The Private Peace Project aims to cut out the middle man and fund people who need it most. You can sign up as a receiver by proving you are part of one of the groups in need. Any identity information is only processed locally and sent as a proof. You can also sign up as a funder and send funds to any of the pools without revealing which one you are sending to. Your funds will go directly to someone in need.
- Generate a note commitment and send this along with 0.01 ETH to the
function - The
function adds a commitment to the contract's associated merkle tree - Locally, a note is encrypted to an address related to the pool you want to contribute to. This note or pool decision is not posted on chain anywhere. The note contains proof inputs for generating an inclusion proof
- This encrypted note is sent over XMPT to a receiver in the associated pool
- Generate a proof that you are a member of the group you wish to be added into
- Currently, this is either Ukrainian (through their national identity app, Dia) or Palestine (passport + selfie + location)
- This information never leaves the device, so it remains private
is called with this proof as a param, which then verifies the proof on-chain and adds the address to an array of your pool. This array is public. This transaction is sponsored by a paymaster- XMTP messages are now shown, and the receiver must wait until one is available for them
- Upon receival of a message, the content is automatically decrypted using the private key
- These are proof inputs that are then passed into a proof, to generate a proof locally
- This proof is sent to
function and the 0.01ETH will be sent to the receiver's wallet. This transaction is also sponsored
This is a monorepo containing circuits, contracts, an e2e test covering both flows, and frontend.
The contracts are deployed on the Sepolia testnet, and the frontend links directly to this. You do not need to compile or deploy contracts before using this.
- node
- nargo (installation instructions here)
In the client
directory, run:
npm i
In the circuits
directory, run:
nargo compile
In the client
directory, run:
npm run dev
If you'd rather run tests directly against the contracts locally, follow these steps.
- hardhat
In the circuits
directory, run:
nargo compile
In the root directory, run:
npx hardhat compile
Start a hardhat node from inside the root directory:
npx hardhat node
Open a new terminal and, in the root directory, run:
npx hardhat test
This test script deploys the contracts you have compiled.
You should see some console logging and successful testing.
On Ethereum Sepolia network, the contracts are deployed at these addresses:
- Mimc merkle tree verifier deployed at 0x6892c87002e116AEC1ea8C76a792DCF112d3b93c
- Palestine verifier deployed at 0x4aE653259b7fBBb2C666d77CbD6279fC3534d966
- Hasher deployed at 0x0DF19cdd7634DA980033De3B5c083093595A2384
- DepositAndWithdraw deployed at 0x58D2D174483ac0b236116BD381BBcC3A5d83b457