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CDR-Pusher is a Go Application that push CDRs to PostgreSQL or Riak


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CDR-Pusher is a Go Application that will push your CDRs (Call Detail Record) from local storage (See list of supported storage) to a centralized PostgreSQL Database or to a Riak Cluster.

This can be used to centralize your CDRs or simply to safely back them up.

Unifying your CDRs makes it easy for call Analysts to do their job. Software like CDR-Stats ( can efficiently provide Call & Billing reporting independently of the type of switches you have in your infrastructure, so you can do aggregation and mediation on CDRs coming from a variety of communications platform such as Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, Kamailio & others.


Go Walker

Install / Run

Install Golang dependencies (Debian/Ubuntu):

$ apt-get -y install mercurial git bzr bison
$ apt-get -y install bison

Install GVM to select which version of Golang you want to install:

$ bash < <(curl -s -S -L
$ source /root/.gvm/scripts/gvm
$ gvm install go1.4.2 --binary
$ gvm use go1.4.2 --default

Make sure you are running by default Go version >= 1.4.2, check by typing the following:

$ go version

To install and run the cdr-pusher application, follow those steps:

$ mkdir /opt/app
$ cd /opt/app
$ git clone
$ cd cdr-pusher
$ export GOPATH=`pwd`
$ make build
$ ./bin/cdr-pusher

If you have some issues with the build, it's possible that you don't have a recent version of Git, we need Git version >= 1.7.4. On CentOS 6.X, upgrade Git as follow:

The config file cdr-pusher.yaml and is installed at the following location: /etc/cdr-pusher.yaml

Configuration file

Config file /etc/cdr-pusher.yaml:

# ---------------------

# storage_source_type: DB backend type where CDRs are stored
# (accepted values: "sqlite3" and "mysql")
storage_source: "sqlite3"

# db_file: specify the database path and name
db_file: "./sqlitedb/cdr.db"

# Database DNS
# Use this with Mysql
db_dns: ""

# db_table: the DB table name
db_table: "cdr"

# db_flag_field defines the table field that will be added/used to track the import
db_flag_field: "flag_imported"

# max_fetch_batch: Max amoun to CDR to push in batch (value: 1-1000)
max_fetch_batch: 100

# heartbeat: Frequency of check for new CDRs in seconds
heartbeat: 1

# cdr_fields is list of fields that will be fetched (from SQLite3) and pushed (to PostgreSQL)
# - if dest_field is callid, it will be used in riak as key to insert
    - orig_field: uuid
      dest_field: callid
      type_field: string
    - orig_field: caller_id_name
      dest_field: caller_id_name
      type_field: string
    - orig_field: caller_id_number
      dest_field: caller_id_number
      type_field: string
    - orig_field: destination_number
      dest_field: destination_number
      type_field: string
    - orig_field: hangup_cause_q850
      dest_field: hangup_cause_id
      type_field: int
    - orig_field: duration
      dest_field: duration
      type_field: int
    - orig_field: billsec
      dest_field: billsec
      type_field: int
    # - orig_field: account_code
    #   dest_field: accountcode
    #   type_field: string
    - orig_field: "datetime(start_stamp)"
      dest_field: starting_date
      type_field: date
    # - orig_field: "strftime('%s', answer_stamp)" # convert to epoch
    - orig_field: "datetime(answer_stamp)"
      dest_field: extradata
      type_field: jsonb
    - orig_field: "datetime(end_stamp)"
      dest_field: extradata
      type_field: jsonb

# -------------------------

# storage_dest_type defines where push the CDRs (accepted values: "postgres" or "riak")
storage_destination: "postgres"

# Used when storage_dest_type = postgres
# datasourcename: connect string to connect to PostgreSQL used by sql.Open
pg_datasourcename: "user=postgres password=password host=localhost port=5432 dbname=cdr-pusher sslmode=disable"

# Used when storage_dest_type = postgres
# pg_store_table: the DB table name to store CDRs in Postgres
table_destination: "cdr_import"

# Used when storage_dest_type = riak
# riak_connect: connect string to connect to Riak used by riak.ConnectClient
riak_connect: ""

# Used when storage_dest_type = postgres
# riak_bucket: the bucket name to store CDRs in Riak
riak_bucket: "cdr_import"

# switch_ip: leave this empty to default to your external IP (accepted value: ""|"your IP")
switch_ip: ""

# cdr_source_type: write the id of the cdr sources type
# (accepted value: unknown: 0, csv: 1, api: 2, freeswitch: 3, asterisk: 4, yate: 5, kamailio: 6, opensips: 7, sipwise: 8, veraz: 9)
cdr_source_type: 0

# ---------------------------

# fake_cdr will populate the SQLite database with fake CDRs for testing (accepted value: "yes|no")
fake_cdr: "no"

# fake_amount_cdr is the number of CDRs to generate into the SQLite database for testing purposes (value: 1-1000)
# this number of CDRs will be created every second
fake_amount_cdr: 1000


This application aims to be run as Service, it can easily be run by Supervisord.

Install Supervisord

Via Distribution Package

Some Linux distributions offer a version of Supervisor that is installable through the system package manager. These packages may include distribution-specific changes to Supervisor:

apt-get install supervisor

Creating a Configuration File

Follow these steps if you don't have config file for supervisord. Once you see the file echoed to your terminal, reinvoke the command as:

echo_supervisord_conf > /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf

This won’t work if you do not have root access, then make sure a .conf.d run:

mkdir /etc/supervisord.conf.d

Configure CDR-Pusher with Supervisord

Create an Supervisor conf file for cdr-pusher:

vim /etc/supervisord.conf.d/cdr-pusher-prog.conf

A supervisor configuration could look as follow:

startsecs = 5
directory = /opt/app/cdr-pusher/bin
command = /opt/app/cdr-pusher/bin/cdr-pusher
user = root
redirect_stderr = true
stdout_logfile = /var/log/cdr-pusher/cdr-pusher.log

Make sure the director to store the logs is created, in this case you should create '/var/log/cdr-pusher':

mkdir /var/log/cdr-pusher

Supervisord Manage

Supervisord provides 2 commands, supervisord and supervisorctl:

supervisord: Initialize Supervisord, run configed processes
supervisorctl stop programX: Stop process programX. programX is config name in [program:mypkg].
supervisorctl start programX: Run the process.
supervisorctl restart programX: Restart the process.
supervisorctl stop groupworker: Restart all processes in group groupworker
supervisorctl stop all: Stop all processes. Notes: start, restart and stop won’t reload the latest configs.
supervisorctl reload: Reload the latest configs.
supervisorctl update: Reload all the processes whoes config changed.

Supervisord Service

You can also use supervisor using the supervisor service:

/etc/init.d/supervisor start

Configure FreeSWITCH

FreeSWITCH mod_cdr_sqlite is used to store locally the CDRs prior being fetch and send by cdr_pusher:

Some customization can be achieved by editing the config file cdr-pusher.yaml and by tweaking the config of Mod_cdr_sqlite cdr_sqlite.conf.xml, for instance if you want to same custom fields in your CDRs, you will need to change both configuration files and ensure that the custom field are properly stored in SQLite, then CDR-Pusher offer enough flexibility to push any custom field.

Here an example of 'cdr_sqlite.conf':

<configuration name="cdr_sqlite.conf" description="SQLite CDR">
    <!-- SQLite database name (.db suffix will be automatically appended) -->
    <!-- <param name="db-name" value="cdr"/> -->
    <!-- CDR table name -->
    <!-- <param name="db-table" value="cdr"/> -->
    <!-- Log a-leg (a), b-leg (b) or both (ab) -->
    <param name="legs" value="a"/>
    <!-- Default template to use when inserting records -->
    <param name="default-template" value="example"/>
    <!-- This is like the info app but after the call is hung up -->
    <!--<param name="debug" value="true"/>-->
    <!-- Note that field order must match SQL table schema, otherwise insert will fail -->
    <template name="example">"${caller_id_name}","${caller_id_number}","${destination_number}","${context}","${start_stamp}","${answer_stamp}","${end_stamp}",${duration},${billsec},"${hangup_cause}", "${hangup_cause_q850}","${uuid}","${bleg_uuid}","${accountcode}"</template>



To run the tests, follow this step:

$ go test .

Test Coverage

Visit gocover for the test coverage:


CDR-Pusher is licensed under MIT, see LICENSE file.

Created by Areski Belaid @areskib.


Our first focus was to support FreeSWITCH CDRs, that's why we decided to support the SQLite backend, it's also the less invasive and one of the easiest to configure. SQLite also gives the posibility to mark/track the pushed records which is safer than importing them from CSV files.

We are planning to implement the following very soon:

  • Extra DB backend for FreeSWITCH: Mysql, CSV, etc...
  • Add support to fetch Asterisk CDRs
  • Add support to fetch Kamailio CDRs (Mysql)


CDR-Pusher is a Go Application that push CDRs to PostgreSQL or Riak







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  • Go 97.5%
  • PLpgSQL 1.8%
  • Makefile 0.7%