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Charles-A. Francisco edited this page May 5, 2023 · 1 revision

Codingame is an online platform that allows developers to improve their coding skills by solving programming challenges and puzzles. The platform provides a range of coding challenges, puzzles, and games that developers can solve using various programming languages, such as Python, C++, Java, and more.

The coding challenges on Codingame are designed to test and improve developers' coding skills, algorithmic thinking, and problem-solving abilities. The challenges are divided into different categories, such as AI, optimization, and multiplayer, allowing developers to focus on specific areas of interest.

Codingame also hosts online coding competitions that attract thousands of developers from around the world. These competitions range from short challenges to longer contests that last for several weeks. The competitions are a great way for developers to showcase their skills and compete against other developers.

The Codingame platform is free to use, and developers can create an account to access the challenges and competitions. The platform also provides various tools to help developers improve their coding skills, such as a code editor, debugger, and a community forum where developers can ask for help and share their solutions with others.

The coding challenges and competitions on Codingame are contributed by a community of developers from around the world. The platform also provides an API that allows developers to create and contribute their own challenges and puzzles.

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