given after the colon (:{.firrtl}).

Semantically, registers become flip-flops in the design. The next value is latched on the positive edge of the clock. The initial value of a register is indeterminate (see [@sec:indeterminate-values]).

Output Ports and Input Ports

The way a module interacts with the outside world is through its output and input ports.


FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    ;; snippetbegin
    input myinput : UInt<1>
    output myoutput : SInt<8>
    ;; snippetend

For both variants of port, the type is given after the colon (:{.firrtl}).

The two kinds of ports differ in the rules for how they may be connected (see [@sec:connections]).

Submodule Instances

A module in FIRRTL may contain submodules.


FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  module Passthrough:
  public module Foo:
    ;; snippetbegin
    inst passthrough of Passthrough
    ;; snippetend

This assumes you have a module or extmodule named Passthrough{.firrtl} declared elsewhere in the current circuit. The keyword of{.firrtl} is used instead of a colon (:{.firrtl}).

The type of a submodule instance is bundle type determined by its ports. Each port creates a field with the same name in the bundle. Among these fields, output{.firrtl} ports are flipped, while input{.firrtl} fields are unflipped.

For example:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Passthrough:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module Passthrough :
    input in : UInt<8>
    output out : UInt<8>
    connect out, in
  ;; snippetend

The type of the submodule instance passthrough{.firrtl} above is thus:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    ;; snippetbegin
    input a:
      { flip in : UInt<8>, out : UInt<8> }
    ;; snippetend


Memories are stateful elements of a design.


FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    ;; snippetbegin
    mem mymem :
      data-type => { real:SInt<16>, imag:SInt<16> }
      depth => 256
      reader => r1
      reader => r2
      writer => w
      read-latency => 0
      write-latency => 1
      read-under-write => undefined
    ;; snippetend

The type of a memory is a bundle type derived from the declaration.

The type named in data-type{.firrtl} must be storable (see [@sec:storable-types]). It indicates the type of the data being stored inside of the memory.


Each circuit component factors into subcomponents which can be accessed through references.


To motivate the notion of subcomponents, let's look at a few examples.

First, let's look at a wire with a vector type:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module Foo :
    wire v : UInt<8>[3]
    connect v[0], UInt(0)
    connect v[1], UInt(10)
    connect v[2], UInt(42)
  ;; snippetend

Here, we have declared a wire v{.firrtl} with a vector type with length 3. We can index into the wire v{.firrtl} with the expressions v[0]{.firrtl}, v[1]{.firrtl}, and v[2]{.firrtl}, and target these with a connect{.firrtl} statement (see [@sec:connections]). Each of these is a subcomponent of v{.firrtl} and each acts like a wire with type UInt<8>{.firrtl}.

Next, let's look at a port with a bundle type:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Bar:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module Bar :
    output io : { x : UInt<8>, flip y : UInt<8> }
    connect io.x, add(io.y, UInt(1))
  ;; snippetend

The bundle of port io{.firrtl} has type { x : UInt<8>, flip y : UInt<8> }{.firrtl}. It has two fields, x{.firrtl} and y{.firrtl}, and y{.firrtl} is flipped. In the connect expression, we read from io.y{.firrtl}, add 1 to it, and then assign it to io.x{.firrtl}. Both io.x{.firrtl} and io.y{.firrtl} are subcomponents of io{.firrtl} and both have type UInt<8>{.firrtl}. Note that while io.x{.firrtl} is an output port, io.y{.firrtl} is an input port.


Every circuit component declared within a module results in a tree of subcomponents. Circuit subcomponents have both a kind and a type.

We define this tree of subcomponents recursively by defining the direct subcomponent relation.

A circuit component with a ground type, an enumeration type, a probe type, or property type (see [@sec:types]) has no direct subcomponents. For example, wire w : UInt<8>{.firrtl} has no direct subcomponents.

When a circuit component has a vector type (see [@sec:vector-types]), it has as many direct subcomponents as its length. Each subcomponent has the same kind as its parent and has the element type. For example, if we declare wire v : UInt<8>[3]{.firrtl}, it has three direct subcomponents: v[0]{.firrtl}, v[1]{.firrtl}, and v[2]{.firrtl}. All three are wires and all three have type UInt<8>{.firrtl}.

When a circuit component has a bundle type (see [@sec:bundle-types]), it has one direct subcomponent for each field. The kind of the subcomponent depends on both the kind and the type of the parent:

  • For nodes, wires, and registers, the kind of each direct subcomponent is the same.
  • For output and input ports, the kind of each direct subcomponent depends on whether or not the field is flipped. When the field is not flipped, the kind remains the same. When the field is flipped, it changes from output to input or vice versa.
  • For submodule instances and memories, the kind of each direct subcomponent depends on whether or not the field is flipped. When the field is not flipped, the kind is an input port. When the field is flipped, the kind is an output port.

If the bundle is not const{.firrtl}, the type of each subcomponent is simply the type of the corresponding field. However, if the bundle is const{.firrtl}, the type of each subcomponent is the const{.firrtl} version of the type of the corresponding field.

A circuit component is a subcomponent of another if there is a way to get from the first component to the second through the direct subcomponent relation. A circuit component is trivially considered to be a subcomponent of itself. If we need to speak of the subcomponents excluding the component itself, we call these the proper subcomponents.

A root component is a circuit component that is not the direct subcomponent of any other component. Equivalently, these are the circuit components which are declared inside a module.

A leaf component is a circuit component that has no direct subcomponents. Leaf components are useful for checking initialization.

Two components are disjoint if they have no common subcomponent. For example, given wire w : { x : UInt<1>, y : UInt<8>[2] }{.firrtl}, w.x{.firrtl} and w.y{.firrtl} are disjoint, but w.y[0]{.firrtl} and w.y{.firrtl} are not.


A reference is a name that refers to a previously declared circuit component. These are constructed using the names of root components, and optionally, through the dot and bracket operators.

For instance, suppose we declare wire w : { x : UInt<1>, v : UInt<8>[2] }{.firrtl}. Then w{.firrtl}, w.x{.firrtl}, w.y{.firrtl}, w.y[0]{.firrtl}, and w.y[1]{.firrtl}, and w.y[i]{.firrtl} are all examples of references.

When a circuit component has a vector type, you can perform both static and dynamic indexing. For example, given wire v : UInt<8>[2]{.firrtl}, both v[0]{.firrtl} and v[1]{.firrtl} are references using static indexing. On the other hand, v[i]{.firrtl} is a reference using dynamic indexing, given an expression i{.firrtl} with an unsigned integer type.

The result of an out-of-bounds dynamic index is an indeterminate value (see [@sec:indeterminate-values]).

A static reference is a reference where all indexing is static. For instances, v[0]{.firrtl}, v[1]{.firrtl}, and v[2]{.firrtl} are static references. Static references are checked to ensure they are always in-bounds. A static reference identifies a concrete subcomponent within the module definition. Static references may be used in probe{.firrtl} or rwprobe{.firrtl} expressions (see [@sec:probes]).

A dynamic reference is one which is not a static reference.

References may appear as the target of connect{.firrtl} statements (see [@sec:connections]). A connection to a dynamic reference is equivalent to a (potentially large) conditional statement consisting of only connects to static references.


FIRRTL has four classes of types: ground types, aggregate types, probe types, and property types.

Ground Types

Ground types are types which are not composed of other types. They are the integer types, clocks, and resets.

Integer Types

FIRRTL supports both signed and unsigned integer types.

UInt<n>{.firrtl} is an n-bit wide unsigned integer. SInt<n>{.firrtl} is an n-bit wide signed integer.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    input a:
      ;; snippetbegin
      UInt<10> ; a 10-bit unsigned integer
      ;; snippetend
    output b:
      ;; snippetbegin
      SInt<32> ; a 32-bit signed integer
      ;; snippetend

Both UInt<0>{.firrtl} and SInt<0>{.firrtl} are valid types. They are considered to have only a single value representing zero (written as either UInt<0>(0){.firrtl} or SInt<0>(0){.firrtl}). They behave like zero when they are extended to a positive width integer type.

Integer types also have the inferred forms: UInt{.firrtl} and SInt{.firrtl} (see [@sec:width-inference]).

Clock Type

Clocks require special physical considerations in hardware. FIRRTL defines the Clock{.firrtl} type to track clocks throughout a design. All registers are linked to a clock (see [@sec:registers]).

Reset Types

Once a circuit is powered on, it may require an explicit reset in order to put it into a known state. For this, we use a reset type. In FIRRTL, we have the option of using both synchronous or asynchronous resets.

The synchronous reset type is simply a 1-bit unsigned integer: UInt<1>{.firrtl}. The asynchronous reset type is AsyncReset{.firrtl}.

Registers may be declared linked to a reset (see [@sec:registers-with-reset]).

The reset types also have the inferred form: Reset{.firrtl} (see [@sec:reset-inference]).

Analog Type

The analog type specifies that a wire or port can be attached to multiple drivers. Analog{.firrtl} cannot be used as part of the type of a node or register, nor can it be used as part of the datatype of a memory. In this respect, it is similar to how inout{.firrtl} ports are used in Verilog, and FIRRTL analog signals are often used to interface with external Verilog or VHDL IP.

In contrast with all other ground types, analog signals cannot appear on either side of a connection statement. Instead, analog signals are attached to each other with the commutative attach{.firrtl} statement. An analog signal may appear in any number of attach statements, and a legal circuit may also contain analog signals that are never attached. The only primitive operations that may be applied to analog signals are casts to other signal types.

When an analog signal appears as a field of an aggregate type, the aggregate cannot appear in a standard connection statement.

As with integer types, an analog type can represent a multi-bit signal. When analog signals are not given a concrete width, their widths are inferred according to a highly restrictive width inference rule, which requires that the widths of all arguments to a given attach operation be identical.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    input a:
      ;; snippetbegin
      Analog<1>  ; 1-bit analog type
      ;; snippetend
    input a:
      ;; snippetbegin
      Analog<32> ; 32-bit analog type
      ;; snippetend

The analog type also has the inferred form: Analog{.firrtl} (see [@sec:width-inference]).

Aggregate Types

FIRRTL supports three aggregate types: vectors, bundles, and enumerations.

Vector Types

A vector type is used to express an ordered sequence of elements of a given type.

The following example specifies a 10-element vector of 16-bit unsigned integers.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    input a:
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend

Note that the element type of a vector can be any type, including another aggregate type. The following example specifies a 20-element vector, each of which is a 10-element vector of 16-bit unsigned integers.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    input a:
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend

Vectors with length 0 are permitted. For details on how 0-length vectors are lowered, see the FIRRTL ABI Specification.

Bundle Types

A bundle type is used to represent a collection of values. They can also be used to facilitate bidirectional connections between circuit components.

A bundle type consists of zero or more fields. Each field has a name and a type. Fields may also be flipped.

The following is an example of a possible type for representing a complex number. It has two fields, real{.firrtl}, and imag{.firrtl}, both 10-bit signed integers.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    input a:
      ;; snippetbegin
      { real : SInt<10>, imag : SInt<10> }
      ;; snippetend

The types of each field may be any type, including other aggregate types.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    input a:
      ;; snippetbegin
      { real : { word : UInt<32>, valid : UInt<1>, flip ready : UInt<1> },
        imag : { word : UInt<32>, valid : UInt<1>, flip ready : UInt<1> } }
      ;; snippetend

Here is an example of a bundle with a flipped field. Because the ready field is marked with the keyword flip, it will indicate the flow will be opposite of the word and valid fields.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    input a:
      ;; snippetbegin
      { word : UInt<32>, valid : UInt<1>, flip ready : UInt<1> }
      ;; snippetend

As an example of how flip{.firrtl} works in context, consider a module declared like this:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Processor:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module Processor :
    input enq : { word : UInt<32>, valid : UInt<1>, flip ready : UInt<1> }
    ; ...
  ;; snippetend

This defines a module Processor with a single input port enq which enqueues data using a ready-valid interface. Because enq is a single port, we can connect to it with a single connect{.firrtl} statement (see [@sec:connections]). In the final hardware, however, while the word and valid fields point into the module, this port has a flipped field ready which points out of the module instead.

Enumeration Types

Enumerations are disjoint union types.

Each enumeration consists of a set of variants. Each variant is named with a tag. Each variant also has a type associated with it which must be connectable (see [@sec:connectable-types]) and passive (see [@sec:passive-types]).

In the following example, the first variant has the tag a{.firrtl} with type UInt<8>{.firrtl}, and the second variant has the tag b{.firrtl} with type UInt<16>{.firrtl}.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    input a:
      ;; snippetbegin
      {|a : UInt<8>, b : UInt<16>|}
      ;; snippetend

A variant may optionally omit the type, in which case it is implicitly defined to be UInt<0>{.firrtl}. In the following example, all variants have the type UInt<0>{.firrtl}.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    input a:
      ;; snippetbegin
      {|a, b, c|}
      ;; snippetend

Probe Types

Probe types expose and provide access to circuit components contained inside of a module. They are intended for verification. Ports with a probe type do not necessarily result in physical hardware. Special verification constructs enable the value of a probe to be read or forced remotely.

There are two probe types, Probe<T>{.firrtl} is a read-only variant and RWProbe<T>{.firrtl} is a read-write variant.


FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    output a:
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend
    output b:
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend

Probe{.firrtl} and RWProbe{.firrtl} types may be colored with a layer (see [@sec:layers]). When layer-colored, there are restrictions placed on the use of the probe. See [@sec:layer-coloring] for a description of these restrictions.

For example:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  layer A, bind:
    layer B, bind:
  public module Foo:
    output a:
      ;; snippetbegin
      Probe<UInt<8>, A.B>     ; A.B is a layer
      ;; snippetend
    output b:
      ;; snippetbegin
      RWProbe<UInt<8>, A.B>
      ;; snippetend

Probes are generally lowered to hierarchical names in Verilog. For details, see the FIRRTL ABI Specification.

For more information on probes, see [@sec:probes].

Property Types

FIRRTL property types represent information about the circuit that is not hardware. This is useful to capture domain-specific knowledge and design intent alongside the hardware description within the same FIRRTL.

Property types cannot affect hardware functionality or the hardware ABI. They cannot be used in any hardware types, including aggregates and references. They only exist to augment the hardware description with extra information.

Handling of property types is completely implementation-defined. A valid FIRRTL compiler implementation may do anything with property types as long as the existence of property types does not affect hardware functionality or the hardware ABI. For example, it is valid to drop property types from the IR completely.

Property types are legal in the following constructs:

  • Port declarations on modules and external modules

Integer Type

The Integer type represents an numeric property. It can represent arbitrary-precision signed integer values.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Example:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module Example:
    input intProp : Integer ; an input port of Integer property type
  ;; snippetend

List Type

The List type represents an ordered sequence of properties. It is parameterized by the type of its elements, which can be any legal Property type.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Example:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module Example:
    input listProp : List<Integer> ; an input port of List property type
  ;; snippetend

Connectable Types

A connectable type is one which may be the type of expressions which may participate in the connect{.firrtl} statement.

A connectable type is defined recursively:

  • unsigned integers,
  • signed integers,
  • a vector type where the element type is a connectable type,
  • bundles where each field type is a connectable type, or
  • an enumeration type

Storable Types

Stateful elements, such as registers and memories, are restricted in what types they can store. A storable type is a type which may appear as the type of a register or the element type of a memory.

A storable type is defined recursively:

  • All non-const{.firrtl} integer types are storable.
  • A non-const{.firrtl} enumeration types are storable if and only if the type of each of its variants is storable.
  • A non-const{.firrtl} vector type is storable if and only if the element type is storable.
  • A non-const{.firrtl} bundle type is storable if and only if it contains no field which is marked flip{.firrtl} and the type of each field is storable.

Passive Types

In certain contexts, the notion of flip{.firrtl} does not make sense. A passive type is a type which does not make use of flip{.firrtl}.

A passive type is defined recursively:

  • All ground types are passive.
  • All probe types are passive.
  • All property types are passive.
  • A vector type is passive if and only if the element type is passive.
  • A bundle type is passive if and only if it contains no field which is marked flip{.firrtl} and the type of each field is passive.
  • All enumeration types are passive.

Constant Types

For certain situations, it is useful to guarantee that a signal holds a value that doesn't change during simulation. For example, when a register has a reset, the reset value is required to be held constant (see [@sec:registers-with-reset]).

Ground types and aggregate types maybe marked as constant using the const{.firrtl} modifier.

For example:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    input a:
      ;; snippetbegin
      const UInt<3>
      ;; snippetend
    input b:
      ;; snippetbegin
      const SInt<8>[4]
      ;; snippetend
    input c:
      ;; snippetbegin
      const { real: UInt<32>, imag : UInt<32> }
      ;; snippetend

All integer literals are const{.firrtl}. For example, UInt<8>(42){.firrtl} has type const UInt<8>{.firrtl}.

Ports can have a const{.firrtl} type, and thus, a module may receive constant values from its parent module. This may even happen in public{.firrtl} modules, and so the value of a const{.firrtl} type need not be known statically (see [@sec:public-modules]).

Typically, primitive operations will result in a const{.firrtl} type whenever each of its inputs are const{.firrtl} (see [@sec:primitive-operations]). For example, add(x, y){.firrtl} will be const{.firrtl} if both x{.firrtl} and y{.firrtl} are const{.firrtl}.

The resulting type of a multiplexer expression, mux(s, a, b){.firrtl}, will be const{.firrtl} if all of s{.firrtl}, a{.firrtl}, and b{.firrtl} are const{.firrtl} (see [@sec:multiplexers]).

An expression of type const T{.firrtl} is implicitly upcast to type T{.firrtl} whenever it would be required to make a primitive operation, mux expression, or connect statement typecheck.

Expressions with const{.firrtl} may be used as the target of a connect statement as long as the following hold:

  • the source of the connect is const{.firrtl}
  • the conditions of all containing when{.firrtl} blocks the connect statement is nested in must have conditions of type const UInt<1>{.firrtl}
  • the subject of any containing match{.firrtl} blocks the connect statement is nested in must have a const{.firrtl} type

Constant types may not be the type of a stateful circuit components. Thus, registers are memories may not be declared with a const{.firrtl} type.

References to a subcomponent of a circuit component with a const{.firrtl} vector or bundle type results in a const{.firrtl} of the inner type.

For example:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    ;; snippetbegin
    input c : const { real : SInt<8>, imag : SInt<8> }
    ; c.real has type const SInt<8>
    ;; snippetend

Type Alias

Type aliases allow us to give names to types. This is useful for bundle types, especially when they have many fields. It is also useful for hinting at what the value represents.


FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit TypeAliasMod:
  ;; snippetbegin
  type WordType = UInt<32>
  type ValidType = UInt<1>
  type Data = { w : WordType, valid : ValidType, flip ready : UInt<1> }
  type AnotherWordType = UInt<32>
  public module TypeAliasMod:
    input in : Data
    output out : Data
    wire w : AnotherWordType
    connect w, in.w
    ; ...
  ;; snippetend

Type aliases have structural identity. In other words, when we compare two types, we expand all type aliases recursively until we are left with type expressions that have no aliases. For instance, in the above example, we can connect in.w{.firrtl} to w{.firrtl} since their types, WordType and AnotherWordType respectively, both expand to UInt<32>{.firrtl}.

The type{.firrtl} declaration is globally defined and all named types exist in the same namespace and thus must all have a unique name. Type aliases do not share the same namespace as modules; hence it is allowed for type aliases to conflict with module names.

Type Inference

FIRRTL has support for limited type inference. This comes in two flavors: Width inference and reset inference.

Width Inference

Normally, the three integer ground types are written with explicit bit widths. The bit widths are given in angle brackets, such as the 8{.firrtl} in UInt<8>{.firrtl}. This is called the uninferred variant of the type.

FIRRTL also supports an inferred variant of these types. They are written as follows:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    wire a:
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend
    wire b:
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend
    wire c:
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend

When an inferred variant of an integer ground type is used, FIRRTL will calculate the minimum width needed for it. It is an error if the minimum size cannot be calculated.

For example, the width of a multiplexer expression is the maximum of its two corresponding input widths.

The width of each primitive operation is detailed in [@sec:primitive-operations].

Reset Inference

The uninferred Reset{.firrtl} type will be inferred to either a synchronous reset UInt<1>{.firrtl} or to an asynchronous reset AsyncReset{.firrtl}.

The following example shows an inferred reset that will get inferred to a synchronous reset.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    ;; snippetbegin
    input a : UInt<1>
    wire reset : Reset
    connect reset, a
    ;; snippetend

After reset inference, reset{.firrtl} is inferred to the synchronous UInt<1>{.firrtl} type:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    ;; snippetbegin
    input a : UInt<1>
    wire reset : UInt<1>
    connect reset, a
    ;; snippetend

The following example demonstrates usage of an asynchronous reset.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    ;; snippetbegin
    input clock : Clock
    input reset : AsyncReset
    input x : UInt<8>
    regreset y : UInt<8>, clock, reset, UInt(123)
    ; ...
    ;; snippetend

Inference rules are as follows:

  1. An uninferred reset driven by and/or driving only asynchronous resets will be inferred as asynchronous reset.
  2. An uninferred reset driven by and/or driving both asynchronous and synchronous resets is an error.
  3. Otherwise, the reset is inferred as synchronous (i.e. the uninferred reset is only invalidated or is driven by or drives only synchronous resets).

Reset{.firrtl}s, whether synchronous or asynchronous, can be cast to other types. Casting between reset types is also legal:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    ;; snippetbegin
    input a : UInt<1>
    output y : AsyncReset
    output z : UInt<1>
    wire r : Reset
    connect r, a
    connect y, asAsyncReset(r)
    connect z, asUInt(y)
    ;; snippetend

See [@sec:primitive-operations] for more details on casting.

Probes and Type Inference

Given a Probe<T>{.firrtl} or RWProbe<T>{.firrtl}, the inner type T{.firrtl} may be an inferred type (see [@sec:probe-types]). The inner type T{.firrtl} will be inferred, however, they must do so in a way which does not affect the hardware.

A module with a probe with an inferred inner type must resolve all other inferred types to the same uninferred types as it would if the probe were to be removed.

Additionally, inference constraints may only flow in few restricted ways:

  • Inference constraints may flow from child to parent through its output{.firrtl} ports.
  • Inference constraints may flow from parent to child through its input{.firrtl} ports.
  • In a define{.firrtl} expression, only the right-hand side may impose inference constraints on the left-hand side.
  • Neither read{.firrtl} expressions nor force{.firrtl} statements may impose inference constraints.



The direction that signals travel across wires is determined by multiple factors: the kind of circuit component (e.g., input{.firrtl} vs output{.firrtl}), the side of a connect statement it appears on, and the presence of flip{.firrtl}s if the signal is a bundle type.

To ensure connections are meaningful when taking directionality into account, every expression in FIRRTL has a flow. The flow of an expression can be one of source, sink, or duplex.

A source expression supplies a signal and can be used to drive a circuit component. A sink expression can be driven by another expression. A duplex expression is an expression that is both a source and sink.

The rules for the flow of an expression are as follows.

If the expression is an identifier, we look at the kind of the circuit component the identifier refers to:

  • Nodes are sources.
  • Wires and registers are duplex.
  • For ports, input ports are sources and output ports are duplex.
  • Submodule instances are sources.
  • Memories are sources.

The flow of a sub-index or sub-access expression is the flow of the vector-typed expression it indexes or accesses. The flow of a sub-field expression depends upon the orientation of the field. If the field is not flipped, its flow is the same flow as the bundle-typed expression it selects its field from. If the field is flipped, then its flow is the reverse of the flow of the bundle-typed expression it selects its field from. The reverse of source is sink, and vice-versa. The reverse of duplex remains duplex.

The flow of all other expressions are source, including mux and cast.

Type Equivalence

The type equivalence relation is used to determine whether a connection between two components is legal.

An unsigned integer type is always equivalent to another unsigned integer type regardless of bit width, and is not equivalent to any other type. Similarly, a signed integer type is always equivalent to another signed integer type regardless of bit width, and is not equivalent to any other type.

Clock types are equivalent to clock types, and are not equivalent to any other type.

An uninferred Reset{.firrtl} can be connected to another Reset{.firrtl}, UInt{.firrtl} of unknown width, UInt<1>{.firrtl}, or AsyncReset{.firrtl} (see [@sec:reset-inference]). It cannot be connected to both a UInt{.firrtl} and an AsyncReset{.firrtl}.

The AsyncReset{.firrtl} type can be connected to another AsyncReset{.firrtl} or to a Reset{.firrtl}.

Two enumeration types are equivalent if both have the same number of variants, and both the enumerations' i'th variants have matching names and equivalent types.

Two vector types are equivalent if they have the same length, and if their element types are equivalent.

Two bundle types are equivalent if they have the same number of fields, and both the bundles' i'th fields have matching names and orientations, as well as equivalent types. Consequently, {a:UInt, b:UInt}{.firrtl} is not equivalent to {b:UInt, a:UInt}{.firrtl}, and {a: {flip b:UInt}}{.firrtl} is not equivalent to {flip a: {b: UInt}}{.firrtl}.

Two property types are equivalent if they are the same concrete property type.

The Connect Statement

The components of a module can be connected together using connect{.firrtl} statements.

The following example demonstrates connecting a module's input port to its output port, where port myinput{.firrtl} is connected to port myoutput{.firrtl}.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit MyModule :
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module MyModule :
    input myinput: UInt<2>
    output myoutput: UInt<2>
    connect myoutput, myinput
  ;; snippetend

In order for a connection to be legal the following conditions must hold:

  1. The types of the left-hand and right-hand side expressions must be equivalent (see [@sec:type-equivalence] for details).

  2. The flow of the left-hand side expression must be sink or duplex (see [@sec:flow] for an explanation of flow).

  3. Either the flow of the right-hand side expression is source or duplex, or the right-hand side expression has a passive type.

  4. The left-hand side and right-hand side types are not property types.

Connect statements from a narrower ground type component to a wider ground type component will have its value automatically sign-extended or zero-extended to the larger bit width. The behavior of connect statements between two circuit components with aggregate types is defined by the connection algorithm in [@sec:the-connection-algorithm].

The Connection Algorithm

Connect statements between ground types cannot be expanded further.

Connect statements between two vector typed components recursively connects each sub-element in the right-hand side expression to the corresponding sub-element in the left-hand side expression.

Connect statements between two bundle typed components connects the i'th field of the right-hand side expression and the i'th field of the left-hand side expression. If the i'th field is not flipped, then the right-hand side field is connected to the left-hand side field. Conversely, if the i'th field is flipped, then the left-hand side field is connected to the right-hand side field.

Last Connect Semantics

Ordering of connects is significant. Later connects take precedence over earlier ones. In the following example port b{.firrtl} will be connected to myport1{.firrtl}, and port a{.firrtl} will be connected to myport2{.firrtl}:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit MyModule :
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module MyModule :
    input a: UInt<5>
    input b: UInt<5>
    output myport1: UInt<5>
    output myport2: UInt<5>

    connect myport1, a
    connect myport1, b
    connect myport2, a
  ;; snippetend

Conditional statements are affected by last connect semantics. For details see [@sec:conditional-last-connect-semantics].

When a connection to a component with an aggregate type is followed by a connection to a sub-element of that same component, only the connection to the sub-element is overwritten. Connections to the other sub-elements remain unaffected. In the following example the c{.firrtl} sub-element of port portx{.firrtl} will be connected to the c{.firrtl} sub-element of myport{.firrtl}, and port porty{.firrtl} will be connected to the b{.firrtl} sub-element of myport{.firrtl}.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit MyModule :
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module MyModule :
    input portx: {b: UInt<1>, c: UInt<2>}
    input porty: UInt<1>
    output myport: {b: UInt<1>, c: UInt<2>}
    connect myport, portx
    connect myport.b, porty
  ;; snippetend

The above circuit can be rewritten as:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit MyModule:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module MyModule :
    input portx: {b: UInt<1>, c: UInt<2>}
    input porty: UInt<2>
    output myport: {b: UInt<1>, c: UInt<2>}
    connect myport.b, porty
    connect myport.c, portx.c
  ;; snippetend

When a connection to a sub-element of an aggregate component is followed by a connection to the entire circuit component, the later connection overwrites the earlier sub-element connection.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit MyModule:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module MyModule :
    input portx: {b: UInt<1>, c: UInt<2>}
    input porty: UInt<2>
    output myport: {b: UInt<1>, c: UInt<2>}
    connect myport.b, porty
    connect myport, portx
  ;; snippetend

The above circuit can be rewritten as:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit MyModule:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module MyModule :
    input portx: {b: UInt<1>, c: UInt<2>}
    input porty: UInt<1>
    output myport: {b: UInt<1>, c: UInt<2>}
    connect myport, portx
  ;; snippetend

See [@sec:references] for more details about indexing.


The invalidate{.firrtl} statement allows a circuit component to be left uninitialized or only partially initialized. The uninitialized part is left with an indeterminate value (see [@sec:indeterminate-values]).

It is specified as follows:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    ;; snippetbegin
    wire w: UInt
    invalidate w
    ;; snippetend

The following example demonstrates the effect of invalidating a variety of circuit components with aggregate types. See [@sec:the-invalidate-algorithm] for details on the algorithm for determining what is invalidated.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit MyModule :
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module MyModule :
    input in: {flip a: UInt<1>, b: UInt<2>}
    output out: {flip a: UInt<1>, b: UInt<2>}
    wire w: {flip a: UInt<1>, b: UInt<2>}
    invalidate in
    invalidate out
    invalidate w
  ;; snippetend

is equivalent to the following:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit MyModule:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module MyModule :
    input in: {flip a: UInt<1>, b: UInt<2>}
    output out: {flip a: UInt<1>, b: UInt<2>}
    wire w: {flip a: UInt<1>, b: UInt<2>}
    invalidate in.a
    invalidate out.b
    invalidate w.a
    invalidate w.b
  ;; snippetend

The handing of invalidated components is covered in [@sec:indeterminate-values].

The Invalidate Algorithm

Invalidating a component with a ground type indicates that the component's value is undetermined if the component has sink or duplex flow (see [@sec:flow]). Otherwise, the component is unaffected.

Invalidating a component with a vector type recursively invalidates each sub-element in the vector.

Invalidating a component with a bundle type recursively invalidates each sub-element in the bundle.

Components of reference and analog type are ignored, as are any reference or analog types within the component (as they cannot be connected to).

Combinational Loops

Combinational logic is a section of logic with no registers between gates. A combinational loop exists when the output of some combinational logic is fed back into the input of that combinational logic with no intervening register. FIRRTL does not support combinational loops even if it is possible to show that the loop does not exist under actual mux select values. Combinational loops are not allowed and designs should not depend on any FIRRTL transformation to remove or break such combinational loops.

The module Foo{.firrtl} has a combinational loop and is not legal, even though the loop will be removed by last connect semantics.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module Foo:
    input a: UInt<1>
    output b: UInt<1>
    connect b, b
    connect b, a
  ;; snippetend

The following module Foo2{.firrtl} has a combinational loop, even if it can be proved that n1{.firrtl} and n2{.firrtl} never overlap.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo2:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module Foo2 :
    input n1: UInt<2>
    input n2: UInt<2>
    wire tmp: UInt<1>
    wire vec: UInt<1>[3]
    connect tmp, vec[n1]
    connect vec[n2], tmp
  ;; snippetend

Module Foo3{.firrtl} is another example of an illegal combinational loop, even if it only exists at the word level and not at the bit-level.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo3:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module Foo3:
    wire a : UInt<2>
    wire b : UInt<1>
    wire c : UInt<1>

    connect a, cat(b, c)
    connect b, bits(a, 0, 0)
  ;; snippetend


The attach{.firrtl} statement is used to attach two or more analog signals, defining that their values be the same in a commutative fashion that lacks the directionality of a regular connection. It can only be applied to signals with analog type, and each analog signal may be attached zero or more times.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    ;; snippetbegin
    wire x: Analog<2>
    wire y: Analog<2>
    wire z: Analog<2>
    attach(x, y)      ; binary attach
    attach(z, y, x)   ; attach all three signals
    ;; snippetend

Property Assignments

Connections between property typed expressions (see [@sec:property-types]) are not supported in the connect{.firrtl} statement (see [@sec:connections]).

Instead, property typed expressions are assigned with the propassign{.firrtl} statement.

Property typed expressions have the normal rules for flow (see [@sec:flow]), but otherwise use a stricter, simpler algorithm than connect{.firrtl}. In order for a property assignment to be legal, the following conditions must hold:

  1. The left-hand and right-hand side expressions must be of property types.

  2. The types of the left-hand and right-hand side expressions must be the same.

  3. The flow of the left-hand side expression must be sink.

  4. The flow of the right-hand side expression must be source.

  5. The left-hand side expression may be used as the left-hand side in at most one property assignment.

  6. The property assignment must not occur within a conditional scope.

Note that property types are not legal for any expressions with duplex flow.

The following example demonstrates a property assignment from a module's input property type port to its output property type port.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Example:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module Example:
    input propIn : Integer
    output propOut : Integer
    propassign propOut, propIn
  ;; snippetend

The following example demonstrates a property assignment from a property literal expression to a module's output property type port.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Example:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module Example:
    output propOut : Integer
    propassign propOut, Integer(42)
  ;; snippetend

Empty Statement

The empty statement does nothing and is used simply as a placeholder where a statement is expected. It is specified using the skip{.firrtl} keyword.

The following example:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    output a: UInt<1>
    input b: UInt<1>
    output c: UInt<1>
    input d: UInt<1>
    ;; snippetbegin
    connect a, b
    connect c, d
    ;; snippetend

can be equivalently expressed as:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    output a: UInt<1>
    input b: UInt<1>
    output c: UInt<1>
    input d: UInt<1>
    ;; snippetbegin
    connect a, b
    connect c, d
    ;; snippetend

The empty statement is most often used as the else{.firrtl} branch in a conditional statement, or as a convenient placeholder for removed components during transformational passes. See [@sec:conditionals] for details on the conditional statement.


A register is a stateful circuit component. Reads from a register return the current value of the element, writes are not visible until after the next positive edge of the register's clock.

The clock signal for a register must be of type Clock{.firrtl}. The type of a register must be a storable type (see [@sec:storable-types]).

Registers may be declared without a reset using the reg{.firrtl} syntax and with a reset using the regreset{.firrtl} syntax.

Registers without Reset

The following example demonstrates instantiating a register with the given name myreg{.firrtl}, type SInt{.firrtl}, and is driven by the clock signal myclock{.firrtl}.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    ;; snippetbegin
    wire myclock: Clock
    reg myreg: SInt, myclock
    ; ...
    ;; snippetend

Registers with Reset

A register with a reset is declared using regreset{.firrtl}. A regreset{.firrtl} adds two expressions after the type and clock arguments: a reset signal and a reset value. The register's value is updated with the reset value when the reset is asserted. The reset signal must be a Reset{.firrtl}, UInt<1>{.firrtl}, or AsyncReset{.firrtl}, and the type of initialization value must be equivalent to the declared type of the register (see [@sec:type-equivalence] for details). If the reset signal is an AsyncReset{.firrtl}, then the reset value must be a constant type. The behavior of the register depends on the type of the reset signal. AsyncReset{.firrtl} will immediately change the value of the register. UInt<1>{.firrtl} will not change the value of the register until the next positive edge of the clock signal (see [@sec:reset-types]). Reset{.firrtl} is an abstract reset whose behavior depends on reset inference. In the following example, myreg{.firrtl} is assigned the value myinit{.firrtl} when the signal myreset{.firrtl} is high.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    ;; snippetbegin
    wire myclock: Clock
    wire myreset: UInt<1>
    wire myinit: SInt
    regreset myreg: SInt, myclock, myreset, myinit
    ; ...
    ;; snippetend

A register is initialized with an indeterminate value (see [@sec:indeterminate-values]).


Conditional statements define one or more blocks, each with an associated condition. These blocks contain other statements (including nested conditional statements). The behavior of the contained statements is affected by the conditions associated to the blocks containing them.

Conditional Statements

FIRRTL provides several kinds of conditional statements.

When Statements

When statements define a condition and two conditional blocks: a "then" block and an "else" block. The condition must be a 1-bit unsigned integer type. Statements within the "then" block are conditionally executed when the condition is true. Statements within the "else" block are conditionally executed when the condition is false. Statements within blocks are executed using the rules in [@sec:conditional-execution].

In the following example, the wire x{.firrtl} is connected to the input a{.firrtl} only when the en{.firrtl} signal is high. Otherwise, the wire x{.firrtl} is connected to the input b{.firrtl}.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit MyModule:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module MyModule :
    input a: UInt<3>
    input b: UInt<3>
    input en: UInt<1>
    wire x: UInt
    when en :
      connect x, a
    else :
      connect x, b
  ;; snippetend

Syntactic Shorthands

The else{.firrtl} branch of a conditional statement may be omitted, in which case a default else{.firrtl} branch is supplied consisting of the empty statement.

Thus the following example:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit MyModule:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module MyModule :
    input a: UInt<3>
    input b: UInt<3>
    input en: UInt<1>
    wire x: UInt
    when en :
      connect x, a
  ;; snippetend

can be equivalently expressed as:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit MyModule:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module MyModule :
    input a: UInt<3>
    input b: UInt<3>
    input en: UInt<1>
    wire x: UInt
    when en :
      connect x, a
    else :
  ;; snippetend

To aid readability of long chains of conditional statements, the colon following the else{.firrtl} keyword may be omitted if the else{.firrtl} branch consists of a single conditional statement.

Thus the following example:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit MyModule:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module MyModule :
    input a: UInt<3>
    input b: UInt<3>
    input c: UInt<3>
    input d: UInt<3>
    input c1: UInt<1>
    input c2: UInt<1>
    input c3: UInt<1>
    wire x: UInt
    when c1 :
      connect x, a
    else :
      when c2 :
        connect x, b
      else :
        when c3 :
          connect x, c
        else :
          connect x, d
  ;; snippetend

can be equivalently written as:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit MyModule:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module MyModule :
    input a: UInt<3>
    input b: UInt<3>
    input c: UInt<3>
    input d: UInt<3>
    input c1: UInt<1>
    input c2: UInt<1>
    input c3: UInt<1>
    wire x: UInt
    when c1 :
      connect x, a
    else when c2 :
      connect x, b
    else when c3 :
      connect x, c
    else :
      connect x, d
  ;; snippetend

To additionally aid readability, a conditional statement where the contents of the when{.firrtl} branch consist of a single line may be combined into a single line. If an else{.firrtl} branch exists, then the else{.firrtl} keyword must be included on the same line.

The following statement:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    output a: UInt<1>
    input b: UInt<1>
    input c: UInt<1>
    output e: UInt<1>
    input f: UInt<1>
    ;; snippetbegin
    when c :
      connect a, b
    else :
      connect e, f
    ;; snippetend

can have the when{.firrtl} keyword, the when{.firrtl} branch, and the else{.firrtl} keyword expressed as a single line:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    output a: UInt<1>
    input b: UInt<1>
    input c: UInt<1>
    output e: UInt<1>
    input f: UInt<1>
    ;; snippetbegin
    when c : connect a, b else :
      connect e, f
    ;; snippetend

The else{.firrtl} branch may also be added to the single line:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    output a: UInt<1>
    input b: UInt<1>
    input c: UInt<1>
    output e: UInt<1>
    input f: UInt<1>
    ;; snippetbegin
    when c : connect a, b else : connect e, f
    ;; snippetend

Match Statements

Match statements define blocks whose statements are executed when the value of an enumeration typed expression is equal to an enumeration variant. Statements within blocks are executed using the rules in [@sec:conditional-execution]. A match statement must exhaustively test every variant of an enumeration. An optional binder may be specified to extract the data of the variant.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    input x: {|some: UInt<1>, none|}
    output a: UInt<1>
    output e: UInt<1>
    output f: UInt<1>
    ;; snippetbegin
    match x:
        connect a, v
        connect e, f
    ;; snippetend

Conditional Execution

Statements that appear in a conditional block behave differently based on the type of statement and on the conditions of the blocks containing it.

For connections (see [@sec:connections]), appearing inside of a conditional block affects whether or not the connect executes. The sink of a connect operator will correspond to a circuit component declared earlier in the module. We consider the conditions associated to the blocks of all conditional blocks which contain the connect statement, but which do not contain the declaration of the circuit component. We call this set of conditions the interleaving conditions of the connect. Whenever we determine the last connect semantics (see [@sec:last-connect-semantics]) for that component, if each of the interleaving conditions is true, then that connect is executed.

For commands (see [@sec:commands]), we instead consider the conditions associated with each containing conditional block.

For hardware component declarations, conditional blocks have no effect.

These semantics may cause different behavior for trivial inlining (substitution of an instantiation's module body in place of the instantiation). A register in a conditional block and an instantiation in a conditional block where the instantiated module contains a register will execute the same after a trivial inlining. A command in a conditional block and a module instantiation in a conditional block where the instantiated module contains a command will not execute the same after a trivial inlining. In this latter case, the command is not conditional before trivial inlining and conditional after trivial inlining.

Initialization Coverage

Because of the conditional statement, it is possible to syntactically express circuits containing wires that have not been connected to under all conditions.

In the following example, the wire a{.firrtl} is connected to the wire w{.firrtl} when en{.firrtl} is high, but it is not specified what is connected to w{.firrtl} when en{.firrtl} is low.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit MyModule:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module MyModule :
  input en: UInt<1>
  input a: UInt<3>
  wire w: UInt
  when en :
    connect w, a
  ;; snippetend

This is an illegal FIRRTL circuit and an error will be thrown during compilation. All wires, memory ports, instance ports, and module ports that can be connected to must be connected to under all conditions. Registers do not need to be connected to under all conditions, as it will keep its previous value if unconnected.

Declarations within Conditional Blocks

The names of circuit components declared within conditional blocks must be unique within their module's namespace (see [@sec:namespaces]). Circuit components declared within condition blocks may only be referred to within that block.

The behavior is also a bit non-intuitive at first. This differs from the behavior in most programming languages, where variables in a local scope can shadow variables declared outside that scope. Additionally, while the names exist in the module's namespace, those names cannot be used outside of the block which they are declared.

Conditional Last Connect Semantics

In the case where a connection to a circuit component is followed by a conditional statement containing a connection to the same component, the connection is overwritten only when the condition holds. Intuitively, a multiplexer is generated such that when the condition is low, the multiplexer returns the old value, and otherwise returns the new value. For details about the multiplexer, see [@sec:multiplexers].

The following example:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    ;; snippetbegin
    wire a: UInt
    wire b: UInt
    wire c: UInt<1>
    wire w: UInt
    connect w, a
    when c :
      connect w, b
    ;; snippetend

can be rewritten equivalently using a multiplexer as follows:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    ;; snippetbegin
    wire a: UInt
    wire b: UInt
    wire c: UInt<1>
    wire w: UInt
    connect w, mux(c, b, a)
    ;; snippetend

Because invalid statements assign indeterminate values to components, a FIRRTL Compiler is free to choose any specific value for an indeterminate value when resolving last connect semantics. E.g., in the following circuit w{.firrtl} has an indeterminate value when c{.firrtl} is false.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    ;; snippetbegin
    wire a: UInt
    wire c: UInt<1>
    wire w: UInt
    invalidate w
    when c :
      connect w, a
    ;; snippetend

A FIRRTL compiler is free to optimize this to the following circuit by assuming that w{.firrtl} takes on the value of a{.firrtl} when c{.firrtl} is false.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    ;; snippetbegin
    wire a: UInt
    wire c: UInt<1>
    wire w: UInt
      connect w, a
    ;; snippetend

See [@sec:indeterminate-values] for more information on indeterminate values.

The behavior of conditional connections to circuit components with aggregate types can be modeled by first expanding each connect into individual connect statements on its ground elements (see [@sec:the-connection-algorithm] for the connection algorithm) and then applying the conditional last connect semantics.

For example, the following snippet:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    ;; snippetbegin
    wire x: {a: UInt, b: UInt}
    wire y: {a: UInt, b: UInt}
    wire c: UInt<1>
    wire w: {a: UInt, b: UInt}
    connect w, x
    when c :
      connect w, y
    ;; snippetend

can be rewritten equivalently as follows:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    ;; snippetbegin
    wire x: {a:UInt, b:UInt}
    wire y: {a:UInt, b:UInt}
    wire c: UInt<1>
    wire w: {a:UInt, b:UInt}
    connect w.a, mux(c, y.a, x.a)
    connect w.b, mux(c, y.b, x.b)
    ;; snippetend

Similar to the behavior of aggregate types under last connect semantics (see [@sec:last-connect-semantics]), the conditional connects to a sub-element of an aggregate component only generates a multiplexer for the sub-element that is overwritten.

For example, the following snippet:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    ;; snippetbegin
    wire x: {a: UInt, b: UInt}
    wire y: UInt
    wire c: UInt<1>
    wire w: {a: UInt, b: UInt}
    connect w, x
    when c :
      connect w.a, y
    ;; snippetend

can be rewritten equivalently as follows:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    ;; snippetbegin
    wire x: {a: UInt, b: UInt}
    wire y: UInt
    wire c: UInt<1>
    wire w: {a: UInt, b: UInt}
    connect w.a, mux(c, y, x.a)
    connect w.b, x.b
    ;; snippetend

Memory Instances

A memory is an abstract representation of a hardware memory. It is characterized by the following parameters.

  1. A storable type representing the type of each element in the memory (see [@sec:storable-types]).

  2. A positive integer literal representing the number of elements in the memory.

  3. A variable number of named ports, each being a read port, a write port, or readwrite port.

  4. A non-negative integer literal indicating the read latency, which is the number of cycles after setting the port's read address before the corresponding element's value can be read from the port's data field.

  5. A positive integer literal indicating the write latency, which is the number of cycles after setting the port's write address and data before the corresponding element within the memory holds the new value.

  6. A read-under-write flag indicating the behavior when a memory location is written to while a read to that location is in progress.

Integer literals for the number of elements and the read/write latencies may not be radix-encoded integer literals.

The following example demonstrates instantiating a memory containing 256 complex numbers, each with 16-bit signed integer fields for its real and imaginary components. It has two read ports, r1{.firrtl} and r2{.firrtl}, and one write port, w{.firrtl}. It is combinationally read (read latency is zero cycles) and has a write latency of one cycle. Finally, its read-under-write behavior is undefined.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    ;; snippetbegin
    mem mymem :
      data-type => {real:SInt<16>, imag:SInt<16>}
      depth => 256
      reader => r1
      reader => r2
      writer => w
      read-latency => 0
      write-latency => 1
      read-under-write => undefined
    ;; snippetend

In the example above, the type of mymem{.firrtl} is:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    wire mymem:
      ;; snippetbegin
      {flip r1: {addr: UInt<8>,
                 en: UInt<1>,
                 clk: Clock,
                 flip data: {real: SInt<16>, imag: SInt<16>}},
       flip r2: {addr: UInt<8>,
                 en: UInt<1>,
                 clk: Clock,
                 flip data: {real: SInt<16>, imag: SInt<16>}},
       flip w:  {addr: UInt<8>,
                 en: UInt<1>,
                 clk: Clock,
                 data: {real: SInt<16>, imag: SInt<16>},
                 mask: {real: UInt<1>, imag: UInt<1>}}}
      ;; snippetend

The following sections describe how a memory's field types are calculated and the behavior of each type of memory port.

Read Ports

If a memory is declared with element type T{.firrtl}, has a size less than or equal to $2^N$, then its read ports have type:

{addr: UInt<N>, en: UInt<1>, clk: Clock, flip data: T}

If the en{.firrtl} field is high, then the element value associated with the address in the addr{.firrtl} field can be retrieved by reading from the data{.firrtl} field after the appropriate read latency. If the en{.firrtl} field is low, then the value in the data{.firrtl} field, after the appropriate read latency, is undefined. The port is driven by the clock signal in the clk{.firrtl} field.

Write Ports

If a memory is declared with element type T{.firrtl}, has a size less than or equal to $2^N$, then its write ports have type:

{addr: UInt<N>, en: UInt<1>, clk: Clock, data: T, mask: M}

where M{.firrtl} is the mask type calculated from the element type T{.firrtl}. Intuitively, the mask type mirrors the aggregate structure of the element type except with all ground types replaced with a single bit unsigned integer type. The non-masked portion of the data value is defined as the set of data value leaf sub-elements where the corresponding mask leaf sub-element is high.

If the en{.firrtl} field is high, then the non-masked portion of the data{.firrtl} field value is written, after the appropriate write latency, to the location indicated by the addr{.firrtl} field. If the en{.firrtl} field is low, then no value is written after the appropriate write latency. The port is driven by the clock signal in the clk{.firrtl} field.

Readwrite Ports

Finally, the readwrite ports have type:

{addr: UInt<N>, en: UInt<1>, clk: Clock, flip rdata: T, wmode: UInt<1>,
 wdata: T, wmask: M}

A readwrite port is a single port that, on a given cycle, can be used either as a read or a write port. If the readwrite port is not in write mode (the wmode{.firrtl} field is low), then the rdata{.firrtl}, addr{.firrtl}, en{.firrtl}, and clk{.firrtl} fields constitute its read port fields, and should be used accordingly. If the readwrite port is in write mode (the wmode{.firrtl} field is high), then the wdata{.firrtl}, wmask{.firrtl}, addr{.firrtl}, en{.firrtl}, and clk{.firrtl} fields constitute its write port fields, and should be used accordingly.

Read Under Write Behavior

The read-under-write flag indicates the value held on a read port's data{.firrtl} field if its memory location is written to while it is reading. The flag may take on three settings: old{.firrtl}, new{.firrtl}, and undefined{.firrtl}.

If the read-under-write flag is set to old{.firrtl}, then a read port always returns the value existing in the memory on the same cycle that the read was requested.

Assuming that a combinational read always returns the value stored in the memory (no write forwarding), then intuitively, this is modeled as a combinational read from the memory that is then delayed by the appropriate read latency.

If the read-under-write flag is set to new{.firrtl}, then a read port always returns the value existing in the memory on the same cycle that the read was made available. Intuitively, this is modeled as a combinational read from the memory after delaying the read address by the appropriate read latency.

If the read-under-write flag is set to undefined{.firrtl}, then the value held by the read port after the appropriate read latency is undefined.

For the purpose of defining such collisions, an "active write port" is a write port or a readwrite port that is used to initiate a write operation on a given clock edge, where en{.firrtl} is set and, for a readwriter, wmode{.firrtl} is set. An "active read port" is a read port or a readwrite port that is used to initiate a read operation on a given clock edge, where en{.firrtl} is set and, for a readwriter, wmode{.firrtl} is not set. Each operation is defined to be "active" for the number of cycles set by its corresponding latency, starting from the cycle where its inputs were provided to its associated port. Note that this excludes combinational reads, which are simply modeled as combinationally selecting from stored values.

For memories with independently clocked ports, a collision between a read operation and a write operation with independent clocks is defined to occur when the address of an active write port and the address of an active read port are the same for overlapping clock periods, or when any portion of a read operation overlaps part of a write operation with a matching addresses. In such cases, the data that is read out of the read port is undefined.

Write Under Write Behavior

In all cases, if a memory location is written to by more than one port on the same cycle, the stored value is undefined.

Constant memory type

A memory with a constant data-type represents a ROM and may not have write-ports. It is beyond the scope of this specification how ROMs are initialized.

Submodule Instances

FIRRTL modules are instantiated with the instance statement. The following example demonstrates creating an instance named myinstance{.firrtl} of the MyModule{.firrtl} module within the top level module Top{.firrtl}.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
;; snippetbegin
circuit Top :
  module MyModule :
    input a: UInt
    output b: UInt
    connect b, a
  public module Top :
    inst myinstance of MyModule
;; snippetend

The resulting instance has a bundle type. Each port of the instantiated module is represented by a field in the bundle with the same name and type as the port. The fields corresponding to input ports are flipped to indicate their data flows in the opposite direction as the output ports. The myinstance{.firrtl} instance in the example above has type {flip a:UInt, b:UInt}{.firrtl}.

Modules have the property that instances can always be inlined into the parent module without affecting the semantics of the circuit.

To disallow infinitely recursive hardware, modules cannot contain instances of itself, either directly, or indirectly through instances of other modules it instantiates.



The stop statement is used to halt simulations of the circuit. Backends are free to generate hardware to stop a running circuit for the purpose of debugging, but this is not required by the FIRRTL specification.

A stop statement requires a clock signal, a halt condition signal that has a single bit unsigned integer type, and an integer exit code.

For clocked statements that have side effects in the environment (stop, print, and verification statements), the order of execution of any such statements that are triggered on the same clock edge is determined by their syntactic order in the enclosing module. The order of execution of clocked, side-effect-having statements in different modules or with different clocks that trigger concurrently is undefined.

The stop statement has an optional name attribute which can be used to attach metadata to the statement. The name is part of the module level namespace. However it can never be used in a reference since it is not of any valid type.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    ;; snippetbegin
    wire clk: Clock
    wire halt: UInt<1>
    stop(clk, halt, 42) : optional_name
    ;; snippetend

Formatted Prints

The formatted print statement is used to print a formatted string during simulations of the circuit. Backends are free to generate hardware that relays this information to a hardware test harness, but this is not required by the FIRRTL specification.

A printf{.firrtl} statement requires a clock signal, a print condition signal, a format string, and a variable list of argument signals. The condition signal must be a single bit unsigned integer type, and the argument signals must each have a ground type.

For information about execution ordering of clocked statements with observable environmental side effects, see [@sec:stops].

The printf{.firrtl} statement has an optional name attribute which can be used to attach metadata to the statement. The name is part of the module level namespace. However it can never be used in a reference since it is not of any valid type.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    ;; snippetbegin
    wire clk: Clock
    wire cond: UInt<1>
    wire a: UInt
    wire b: UInt
      clk, cond, "a in hex: %x, b in decimal:%d.\n", a, b
    ) : optional_name
    ;; snippetend

On each positive clock edge, when the condition signal is high, the printf{.firrtl} statement prints out the format string where its argument placeholders are substituted with the value of the corresponding argument.

Format Strings

Format strings support the following argument placeholders:

  • %b : Prints the argument in binary

  • %d : Prints the argument in decimal

  • %x : Prints the argument in hexadecimal

  • %% : Prints a single % character

Format strings support the following escape characters:

  • \n : New line

  • \t : Tab

  • \\ : Back slash

  • \" : Double quote

  • \' : Single quote


To facilitate simulation, model checking and formal methods, there are three non-synthesizable verification statements available: assert, assume and cover. Assert and assume statements require a clock signal, a predicate signal, an enable signal, a format string and a variable list of argument signals. Cover statement requires a clock signal, a predicate signal, an enable signal, and a string literal. The predicate and enable signals must have single bit unsigned integer type. Assert and assume statement may print the format string as an explanatory message where its argument placeholders are substituted. See [@sec:format-strings] for information about format strings. For cover statements the string indicates a suggested comment. When an assert or assume is violated the explanatory message may be issued as guidance. The explanatory message may be phrased as if prefixed by the words "Verifies that...".

Backends are free to generate the corresponding model checking constructs in the target language, but this is not required by the FIRRTL specification. Backends that do not generate such constructs should issue a warning. For example, the SystemVerilog emitter produces SystemVerilog assert, assume and cover statements, but the Verilog emitter does not and instead warns the user if any verification statements are encountered.

For information about execution ordering of clocked statements with observable environmental side effects, see [@sec:stops].

Any verification statement has an optional name attribute which can be used to attach metadata to the statement. The name is part of the module level namespace. However it can never be used in a reference since it is not of any valid type.


The assert statement verifies that the predicate is true on the rising edge of any clock cycle when the enable is true. In other words, it verifies that enable implies predicate. When the predicate is false, the assert statement may print out the format string where its argument placeholders are substituted.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    wire X: UInt<1>
    wire Y: UInt<1>
    wire Z_valid: UInt<1>
    ;; snippetbegin
    wire clk: Clock
    wire pred: UInt<1>
    wire en: UInt<1>
    connect pred, eq(X, Y)
    connect en, Z_valid
      clk, pred, en, "X equals Y when Z is valid but got X=%d Y=%d", X, Y
    ) : optional_name
    ;; snippetend


The assume statement directs the model checker to disregard any states where the enable is true and the predicate is not true at the rising edge of the clock cycle. In other words, it reduces the states to be checked to only those where enable implies predicate is true by definition. In simulation, assume is treated as an assert. When the predicate is false in simulation, the assume statement may print out the format string where its argument placeholders are substituted.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    wire X: UInt<1>
    wire Y: UInt<1>
    wire Z_valid: UInt<1>
    ;; snippetbegin
    wire clk: Clock
    wire pred: UInt<1>
    wire en: UInt<1>
    connect pred, eq(X, Y)
    connect en, Z_valid
      clk, pred, en, "X equals Y when Z is valid but got X=%d Y=%d", X,
    ) : optional_name
    ;; snippetend


The cover statement verifies that the predicate is true on the rising edge of some clock cycle when the enable is true. In other words, it directs the model checker to find some way to make both enable and predicate true at some time step. The string argument may be emitted as a comment with the cover.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    wire X: UInt<1>
    wire Y: UInt<1>
    wire Z_valid: UInt<1>
    ;; snippetbegin
    wire clk: Clock
    wire pred: UInt<1>
    wire en: UInt<1>
    connect pred, eq(X, Y)
    connect en, Z_valid
    cover(clk, pred, en, "X equals Y when Z is valid") : optional_name
    ;; snippetend

Intrinsic Statements

Intrinsics may be used as statements. If the intrinsic has a return type, it is unused. See [@sec:intrinsics].

Layer Blocks

The layerblock{.firrtl} keyword declares a layer block and associates it with a layer. Statements inside a layer block are only executed when the associated layer is enabled.

A layer block must be associated with a layer declared in the current circuit. A layer block forms a lexical scope (as with [@sec:declarations-within-conditional-blocks]) for all identifiers declared inside it---statements and expressions in a layer block may use identifiers declared outside the layer block, but identifiers declared in the layer block may not be used in parent lexical scopes. The statements in a layer block are restricted in what identifiers they are allowed to drive. A statement in a layer block may drive no sinks declared outside the layer block with one exception: a statement in a layer block may drive reference types declared outside the layer block if the reference types are associated with the layer in which the statement is declared (see: [@sec:probe-types]).

The circuit below contains one layer, Bar. Module Foo contains a layer block that creates a node computed from a port defined in the scope of Foo.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
;; snippetbegin
circuit Foo:
  ; Declaration of layer Bar with convention "bind"
  layer Bar, bind:

  public module Foo:
    input a: UInt<1>

    ; Declaration of a layer block associated with layer Bar
    ; inside module Foo
    layerblock Bar:
      node notA = not(a)
;; snippetend

Multiple layer blocks may reference the same layer declaration. Each layer block is a new lexical scope even if they reference the same declaration. The circuit below shows module Foo having two layer blocks both referencing layer Bar. The first layer block may not reference node c. The second layer block may not reference node b.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
;; snippetbegin
circuit Foo:
  layer Bar, bind:

  public module Foo:
    input a: UInt<1>

    layerblock Bar: ; First layer block
      node b = a

    layerblock Bar: ; Second layer block
      node c = a
;; snippetend

Layers may be nested. Layers are declared with the layer{.firrtl} keyword indented under an existing layer{.firrtl} keyword. The circuit below contains four layers, three of which are nested. Bar is the top-level layer. Baz and Qux are nested under Bar. Quz is nested under Qux.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
;; snippetbegin
circuit Foo:
  layer Bar, bind:
    layer Baz, bind:
    layer Qux, bind:
      layer Quz, bind:
;; snippetend
  public module Foo:

Layer block nesting must match the nesting of declared layers. Layer blocks are declared under existing layer blocks with the layerblock{.firrtl} keyword indented under an existing layerblock{.firrtl} keyword. For the four layers in the circuit above, the following is a legal nesting of layerblocks:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  layer Bar, bind:
    layer Baz, bind:
    layer Qux, bind:
      layer Quz, bind:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module Foo:
    input a: UInt<1>

    layerblock Bar:
      node notA = not(a)
      layerblock Baz:
      layerblock Qux:
        layerblock Quz:
          node notNotA = not(notA)
  ;; snippetend

Statements in a layer block may only read from ports or declarations of the current module, the current layer, or a parent layer---statements in a layer block may not drive components declared outside the layer block except reference types associated with the same layer block. In the above example, notA is accessible in the layer block associated with Quz because notA is declared in a parent layer block.

In the example below, module Baz defines a layer block associated with layer Bar. Module Baz has an output port, _a, that is also associated with layer Bar. This port can then be driven from the layer block. In module Foo, the port may be read from inside the layer block. Stated differently, module Baz has an additional port _a that is only accessible in a layer block associated with Bar.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
;; snippetbegin
circuit Foo:
  layer Bar, bind:

  module Baz:
    output _a: Probe<UInt<1>, Bar>

    wire a: UInt<1>

    layerblock Bar:
      node notA = not(a)
      define _a = probe(notA)

  public module Foo:

    inst baz of Baz

    layerblock Bar:
      node _b = read(baz._a)
;; snippetend

If a port is associated with a nested layer then a period is used to indicate the nesting. E.g., the following circuit has a port associated with the nested layer Bar.Baz:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
;; snippetbegin
circuit Foo:
  layer Bar, bind:
    layer Baz, bind:

  public module Foo:
    output a: Probe<UInt<1>, Bar.Baz>
;; snippetend

Layer blocks will be compiled to modules whose ports are derived from what they capture from their visible scope. For full details of the way layers are compiled, see the FIRRTL ABI specification.


Probes are a feature which facilitate graybox testing of FIRRTL modules.

Probes allow modules to expose circuit components contained inside of them. Given a probe, you can use it to read the value of the circuit component it references. For read-writeable probes, you can also force it, causing it to take on a specified value.

Since they are intended for verification, ports with a probe type do not necessarily result in physical hardware.


There are two probe types, Probe<T>{.firrtl} is a read-only variant and RWProbe<T>{.firrtl} is a read-write variant. Probes may be layer-colored. See [@sec:probe-types] for more information.

Layer Coloring

Probe types may be colored with a layer (see [@sec:layers]). A layer-colored probe type places restrictions on the operations which use it.

An operation may only "read" from a probe whose layer color is enabled when the operation is enabled. An operation that "writes" to a probe must be in a block whose layer color is enabled when the probe's layer color is enabled.

The probe{.firrtl} and rwprobe{.firrtl} Expressions

Given a reference to a circuit component, you can capture it in a probe with probe{.firrtl} for a read-only probe or with rwprobe{.firrtl} for a read-writeable probe.

The define{.firrtl} Statement

Since neither Probe<T>{.firrtl} nor RWProbe<T>{.firrtl} is a connectable type ([@sec:connectable-types]), circuit components with these types cannot be connected to. Instead, we use the define{.firrtl} statement to route probes through a FIRRTL circuit.

The define{.firrtl} statement works similarly to connect{.firrtl}, but it has special interactions with conditional statements ([@sec:conditionals]). define{.firrtl} statements may appear within conditional blocks, and when they do, they may refer to circuit components defined in a local scope. However, define{.firrtl} are not subject to last connect semantics, and the define{.firrtl} statement is always and unconditionally in effect.

All probes in a module definition must be initialized with a define{.firrtl} statement.

Here is an example of a module which uses define{.firrtl} to pass a number of probes to its ports:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Refs:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module Refs:
    input clock:  Clock
    ; read-only ref. to wire 'p'
    output a : Probe<{x: UInt<1>, y: UInt<2>}>
    ; force-able ref. to node 'q', inferred width.
    output b : RWProbe<UInt<1>>
    output c : Probe<UInt<3>> ; read-only ref. to register 'r'
    output d : Probe<Clock> ; ref. to input clock port

    wire p : {x: UInt<1>, flip y : UInt<2>}
    define a = probe(p) ; probe is passive
    wire q: UInt<1>
    connect q, UInt<1>(0)
    define b = rwprobe(q)
    reg r: UInt<3>, clock
    define c = probe(r)
    define d = probe(clock)
  ;; snippetend

The target may also be a subcomponent of a circuit component:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module Foo:
    input x : UInt<3>
    output y : { x: UInt<3>, p: Probe<UInt<3>> }
    output z : Probe<UInt<3>>[2]

    wire w : UInt<3>
    connect w, x
    connect y.x, w

    define y.p = probe(w)
    define z[0] = probe(w)
    define z[1] = probe(w)
  ;; snippetend

The read{.firrtl} Expressions

Both Probe{.firrtl} and RWProbe{.firrtl} may be read from using the read{.firrtl} expression.

Keep in mind that probes are intended for verification and aren't intended to be synthesizable. A read{.firrtl} expression can reach arbitrarily far into the module hierarchy to read from a distant circuit component, which is arguably unphysical at worst and potentially expensive at best.


A RWProbe{.firrtl} may be forced using the force{.firrtl} and force_initial{.firrtl} commands. When you force a component, it will ignore all other drivers and take on the value supplied by the force statement instead. The release{.firrtl} and release_initial{.firrtl} statements end the forcing, reconnecting the circuit component to its usual driver.

Like read{.firrtl}, the force statements are verification constructs.

Name Arguments Argument Types
force_initial (ref, val) (RWProbe<T>{.firrtl}, T)
release_initial (ref) (RWProbe<T>{.firrtl})
force (clock, condition, ref, val) (Clock{.firrtl}, UInt<1>{.firrtl}, RWProbe<T>{.firrtl}, T)
release (clock, condition, ref) (Clock{.firrtl}, UInt<1>{.firrtl}, RWProbe<T>{.firrtl})

Backends optionally generate corresponding constructs in the target language, or issue an warning.

The following AddRefs{.firrtl} module is used in the examples that follow for each construct.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit AddRefs:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module AddRefs:
    output a : RWProbe<UInt<2>>
    output b : RWProbe<UInt<2>>
    output c : RWProbe<UInt<2>>
    output sum : UInt<3>

    wire x: UInt<2>
    connect x, UInt<2>(0)
    wire y: UInt<2>
    connect y, UInt<2>(0)
    wire z: UInt<2>
    connect z, UInt<2>(0)
    connect sum, add(x, add(y, z))

    define a = rwprobe(x)
    define b = rwprobe(y)
    define c = rwprobe(z)
  ;; snippetend

Initial Force and Initial Release

These variants force and release continuously:


FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit ForceAndRelease:
  module AddRefs:
    output a : RWProbe<UInt<2>>
    output b : RWProbe<UInt<2>>
    output c : RWProbe<UInt<2>>
    output sum : UInt<3>

    wire x: UInt<2>
    connect x, UInt<2>(0)
    wire y: UInt<2>
    connect y, UInt<2>(0)
    wire z: UInt<2>
    connect z, UInt<2>(0)
    connect sum, add(x, add(y, z))

    define a = rwprobe(x)
    define b = rwprobe(y)
    define c = rwprobe(z)
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module ForceAndRelease:
    output o : UInt<3>

    inst r of AddRefs
    connect o, r.sum

    force_initial(r.a, UInt<2>(0))
    force_initial(r.a, UInt<2>(1))
    force_initial(r.b, UInt<2>(2))
    force_initial(r.c, UInt<2>(3))
  ;; snippetend

In this example, the output o{.firrtl} will be 3. Note that globally the last force statement overrides the others until another force or release including the target.

Sample SystemVerilog output for the force and release statements would be:

module Foo();
  wire [1:0] x, y, z;
module ForceAndRelease();
  Foo AddRefs();
// snippetbegin
initial begin
  force ForceAndRelease.AddRefs.x = 2'd0;
  force ForceAndRelease.AddRefs.x = 2'd1;
  force ForceAndRelease.AddRefs.y = 2'd2;
  force ForceAndRelease.AddRefs.z = 2'd3;
  release ForceAndRelease.AddRefs.z;
// snippetend

The force_initial{.firrtl} and release_initial{.firrtl} statements may occur under when{.firrtl} blocks which becomes a check of the condition first. Note that this condition is only checked once and changes to it afterwards are irrelevant, and if executed the force will continue to be active. For more control over their behavior, the other variants should be used. Example:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    input c: UInt<1>
    wire ref: RWProbe<UInt<1>>
    wire x: UInt<1>
    ;; snippetbegin
    when c : force_initial(ref, x)
    ;; snippetend

would become:

module A();
  wire b;
module Foo(
  input c,
  input x
  A a();
// snippetbegin
initial if (c) force Foo.a.b = x;
// snippetend

Force and Release

These more detailed variants allow specifying a clock and condition for when activating the force or release behavior continuously:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit ForceAndRelease:
  module AddRefs:
    output a : RWProbe<UInt<2>>
    output b : RWProbe<UInt<2>>
    output c : RWProbe<UInt<2>>
    output sum : UInt<3>

    wire x: UInt<2>
    connect x, UInt<2>(0)
    wire y: UInt<2>
    connect y, UInt<2>(0)
    wire z: UInt<2>
    connect z, UInt<2>(0)
    connect sum, add(x, add(y, z))

    define a = rwprobe(x)
    define b = rwprobe(y)
    define c = rwprobe(z)
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module ForceAndRelease:
    input a: UInt<2>
    input clock : Clock
    input cond : UInt<1>
    output o : UInt<3>

    inst r of AddRefs
    connect o, r.sum

    force(clock, cond, r.a, a)
    release(clock, not(cond), r.a)
  ;; snippetend

Which at the positive edge of clock{.firrtl} will either force or release AddRefs.x{.firrtl}. Note that once active, these remain active regardless of the condition, until another force or release.

Sample SystemVerilog output:

module AddRefs();
  wire x;
module ForceAndRelease(
  input clock,
  input cond,
  input a
AddRefs AddRefs();
// snippetbegin
always @(posedge clock) begin
  if (cond)
    force ForceAndRelease.AddRefs.x = a;
    release ForceAndRelease.AddRefs.x;
// snippetend

Condition is checked in procedural block before the force, as shown above. When placed under when{.firrtl} blocks, condition is mixed in as with other statements (e.g., assert{.firrtl}).

Non-Passive Force Target

Force on a non-passive bundle drives in the direction of each field's orientation.


FIRRTL version 4.0.0
;; snippetbegin
circuit Top:
  public module Top:
    input x : {a: UInt<2>, flip b: UInt<2>}
    output y : {a: UInt<2>, flip b: UInt<2>}

    inst d of DUT
    connect d.x, x
    connect y, d.y

    wire val : {a: UInt<2>, b: UInt<2>}
    connect val.a, UInt<2>(1)
    connect val.b, UInt<2>(2)

    ; Force takes a RWProbe and overrides the target with 'val'.
    force_initial(d.xp, val)

  module DUT :
    input x : {a: UInt<2>, flip b: UInt<2>}
    output y : {a: UInt<2>, flip b: UInt<2>}
    output xp : RWProbe<{a: UInt<2>, b: UInt<2>}>

    ; Force drives p.a, p.b, y.a, and x.b, but not y.b and x.a
    wire p : {a: UInt<2>, flip b: UInt<2>}
    define xp = rwprobe(p)
    connect p, x
    connect y, p
;; snippetend


RWProbe{.firrtl} with Aggregate Types

Probes of aggregates do not work under all ABI versions. In these cases, it is recommended that if you have a need to probe a bundle, you instead use a bundle of probes, each targeting an individual subcomponent.

For more information on the how probes are lowered, see the FIRRTL ABI Specification.

No RWProbe{.firrtl}s of Ports on Public Modules

Conceptually, in order to force a value onto a circuit component, you need to be able to disconnect it from its former driver. However, the driver of a port is another port in some other module. And so, to force a port, you must have control over both "ends" of a port.

Trouble arises with ports on a public module ([@sec:public-modules]). Since we don't control the remote side of ports (since they might live in another FIRRTL file), we cannot force these ports either. For this reason, it is an error to use rwprobe{.firrtl} on any port on a public module.

Input Ports

Probes may not be inputs to modules.


FIRRTL expressions are used for creating constant integers, for creating literal property type expressions, for referencing a circuit component, for statically and dynamically accessing a nested element within a component, for creating multiplexers, for performing primitive operations, for reading a remote reference to a probe, and for intrinsics ([@sec:intrinsics]).

Constant Integer Expressions

A constant unsigned or signed integer expression can be created from an integer literal or radix-specified integer literal. An optional positive bit width may be specified. Constant integer expressions are of constant type. All of the following examples create a 10-bit unsigned constant integer expressions representing the number 42:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    node a =
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend
    node b =
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend
    node c =
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend
    node d =
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend
    node e =
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend

Note that it is an error to supply a bit width that is not large enough to fit the given value. If the bit width is omitted, then the minimum number of bits necessary to fit the given value will be inferred. All of the following will infer a bit width of five:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    node a =
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend
    node b =
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend
    node c =
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend
    node d =
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend
    node e =
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend

Signed constant integer expressions may be created from a signed integer literal or signed radix-encoded integer literal. All of the following examples create a 10-bit signed hardware integer representing the number -42:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    node a =
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend
    node b =
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend
    node c =
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend
    node d =
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend
    node e =
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend

Signed constant integer expressions may also have an inferred width. All of the following examples create and infer a 6-bit signed integer with value -42:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    node a =
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend
    node b =
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend
    node c =
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend
    node d =
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend
    node e =
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend

Property Literal Expressions

A literal property type expression can be created for a given property type. The property type name is followed by an appropriate literal value for the property type, enclosed in parentheses.

Integer Property Literal Expresssions

A literal Integer property type expression can be created from an integer literal. The following examples show literal Integer property type expressions.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    output a: Integer
    output b: Integer

    propassign a,
    ;; snippetbegin
    ;; snippetend
    propassign b,
    ;; snippetbegin
    ;; snippetend

Enum Expressions

An enumeration can be constructed by applying an enumeration type to a variant tag and a data value expression. The data value expression may be omitted when the data type is UInt<0>(0){.firrtl}, where it is implicitly defined to be UInt<0>(0){.firrtl}.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    node z =
      ;; snippetbegin
      {|a, b, c|}(a)
      ;; snippetend
    wire x: UInt<8>
    node y =
      ;; snippetbegin
      {|some: UInt<8>, none|}(some, x)
      ;; snippetend


A multiplexer outputs one of two input expressions depending on the value of an unsigned selection signal.

The following example connects to the c{.firrtl} port the result of selecting between the a{.firrtl} and b{.firrtl} ports. The a{.firrtl} port is selected when the sel{.firrtl} signal is high, otherwise the b{.firrtl} port is selected.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit MyModule:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module MyModule :
    input a: UInt<3>
    input b: UInt<3>
    input sel: UInt<1>
    output c: UInt<3>
    connect c, mux(sel, a, b)
  ;; snippetend

A multiplexer expression is legal only if the following holds.

  1. The type of the selection signal is an unsigned integer.

  2. The width of the selection signal is any of:

    1. Zero-bit

    2. One-bit

    3. Unspecified, but is illegal if infers to wider than one-bit

  3. The types of the two input expressions are equivalent.

  4. The types of the two input expressions are passive (see [@sec:passive-types]).

Primitive Operations {#sec:expressions:primitive-operations}

All fundamental operations on ground types are expressed as a FIRRTL primitive operation. In general, each operation takes some number of argument expressions, along with some number of integer literal parameters.

The general form of a primitive operation is expressed as follows:

op(arg0, arg1, ..., argn, int0, int1, ..., intm)

The following examples of primitive operations demonstrate adding two expressions, a{.firrtl} and b{.firrtl}, shifting expression a{.firrtl} left by 3 bits, selecting the fourth bit through and including the seventh bit in the a{.firrtl} expression, and interpreting the expression x{.firrtl} as a Clock typed signal.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    wire a: UInt<8>
    wire b: UInt<8>
    node c =
      ;; snippetbegin
      add(a, b)
      ;; snippetend
    node d =
      ;; snippetbegin
      shl(a, 3)
      ;; snippetend
    node e =
      ;; snippetbegin
      bits(a, 7, 4)
      ;; snippetend
    wire x: UInt<1>
    node f =
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend

[@sec:primitive-operations] will describe the format and semantics of each primitive operation.

Primitive Property Operations {#sec:expressions:primitive-property-operations}

All fundamental operations on property types are expressed as a FIRRTL primitive operation. In general, each operation takes some number of property type expressions as arguments.

The general form of a primitive property operation is expressed as follows:

op(arg0, arg1, ..., argn)

The following examples of primitive property operations demonstrate adding two property expressions, a and b, and adding an integer property literal to expression a.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    input a: Integer
    input b: Integer
    output c: Integer
    output d: Integer
    propassign c,
      ;; snippetbegin
      integer_add(a, b)
      ;; snippetend
    propassign d,
      ;; snippetbegin
      integer_add(a, Integer(2))
      ;; snippetend

[@sec:primitive-property-operations] will describe the format and semantics of each primitive property operation.

Reading Probe References

Probes are read using the read{.firrtl} operation.

Read expressions have source flow and can be connected to other components:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Bar:
  ;; snippetbegin
  module Foo :
    output p : Probe<UInt>
    ; ...

  public module Bar :
    output x : UInt<3>

    inst f of Foo
    connect x, read(f.p) ; indirectly access the probed data
  ;; snippetend

Indexing statically (sub-field, sub-index) into a probed value is allowed as part of the read:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Bar:
  ;; snippetbegin
  module Foo :
    output p : Probe<{a: UInt, b: UInt}>
    ; ...

  public module Bar :
    output x : UInt<3>

    inst f of Foo
    connect x, read(f.p.b) ; indirectly access the probed data
  ;; snippetend

Read operations can be used anywhere a signal of the same underlying type can be used, such as the following:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    output x: UInt<2>
    wire f: Probe<{p: { a: UInt<1>, b: UInt<1> }}>
    ;; snippetbegin
    connect x, add(read(f.p).a, read(f.p).b)
    ;; snippetend

The source of the probe must reside at or below the point of the read{.firrtl} expression in the design hierarchy.


Probe references are generated with probe expressions.

The probe expression creates a reference to a read-only or force-able view of the data underlying the specified reference expression.

The type of the produced probe reference is always passive, but the probed expression may not be. Memories and their ports are not supported as probe targets.

There are two probe varieties: probe{.firrtl} and rwprobe{.firrtl} for producing probes of type Probe{.firrtl} and RWProbe{.firrtl}, respectively.

The following example exports a probe reference to a port:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit MyModule:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module MyModule :
    input in: UInt<5>
    output r : Probe<UInt<5>>

    define r = probe(in)
  ;; snippetend

The probed expression must be a static reference.

See [@sec:probe-types; @sec:probe] for more details on probe references and their use.


All modules in a circuit exist in the same module namespace, and thus must all have a unique name.

Each module has an identifier namespace containing the names of all port and circuit component declarations. Thus, all declarations within a module must have unique names.

Within a bundle type declaration, all field names must be unique.

Within a memory declaration, all port names must be unique.

Any modifications to names must preserve the uniqueness of names within a namespace.


Intrinsics are expressions and statements which represent implementation-defined, compiler-provided functionality.

Intrinsics generally are used for functionality which requires knowledge of the implementation or circuit not available to a library writer. Which intrinsics are supported by an implementation is defined by the implementation.

Intrinsics first specify the intrinsic: the name of the intrinsic, any parameters, and return type if applicable. Any inputs to the intrinsic follow. An implementation shall type-check the specification and all operands.

Below are some examples of intrinsics. These are for demonstration and their meaning or validity is determined by the implementation.

The following shows an intrinsic expression for the intrinsic named "circt_ltl_delay" with two parameters, returns UInt<1>{.firrtl}, and has one operand.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo :
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module Foo :
    input in : UInt<1>

    node d = intrinsic(circt_ltl_delay<delay = 1, length = 0> : UInt<1>, in)
  ;; snippetend

The following has an intrinsic statement with an intrinsic expression as its operand. The statement is for the intrinsic named "circt_verif_assert". The expression is for the intrinsic named "circt_isX" which returns a UInt<1>{.firrtl} and takes an operand.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo :
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module Foo :
    input data : UInt<5>

    intrinsic(circt_verif_assert, intrinsic(circt_isX: UInt<1>, data))
  ;; snippetend

Operands and the return type of intrinsics must be passive and either ground or aggregate. When used as an expression, the intrinsic must have a return type. The types of intrinsic module parameters may only be literal integers or string literals.


Annotations encode arbitrary metadata and associate it with zero or more targets ([@sec:targets]) in a FIRRTL circuit.

Annotations are represented as a dictionary, with a required "class" field which describes which annotation it is. An annotation has an optional "target" field which represents the IR object it is attached to. Annotations may have arbitrary additional fields attached. Some annotation classes extend other annotations, which effectively means that the subclass annotation implies to effect of the parent annotation.

Annotations are serializable to JSON.

Below is an example annotation used to mark some module foo{.firrtl}:


Below is an example of an annotation which does not have a target:



A circuit is described, stored, and optimized in a folded representation. For example, there may be multiple instances of a module which will eventually become multiple physical copies of that module on the die.

Targets are a mechanism to identify specific hardware in specific instances of modules in a FIRRTL circuit. A target consists of a root module, an optional instance hierarchy, and an optional reference. A target can only identify hardware with a name, e.g., a module, instance, register, wire, or node. References may further refer to specific fields or subindices in aggregates. A target with no instance hierarchy is local. A target with an instance hierarchy is non-local.

Targets use a shorthand syntax of the form:

target = module , [ { “/” (instance) “:” (module) } , [ “>” , ref ] ]

A reference is a name inside a module and one or more qualifying tokens that encode subfields (of a bundle) or subindices (of a vector):

ref = name , { ( "[" , index , "]" ) | ( "." , field ) }

Targets are specific enough to refer to any specific module in a folded, unfolded, or partially folded representation.

To show some examples of what these look like, consider the following example circuit. This consists of four instances of module Baz{.firrtl}, two instances of module Bar{.firrtl}, and one instance of module Foo{.firrtl}:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
;; snippetbegin
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    inst a of Bar
    inst b of Bar
  module Bar:
    inst c of Baz
    inst d of Baz
  module Baz:
;; snippetend

This circuit can be represented in a folded, completely unfolded, or in some partially folded state. Figure [@fig:foo-folded] shows the folded representation. Figure [@fig:foo-unfolded] shows the completely unfolded representation where each instance is broken out into its own module.

A folded representation of circuit Foo{#fig:foo-folded width="15%"}

A completely unfolded representation of circuit Foo{#fig:foo-unfolded}

Using targets (or multiple targets), any specific module, instance, or combination of instances can be expressed. Some examples include:

Target Description
Foo refers to module Foo{.firrtl} (or the only instance of module Foo{.firrtl})
Bar refers to module Bar{.firrtl} (or both instances of module Bar{.firrtl})
Foo/a:Bar refers just to one instance of module Bar{.firrtl}
Foo/b:Bar/c:Baz refers to one instance of module Baz{.firrtl}
Bar/d:Baz refers to two instances of module Baz{.firrtl}

If a target does not contain an instance path, it is a local target. A local target points to all instances of a module. If a target contains an instance path, it is a non-local target. A non-local target may not point to all instances of a module. Additionally, a non-local target may have an equivalent local target representation.

Annotation Storage

Annotations may be stored in one or more JSON files using an array-of-dictionaries format. The following shows a valid annotation file containing two annotations:


Annotations may also be stored in-line along with the FIRRTL circuit by wrapping Annotation JSON in %[ ... ]{.firrtl}. The following shows the above annotation file stored in-line:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
;; snippetbegin
circuit Foo: %[[
  module Baz :
  module Bar :
  public module Foo :
;; snippetend

Any legal JSON is allowed, meaning that the above JSON may be stored "minimized" all on one line.

Semantics of Values

FIRRTL is defined for 2-state boolean logic. The behavior of a generated circuit in a language, such as Verilog or VHDL, which have multi-state logic, is undefined in the presence of values which are not 2-state. A FIRRTL compiler need only respect the 2-state behavior of a circuit. This is a limitation on the scope of what behavior is observable (i.e., a relaxation of the "as-if" rule).

Indeterminate Values

An indeterminate value represents a value which is unknown or unspecified. Indeterminate values are generally implementation defined, with constraints specified below. An indeterminate value may be assumed to be any specific value (not necessarily literal), at an implementation's discretion, if, in doing so, all observable behavior is as if the indeterminate value always took the specific value.

This allows transformations such as the following, where when a{.firrtl} has an indeterminate value, the implementation chooses to consistently give it a value of v{.firrtl}. An alternate, legal mapping, lets the implementation give it the value 42{.firrtl}. In both cases, there is no visibility of a{.firrtl} when it has an indeterminate value which is not mapped to the value the implementation chooses.

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit IValue:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module IValue :
    output o : UInt<8>
    input c : UInt<1>
    input v : UInt<8>

    wire a : UInt<8>
    invalidate a
    when c :
      connect a, v
    connect o, a
  ;; snippetend

is transformed to:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit IValue:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module IValue :
    output o : UInt<8>
    input c : UInt<1>
    input v : UInt<8>

    connect o, v
  ;; snippetend

Note that it is equally correct to produce:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit IValue:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module IValue :
    output o : UInt<8>
    input c : UInt<1>
    input v : UInt<8>

    wire a : UInt<8>
    when c :
      connect a, v
    else :
      connect a, UInt<8>(0h42)
    connect o, a
  ;; snippetend

The behavior of constructs which cause indeterminate values is implementation defined with the following constraints.

  • Register initialization is done in a consistent way for all registers. If code is generated to randomly initialize some registers (or 0 fill them, etc), it should be generated for all registers.
  • All observations of a unique instance of an expression with indeterminate value must see the same value at runtime. Multiple readers of a value will see the same runtime value.
  • Indeterminate values captured in stateful elements are not time-varying. Time-aware constructs, such as registers, which hold an indeterminate value will return the same runtime value unless something changes the value in a normal way. For example, an uninitialized register will return the same value over multiple clock cycles until it is written (or reset).
  • The value produced at runtime for an expression which produced an intermediate value shall only be a function of the inputs of the expression. For example, an out-of-bounds vector access shall produce the same value for a given out-of-bounds index and vector contents.
  • Two constructs with indeterminate values place no constraint on the identity of their values. For example, two uninitialized registers, which therefore contain indeterminate values, do not need to be equal under comparison.

FIRRTL Compiler Implementation Details

This section provides auxiliary information necessary for developers of a FIRRTL Compiler implementation. A FIRRTL Compiler is a program that converts FIRRTL text to another representation, e.g., Verilog, VHDL, a programming language, or a binary program.

Module Conventions

A module's convention describes how its ports are lowered to the output format, and serves as a kind of ABI for modules.

The "Scalarized" Convention

The scalarized convention lowers aggregate ports to ground values. The scalarized convention should be the default convention for "public" modules, such as the top module of a circuit, "device under test", or an extmodule.

The lowering algorithm for the scalarized convention operates as follows:

  1. Ports are scalarized in the order they are declared.

  2. Ground-typed ports' names are unmodified.

  3. Vector-typed ports are scalarized to ground-typed ports by appending a suffix, _<i>, to the i^th^ element of the vector. Elements are scalarized recursively, depth-first, and left-to-right.

  4. Bundle-typed ports are scalarized to ground-typed ports by appending a suffix, _<name>, to the field called name. Fields are scalarized recursively, depth-first, and left-to-right.

E.g., consider the following port:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Top:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module Top :
    input a : { b: UInt<1>, c: UInt<2> }[2]
  ;; snippetend

Scalarization breaks a into the following ports:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Top:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module Top :
    input a_0_b : UInt<1>  ; a[0].b
    input a_0_c : UInt<2>  ; a[0].c
    input a_1_b : UInt<1>  ; a[1].b
    input a_1_c : UInt<2>  ; a[1].c
  ;; snippetend

The body of a module definition introduces a new, empty namespace. As new port names are added, these names must be unique with respect to this namespace. In the case of a collision during renaming, priority will be given to values that are converted first.

If a name is already taken, that name will be made unique by appending a suffix _<i> to the name, where i is the lowest nonnegative integer that gives a unique name.

E.g., consider the following ports:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Top:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module Top :
    input a : { b: UInt<1>[2], b_0: UInt<2>, b_1: UInt<3> }
    input a_b : UInt<4>[2]
    input a_b_0 : UInt<5>
  ;; snippetend

Scalarization breaks these ports into the following ports:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Top:
  ;; snippetbegin
  public module Top :
    input a_b_0: UInt<1>    ; a.b[0]
    input a_b_1: UInt<1>    ; a.b[1]
    input a_b_0_0: UInt<2>  ; a.b_0
    input a_b_1_0: UInt<3>  ; a.b_1
    input a_b_0_1: UInt<4>  ; a_b[0]
    input a_b_1_1: UInt<4>  ; a_b[1]
    input a_b_0_2: UInt<5>  ; a_b_0
  ;; snippetend

Named components in the body of a module will be renamed as needed to ensure port names follow this convention.

The "Internal" Convention

Private modules (i.e. modules that are not the top of a circuit, device under test, or an extmodule) have no specified ABI. The compiler is free to transform the ports of a private module in any way, or not at all. Private modules are said to have "internal" convention.

Primitive Operations {#primitive-operations}

The arguments of all primitive operations must be expressions with ground types, while their parameters are integer literals. Each specific operation can place additional restrictions on the number and types of their arguments and parameters. Primitive operations may have all their arguments of constant type, in which case their return type is of constant type. If the operation has a mixed constant and non-constant arguments, the result is non-constant.

Notationally, the width of an argument e is represented as we.

Add Operation

Name Arguments Parameters Arg Types Result Type Result Width
add (e1,e2) () (UInt,UInt) UInt max(we1,we2)+1
(SInt,SInt) SInt max(we1,we2)+1

The add operation result is the sum of e1 and e2 without loss of precision.

Subtract Operation

Name Arguments Parameters Arg Types Result Type Result Width
sub (e1,e2) () (UInt,UInt) UInt max(we1,we2)+1
(SInt,SInt) SInt max(we1,we2)+1

The subtract operation result is e2 subtracted from e1, without loss of precision.

Multiply Operation

Name Arguments Parameters Arg Types Result Type Result Width
mul (e1,e2) () (UInt,UInt) UInt we1+we2
(SInt,SInt) SInt we1+we2

The multiply operation result is the product of e1 and e2, without loss of precision.

Divide Operation

Name Arguments Parameters Arg Types Result Type Result Width
div (num,den) () (UInt,UInt) UInt wnum
(SInt,SInt) SInt wnum+1

The divide operation divides num by den, truncating the fractional portion of the result. This is equivalent to rounding the result towards zero. The result of a division where den is zero is undefined.

Modulus Operation

Name Arguments Parameters Arg Types Result Type Result Width
rem (num,den) () (UInt,UInt) UInt min(wnum,wden)
(SInt,SInt) SInt min(wnum,wden)

The modulus operation yields the remainder from dividing num by den, keeping the sign of the numerator. Together with the divide operator, the modulus operator satisfies the relationship below:

num = add(mul(den,div(num,den)),rem(num,den))}

Comparison Operations

Name Arguments Parameters Arg Types Result Type Result Width
eq,neq (e1,e2) () (UInt,UInt) UInt 1
(SInt,SInt) UInt 1
Name Arguments Parameters Arg Types Result Type Result Width
lt,leq (e1,e2) () (UInt,UInt) UInt 1
(SInt,SInt) UInt 1
Name Arguments Parameters Arg Types Result Type Result Width
gt,geq (e1,e2) () (UInt,UInt) UInt 1
(SInt,SInt) UInt 1

The comparison operations return an unsigned 1 bit signal with value one if e1 is less than (lt), less than or equal to (leq), greater than (gt), greater than or equal to (geq), equal to (eq), or not equal to (neq) e2. The operation returns a value of zero otherwise.

Padding Operations

Name Arguments Parameters Arg Types Result Type Result Width
pad (e) (n) (UInt) UInt max(we,n)
(SInt) SInt max(we,n)

If e's bit width is smaller than n, then the pad operation zero-extends or sign-extends e up to the given width n. Otherwise, the result is simply e. n must be non-negative.

Interpret As UInt

Name Arguments Parameters Arg Types Result Type Result Width
asUInt (e) () (UInt) UInt we
(SInt) UInt we
(Clock) UInt 1
(Reset) UInt 1
(AsyncReset) UInt 1

The interpret as UInt operation reinterprets e's bits as an unsigned integer.

Interpret As SInt

Name Arguments Parameters Arg Types Result Type Result Width
asSInt (e) () (UInt) SInt we
(SInt) SInt we
(Clock) SInt 1
(Reset) SInt 1
(AsyncReset) SInt 1

The interpret as SInt operation reinterprets e's bits as a signed integer according to two's complement representation.

Interpret as Clock

Name Arguments Parameters Arg Types Result Type Result Width
asClock (e) () (UInt) Clock n/a
(SInt) Clock n/a
(Clock) Clock n/a
(Reset) Clock n/a
(AsyncReset) Clock n/a

The result of the interpret as clock operation is the Clock typed signal obtained from interpreting a single bit integer as a clock signal.

Interpret as AsyncReset

Name Arguments Parameters Arg Types Result Type Result Width
asAsyncReset (e) () (AsyncReset) AsyncReset n/a
(UInt) AsyncReset n/a
(SInt) AsyncReset n/a
(Interval) AsyncReset n/a
(Clock) AsyncReset n/a
(Reset) AsyncReset n/a

The result of the interpret as asynchronous reset operation is an AsyncReset typed signal.

Shift Left Operation

Name Arguments Parameters Arg Types Result Type Result Width
shl (e) (n) (UInt) UInt we+n
(SInt) SInt we+n

The shift left operation concatenates n zero bits to the least significant end of e. n must be non-negative.

Shift Right Operation

Name Arguments Parameters Arg Types Result Type Result Width
shr (e) (n) (UInt) UInt max(we-n, 0)
(SInt) SInt max(we-n, 1)

The shift right operation truncates the least significant n bits from e. If n is greater than or equal to the bit-width of e, the resulting value will be zero for unsigned types and the sign bit for signed types. n must be non-negative.

Dynamic Shift Left Operation

Name Arguments Parameters Arg Types Result Type Result Width
dshl (e1, e2) () (UInt, UInt) UInt we1 + 2^we2 - 1
(SInt, UInt) SInt we1 + 2^we2 - 1

The dynamic shift left operation shifts the bits in e1 e2 places towards the most significant bit. e2 zeroes are shifted in to the least significant bits.

Dynamic Shift Right Operation

Name Arguments Parameters Arg Types Result Type Result Width
dshr (e1, e2) () (UInt, UInt) UInt we1
(SInt, UInt) SInt we1

The dynamic shift right operation shifts the bits in e1 e2 places towards the least significant bit. e2 signed or zeroed bits are shifted in to the most significant bits, and the e2 least significant bits are truncated.

Arithmetic Convert to Signed Operation

Name Arguments Parameters Arg Types Result Type Result Width
cvt (e) () (UInt) SInt we+1
(SInt) SInt we

The result of the arithmetic convert to signed operation is a signed integer representing the same numerical value as e.

Negate Operation

Name Arguments Parameters Arg Types Result Type Result Width
neg (e) () (UInt) SInt we+1
(SInt) SInt we+1

The result of the negate operation is a signed integer representing the negated numerical value of e.

Bitwise Complement Operation

Name Arguments Parameters Arg Types Result Type Result Width
not (e) () (UInt) UInt we
(SInt) UInt we

The bitwise complement operation performs a logical not on each bit in e.

Binary Bitwise Operations

Name Arguments Parameters Arg Types Result Type Result Width
and,or,xor (e1, e2) () (UInt,UInt) UInt max(we1,we2)
(SInt,SInt) UInt max(we1,we2)

The above bitwise operations perform a bitwise and, or, or exclusive or on e1 and e2. The result has the same width as its widest argument, and any narrower arguments are automatically zero-extended or sign-extended to match the width of the result before performing the operation.

Bitwise Reduction Operations

Name Arguments Parameters Arg Types Result Type Result Width
andr,orr,xorr (e) () (UInt) UInt 1
(SInt) UInt 1

The bitwise reduction operations correspond to a bitwise and, or, and exclusive or operation, reduced over every bit in e.

In all cases, the reduction incorporates as an inductive base case the "identity value" associated with each operator. This is defined as the value that preserves the value of the other argument: one for and (as $x \wedge 1 = x$), zero for or (as $x \vee 0 = x$), and zero for xor (as $x \oplus 0 = x$). Note that the logical consequence is that the and-reduction of a zero-width expression returns a one, while the or- and xor-reductions of a zero-width expression both return zero.

Concatenate Operation

Name Arguments Parameters Arg Types Result Type Result Width
cat (e1,e2) () (UInt, UInt) UInt we1+we2
(SInt, SInt) UInt we1+we2

The result of the concatenate operation is the bits of e1 concatenated to the most significant end of the bits of e2.

Bit Extraction Operation

Name Arguments Parameters Arg Types Result Type Result Width
bits (e) (hi,lo) (UInt) UInt hi-lo+1
(SInt) UInt hi-lo+1

The result of the bit extraction operation are the bits of e between lo (inclusive) and hi (inclusive). hi must be greater than or equal to lo. Both hi and lo must be non-negative and strictly less than the bit width of e. The index of the least significant bit is 0 and the index of the most significant bit is one less than the width of the argument.


Name Arguments Parameters Arg Types Result Type Result Width
head (e) (n) (UInt) UInt n
(SInt) UInt n

The result of the head operation are the n most significant bits of e. n must be non-negative and less than or equal to the bit width of e.


Name Arguments Parameters Arg Types Result Type Result Width
tail (e) (n) (UInt) UInt we-n
(SInt) UInt we-n

The tail operation truncates the n most significant bits from e. n must be non-negative and less than or equal to the bit width of e.

Primitive Property Operations {#primitive-property-operations}

The arguments of all primitive property operations must be expressions with property types. Each specific operation can place additional restrictions on the number and types of their arguments. In general, primitive property operations are named with a prefix indicating the property type on which they operate.

Integer Arithmetic

Integer arithmetic operations take Integer{.firrtl} property type expressions as arguments and return an Integer{.firrtl} property type result.

Integer Add Operation

Name Arguments Arg Types Result Type

integer_add (e1,e2) (Integer,Integer) Integer

The add operation result is the arbitrary precision signed integer arithmetic sum of e1 and e2.

Integer Multiply Operation

Name Arguments Arg Types Result Type

integer_mul (e1,e2) (Integer,Integer) Integer

The multiply operation result is the arbitrary precision signed integer arithmetic product of e1 and e2.

Integer Shift Right Operation

Name Arguments Arg Types Result Type

integer_shr (e1,e2) (Integer,Integer) Integer

The shift right operation result is the arbitrary precision signed integer arithmetic shift right of e1 by e2. e2 sign bits from e1 are shifted into the most significant bits, and the e2 least significant bits of e1 are truncated. e2 must be non-negative.

Integer Shift Left Operation

Name Arguments Arg Types Result Type

integer_shl (e1,e2) (Integer,Integer) Integer

The shift left operation result is the arbitrary precision signed integer arithmetic shift left of e1 by e2. e2 zero bits are shifted into the least significant bits of e1, and the e2 most significant bits of e1 are truncated. e2 must be non-negative.

List Operations

List operations create List{.firrtl} property type expressions from other property expressions.

List Construction Operation

Name Arguments Arg Types Result Type

List<t> (e*) (t*) List<t>

The list construction operation constructs a List{.firrtl} property type expression of a given element type. The List{.firrtl} constructor is parameterized by element type t, and accepts zero or more property type expressions e of type t.

List Concatenation Operation

Name Arguments Arg Types Result Type

list_concat (e+) (t+) List<t>

The list concatenation operation constructs a List{.firrtl} property type expression by concatenating one or more lists of the same element type t.

Notes on Syntax

FIRRTL's syntax is designed to be human-readable but easily algorithmically parsed.

FIRRTL allows for two types of identifiers:

  1. Identifiers
  2. Literal Identifiers

Identifiers may only have the following characters: upper and lower case letters, digits, and _{.firrtl}. Identifiers cannot begin with a digit.

Literal identifiers allow for using an expanded set of characters in an identifier. Such an identifier is encoded using leading and trailing backticks, `{.firrtl}. A literal identifier has the same restrictions as an identifier, but it is allowed to start with a digit. E.g., it is legal to use `0`{.firrtl} as a literal identifier in a Bundle field (or anywhere else an identifier may be used).

A FIRRTL compiler is allowed to change a literal identifier to a legal identifier in the target language (e.g., Verilog) if the literal identifier is not directly representable in the target language.

Comments begin with a semicolon and extend until the end of the line.

In FIRRTL, indentation is significant. Indentation must consist of spaces only---tabs are illegal characters. The number of spaces appearing before a FIRRTL IR statement is used to establish its indent level. Statements with the same indent level have the same context. The indent level of the circuit{.firrtl} declaration must be zero.

Certain constructs (circuit{.firrtl}, module{.firrtl}, when{.firrtl}, and else{.firrtl}) create a new sub-context. The indent used on the first line of the sub-context establishes the indent level. The indent level of a sub-context is one higher than the parent. All statements in the sub-context must be indented by the same number of spaces. To end the sub-context, a line must return to the indent level of the parent.

Since conditional statements (when{.firrtl} and else{.firrtl}) may be nested, it is possible to create a hierarchy of indent levels, each with its own number of preceding spaces that must be larger than its parent's and consistent among all direct child statements (those that are not children of an even deeper conditional statement).

As a concrete guide, a few consequences of these rules are summarized below:

  • The circuit{.firrtl} keyword must not be indented.

  • All module{.firrtl} keywords must be indented by the same number of spaces.

  • In a module, all port declarations and all statements (that are not children of other statements) must be indented by the same number of spaces.

  • The number of spaces comprising the indent level of a module is specific to each module.

  • The statements comprising a conditional statement's branch must be indented by the same number of spaces.

  • The statements of nested conditional statements establish their own, deeper indent level.

  • Each when{.firrtl} and each else{.firrtl} context may have a different number of non-zero spaces in its indent level.

As an example illustrating some of these points, the following is a legal FIRRTL circuit:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
;; snippetbegin
circuit Foo :
    public module Foo :
    module Bar :
     input a: UInt<1>
     output b: UInt<1>
     when a:
         connect b, a
       connect b, not(a)
;; snippetend

All circuits, modules, ports and statements can optionally be followed with the info token @[fileinfo]{.firrtl} where fileinfo is a string containing the source file information from where it was generated. The following characters need to be escaped with a leading '\': '\n' (new line), '\t' (tab), ']' and '\' itself.

The following example shows the info tokens included:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
;; snippetbegin
circuit Top : @[myfile.txt 14:8]
  public module Top : @[myfile.txt 15:2]
    output out: UInt<3> @[myfile.txt 16:3]
    input b: UInt<32> @[myfile.txt 17:3]
    input c: UInt<1> @[myfile.txt 18:3]
    input d: UInt<16> @[myfile.txt 19:3]
    wire a: UInt<2> @[myfile.txt 21:8]
    when c : @[myfile.txt 24:8]
      connect a, b @[myfile.txt 27:16]
    else :
      connect a, d @[myfile.txt 29:17]
    connect out, add(a,a) @[myfile.txt 34:4]
;; snippetend


FIRRTL has both integer, string, and raw string literals.

An integer literal is a signed or unsigned decimal integer. The following are examples of integer literals:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    node a = UInt<8>(
    ;; snippetbegin
    ;; snippetend
    node b = SInt<15>(
    ;; snippetbegin
    ;; snippetend

A string literal is a sequence of characters with a leading "{.firrtl} and a trailing "{.firrtl}. The following is an example of a string literal:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  extmodule Foo:
    parameter a =
    ;; snippetbegin
    ;; snippetend

A raw string literal is a sequence of characters with a leading '{.firrtl} and a trailing '{.firrtl}. The following is an example of a raw string literal:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  extmodule Foo:
    parameter a =
    ;; snippetbegin
    ;; snippetend

A radix-specified integer literal is a special integer literal with one of the following leading characters to indicate the numerical encoding:

  • 0b{.firrtl} -- for representing binary numbers
  • 0o{.firrtl} -- for representing octal numbers
  • 0d{.firrtl} -- for representing decimal numbers
  • 0h{.firrtl} -- for representing hexadecimal numbers

Signed radix-specified integer literals have their sign before the leading encoding character.

The following string-encoded integer literals all have the value 42:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    node a = UInt<6>(
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend
    node b = UInt<6>(
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend
    node c = UInt<6>(
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend
    node d = UInt<6>(
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend

The following string-encoded integer literals all have the value -42:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo:
  public module Foo:
    node a = SInt<7>(
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend
    node b = SInt<7>(
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend
    node c = SInt<7>(
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend
    node d = SInt<7>(
      ;; snippetbegin
      ;; snippetend

Radix-specified integer literals are only usable when constructing hardware integer literals. Any use in place of an integer is disallowed.



(* Circuit Definition *)
circuit =
  version , newline ,
  "circuit" , id , ":" , [ annotations ] , [ info ] , newline , indent ,
    { decl } ,
  dedent ;

(* Top-level Declarations *)
decl =
  | decl_extmodule
  | decl_layer
  | decl_formal
  | decl_type_alias ;

decl_module =
  [ "public" ], "module" , id , { enablelayer } , ":" , [ info ] ,
    newline , indent ,
    { port , newline } ,
    { statement , newline } ,
  dedent ;

decl_extmodule =
  "extmodule" , id , ":" , [ info ] , newline , indent ,
    { port , newline } ,
    [ "defname" , "=" , id , newline ] ,
    { "parameter" , id , "=" , type_param , newline } ,
  dedent ;

decl_layer =
  "layer" , id , string , ":" , [ info ] , newline , indent ,
  { decl_layer , newline } ,
  dedent ;

decl_formal =
  "formal" , id , "of" , id , "," , "bound" , "=" , int;

decl_type_alias = "type", id, "=", type ;

port = ( "input" | "output" ) , id , ":" , (type | type_property) , [ info ] ;
type_param = int | string_dq | string_sq ;
type_property = "Integer" | "List" , "<" , type_property , ">";

(* Statements *)
statement =
  | connectlike
  | conditional
  | command
  | layerblock
  | skip ;

(* Circuit Components *)
circuit_component =
  | circuit_component_wire
  | circuit_component_reg
  | circuit_component_inst
  | circuit_component_mem ;

circuit_component_node = "node" , id , "=" , expr , [ info ] ;
circuit_component_wire = "wire" , id , ":" , type , [ info ] ;
circuit_component_inst = "inst" , id , "of" , id , [ info ] ;

circuit_component_reg =
    "reg" , id , ":" , type , "," , expr , [ info ]
  | "regreset" , id , ":" , type , "," , expr , "," , expr , "," , expr , [info] ;

circuit_component_mem =
  "mem" , id , ":" , [ info ] , newline , indent ,
    "data-type" , "=>" , type , newline ,
    "depth" , "=>" , int , newline ,
    "read-latency" , "=>" , int , newline ,
    "write-latency" , "=>" , int , newline ,
    "read-under-write" , "=>" , read_under_write , newline ,
    { "reader" , "=>" , id , newline } ,
    { "writer" , "=>" , id , newline } ,
    { "readwriter" , "=>" , id , newline } ,
  dedent ;

read_under_write =  "old" | "new" | "undefined" ;

(* Connect-like Statements *)
connectlike =
    "connect" , reference , "," , expr , [ info ]
  | "invalidate" , reference , [ info ]
  | "attach" , "(" , reference , { "," ,  reference } , ")" , [ info ]
  | "define" , reference_static , "=" , expr_probe , [ info ]
  | "propassign" , reference_static , "," , property_expr , [ info ] ;

(* Conditional Statements *)
conditional =
  | conditional_match ;

conditional_when =
  "when" , expr , ":" [ info ] , newline ,
    indent , statement, { statement } , dedent ,
  [ "else" , ":" , indent , statement, { statement } , dedent ] ;

conditional_match =
  "match" , expr , ":" , [ info ] , newline ,
  [ indent , { conditional_match_branch } , dedent ] ;

conditional_match_branch =
  id , [ "(" , id , ")" ] , ":" , newline ,
  [ indent , { statement } , dedent ] ;

(* Command Statements *)
command =
    "stop" , "(" , expr , "," , expr , "," , int , ")" , [ info ]
  | "force" , "(" , expr , "," , expr , "," , expr_probe , "," , expr , ")"
  | "force_initial" , "(" , expr_probe , "," , expr , ")"
  | "release" , "(" , expr , "," , expr , "," , expr_probe , ")"
  | "release_initial" , "(" , expr_probe , ")"
  | expr_intrinsic , [ info ]
  | "printf" , "(" ,
        expr , "," ,
        expr , "," ,
        string_dq ,
        { "," , expr }
    , ")" ,
    [ ":" , id ] , [ info ]
  | "assert" , "(" ,
        expr , "," ,
        expr , "," ,
        expr , "," ,
        string_dq ,
        { "," , expr }
    , ")" ,
    [ ":" , id ] , [ info ]
  | "assume" , "(" ,
        expr , "," ,
        expr , "," ,
        expr , "," ,
        string_dq ,
        { "," , expr }
    , ")" ,
    [ ":" , id ] , [ info ]
  | "cover" , "(" ,
        expr , "," ,
        expr , "," ,
        expr , "," ,
    , ")" ,
    [ ":" , id ] , [ info ] ;

(* Layer Block Statement *)
layerblock =
  "layerblock" , id , "of" , id , ":" , [ info ] , newline , indent ,
    { port , newline } ,
    { statement , newline } ,
  dedent ;

(* Skip Statement *)
skip = "skip" , [ info ] ;

(* References *)
reference =
  | reference_dynamic ;

reference_static =
  | reference_static , "." , id
  | reference_static , "[" , int , "]" ;

reference_dynamic =
    reference , "[" , expr , "]" ;

(* Expressions *)
expr =
  | expr_lit
  | expr_enum
  | expr_mux
  | expr_read
  | expr_primop
  | expr_intrinsic ;

expr_reference = reference ;
expr_lit = ( "UInt" | "SInt" ) , [ width ] , "(" , ( int | rint ) , ")" ;
expr_enum = type_enum , "(" , id , [ "," , expr ] , ")" ;
expr_mux = "mux" , "(" , expr , "," , expr , "," , expr , ")" ;
expr_read = "read" , "(" , expr_probe , ")" ;

expr_probe =
  "probe" , "(" , reference_static , ")"
  "rwprobe" , "(" , reference_static , ")"
  | reference_static ;

property_literal_expr = "Integer", "(", int, ")" ;
property_expr = reference_static | property_literal_expr | property_expr_primop ;
property_expr_primop = property_primop_2expr | property_primop_varexpr;
expr_primop = primop_2expr | primop_1expr | primop_1expr1int | primop_1expr2int ;

expr_intrinsic = "intrinsic", "(" , id ,
  [ "<"     "parameter" , id , "=" , ( int | string_dq ) ,
    { "," , "parameter" , id , "=" , ( int | string_dq ) } , ">" ] ,
  [ ":" , type ] ,
  { "," , expr } , ")"

(* Types *)
type = ( [ "const" ] , type_hardware ) | type_probe ;

type_hardware =
  | type_bundle
  | type_vec
  | type_enum
  | id ;

(* Ground Types *)
type_ground =  type_ground_nowidth | type_ground_width ;

type_ground_nowidth =
  | "Reset"
  | "AsyncReset" ;

type_ground_width =
    "UInt" , [ width ]
  | "SInt" , [ width ]
  | "Analog" , [ width ] ;

width = "<" , int , ">" ;

(* Bundle Types *)
type_bundle = "{" , type_bundle_field , { type_bundle_field } , "}" ;
type_bundle_field = [ "flip" ] , id , ":" , type ;

(* Vec Types *)
type_vec = type , "[" , int , "]" ;

(* Enum Types *)
type_enum = "{|" , { type_enum_alt } , "|}" ;
type_enum_alt = id, [ ":" , type_constable ] ;

(* Probe Types *)
type_probe = ( "Probe" | "RWProbe" ) , "<", type , [ "," , id ] ">" ;

(* Primitive Operations *)
primop_2expr     = primop_2expr_keyword , "(" , expr , "," , expr ")" ;
primop_1expr     = primop_1expr_keyword , "(" , expr , ")" ;
primop_1expr1int = primop_1expr1int_keyword , "(", expr , "," , int , ")" ;
primop_1expr2int = primop_1expr2int_keyword , "(" , expr , "," , int , "," , int , ")" ;

(* Primitive Property Operations *)
property_primop_2expr = property_primop_2expr_keyword ,
                          "(" , property_expr , "," , property_expr ")" ;
property_primop_varexpr = property_primop_varexpr_keyword ,
                            "(" , { property_expr } , ")" ;

(* Enable Layers *)
enablelayer = "enablelayer" , id , { "." , id } ;

(* Tokens: Annotations *)
annotations = "%" , "[" , json_array , "]" ;

(* Tokens: Version *)
sem_ver = int , "."  , int , "." , int ;
version = "FIRRTL" , "version" , sem_ver ;

(* Tokens: Whitespace *)
indent = " " , { " " } ;
dedent = ? remove one level of indentation ? ;
newline = ? a newline character ? ;

(* Tokens: Integer Literals *)
int = [ "-" ] , digit_dec , { digit_dec } ;
digit_bin = "0" | "1" ;
digit_oct = digit_bin | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" ;
digit_dec = digit_oct | "8" | "9" ;
digit_hex = digit_dec
          | "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F"
          | "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" ;

(* Tokens: Radix-specified Integer Literals *)
rint =
    [ "-" ] , "0b" , digit_bin , { digit_bin }
  | [ "-" ] , "0o" , digit_oct , { digit_oct }
  | [ "-" ] , "0d" , digit_oct , { digit_dec }
  | [ "-" ] , "0h" , digit_hex , { digit_hex } ;

(* Tokens: String Literals *)
string = ? a string ? ;
string_dq = '"' , string , '"' ;
string_sq = "'" , string , "'" ;

(* Tokens: Identifiers *)
id = ( "_" | letter ) , { "_" | letter | digit_dec } | literal_id ;
literal_id = "`" , ( "_" | letter | digit_dec ), { "_" | letter | digit_dec } , "`" ;
letter = "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | "G"
       | "H" | "I" | "J" | "K" | "L" | "M" | "N"
       | "O" | "P" | "Q" | "R" | "S" | "T" | "U"
       | "V" | "W" | "X" | "Y" | "Z"
       | "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | "g"
       | "h" | "i" | "j" | "k" | "l" | "m" | "n"
       | "o" | "p" | "q" | "r" | "s" | "t" | "u"
       | "v" | "w" | "x" | "y" | "z" ;

(* Tokens: Fileinfo *)
info = "@" , "[" , lineinfo, { ",", lineinfo }, "]" ;
lineinfo = string, " ", linecol ;
linecol = digit_dec , { digit_dec } , ":" , digit_dec , { digit_dec } ;

(* Tokens: PrimOp Keywords *)
primop_1expr_keyword =
    "asUInt" | "asSInt" | "asClock" | "asAsyncReset" | "cvt"
  | "neg"    | "not"
  | "andr"   | "orr"    | "xorr" ;

primop_2expr_keyword =
    "add"  | "sub" | "mul" | "div" | "mod"
  | "lt"   | "leq" | "gt"  | "geq" | "eq" | "neq"
  | "dshl" | "dshr"
  | "and"  | "or"  | "xor" | "cat" ;

primop_1expr1int_keyword =
    "pad" | "shl" | "shr" | "head" | "tail" ;

primop_1expr2int_keyword = "bits" ;

property_primop_2expr_keyword =
    "integer_add" | "integer_mul" | "integer_shr" | "integer_shl" ;

property_primop_varexpr_keyword =
    "List" , "<" , type_property , ">" | "list_concat" ;

Versioning Scheme of this Document

This is the versioning scheme that applies to version 1.0.0 and later.

The versioning scheme complies with Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.


The PATCH digit is bumped upon release which only includes non-functional changes, such as grammar edits, further examples, and clarifications.

The MINOR digit is bumped for feature additions to the spec.

The MAJOR digit is bumped for backwards-incompatible changes such as features being removed from the spec, changing their interpretation, or new required features being added to the specification.

In other words, any .fir file that was compliant with x.y.z will be compliant with x.Y.Z, where Y >= y, z and Z can be any number.