The intention with this is to provide re-usable component that mimics X-editable
Using Django and raw js to begin with, server side will be provided by individual projects unless we can make really simple safe generic update endpoints
- Include the
app in your django settings INSTALLED_APPS - Ensure you have csrf_token cookie present by using
decorator on your view - Identify the submit view and url you wish to send updates to
if your api returns a Location header the componenet will subequently use that as the submit url
- load the field updater template tags library in the template you wish to place the updater
{% load field_updater_tags %}
- Use the field updater template tag passing the url to request to, and the attribute name and initial value as a key value pair
{% url 'submit_url_name' some_arg=some_value as submit_url %}
{% field_updater submit_url=submit_url attribute_name=attribute_value %}
- Pass instance specific options such as if_match or if_unmodified_since to help prevent lost update issues
This will send If-Match or If-Unmodified-Since header with the value passed, enabling the endpoint to return status 412 The component will start sending If-Match if your endpoint returns an ETag header, unless you pass if_match=False The component will start sending If-Unmodified-Since headers if your endpoint returns a Last-Modified header, unless you pass if_unmodified_since=False
{% field_updater submit_url=submit_url attribute_name=attribute_value if_match='an_etag' %}
{% field_updater submit_url=submit_url attribute_name=attribute_value if_unmodified_since=last_modified %}
- Provide an options dictionary, the defaults are as follows and can all be overridden
default_options = {
'prefix': 'field-updater', # prefix used for id and class scoping,
'allowDelete': False, # delete will be allowed only if true
'bodyEncode': 'form-data', # the content encoding for POST bodies ( form-data and urlencoded supported )
'emptyDisplay': 'empty', # the text displayed when the value is an empty string or none
'headers': {}, # the set of headers sent with ajax requests
'inputAttributes': { # input attributes
'type': 'text', # only text and number supported
example of overriding to set number input type and an Accept header
# in your view
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
context['updater_options'] = dict(
return context
# in your template
{% field_updater submit_url=submit_url key='headers' options=updater_options %}
Send more key=value pairs through to the tag for update together
Maybe allowing the js component to take a form definition for rendering
Adding simple configurable validation
Adding a riot component to use where django is not present