This is all the original code from the book. I have some modification on utilities.
My answer code for the exercises, NOT all problem are solved, so any complement is welcome.
Usually the function call (run-all) and (check-all) will run all the test-cases.
Before chapter 8, I put all the code for an interpreter in single file.
Begin with chapter 8, I put base code in the base directory of each chapter, and load it when necessary.
The code are tested on Chicken Scheme with chicken-slime in Emacs, and assumed to be runnable for most other Scheme implementation.
Please fire an issue or give Pull Request for any bug, Thanks!
- Install Chicken Scheme.
- Clone this Github repo to your local directory (e.g. ~/Desktop/).
- Access to the directory of a chapter (e.g. ~/Desktop/eopl/ch3).
- Run the following command on your terminal: csi xxx.scm