A sweet RGB LED skull project for Halloween!
This code is a bit of a hack job based on the code for my LED Drink Coasters
- Soldering iron + solder
- Hot glue gun + hot glue
- 3D printer (for the spikes)
- Cardboard skull mask Designed by Dali Lomo
- Electronics
- Individually-adressable RGB LEDs, you can find strips of them pretty cheap on Amazon, and even cheaper on Ali-Express (with questionable quality)
- Arduino Nano (or some other small arduino-capable MCU)
- Some small-gauge ribbon cable
- A small button
- A small USB power bank
- Various Arduino libraries
- Adafruit NeoPixel by adafruit
- EEPROMAnything by collin80
- Build the cardbaord skull and slightly modify it so the back of the head is more open
- Print some cool spikes
- Add LEDs to the inside of the forehead, chin, and inside the spikes.
- Wire it up to the arduino
- Eyes and Mouth: Forehead and Chin strand of LEDS goes on pin 6
- Hair: Spike strand of LEDs goes on pin 5
- Power for LEDs: connect to the 5V and ground pins
- Button: connect between pin 2 and ground
- Upload the code
- Enjoy your new rave skull mask!
Press the button to move between modes
- Static Color (head & hair can be different colors)
- Pulsing/Breathing (head & hair can be differnt colors)
- Pulsing/Breathing (all LEDs are white)
- Smooth rainbow color wheel (all LEDs in sync)
- Choppy rainbow color wheel (colors update in a cool pulse from the back of the hair to the front)
- Rave spikes!!! (Fast smooth color wheel from back to front!)
- Press and hold the button longer than 1 sec + release
- The whole skull will blink white
- Use the button to increment the brightness. Possible settings include:
- [8%, 18%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%]
- Wait for 3.0 sec and the program will resume at that brightness