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Golang setup and getting started

Following instructions are verfied setup of Golang on Ubuntu 16.04 version

Table of Contents

Install Golang

  • Get the OS specific installer from here
  • Run the command as root user or sudo
  • Extract go executable in /usr/local directory
  • For Ubuntu 16.04 version
cd /usr/local/
tar -xvzf go1.14.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz 
rm go1.14.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz 


cd /tmp
sudo tar -xvzf go1.14.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/local

Setup Go development environment

  • Create directories for development

mkdir -p $HOME/go/{bin,src,pkg}


bin - directory to hold the go source executables

src - source directory in which all the source modules will be coded

pkg - directory to hold the dependency import packages

  • Add path to environment permanently by adding in profile
export "PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin"
export "GOPATH=$HOME/go"
export "GOBIN=$GOPATH/bin"
  • Execute .profile file to make effect of Env variable updates
source ~/.profile

Verify the installation

go help
go env

Go to src path and start development

cd $HOME/go/src
mkdir <new_go_module_name>


Install Go in Linux

Golang Install Doc

Set Go Env Variable