This is a modified verison of the cocalc container built by C. Santagiustina for the Odycceus Summer School.
To build the more recent developer version of the container in your machine (only linux) install Docker and run on your terminal these commands:
sudo docker build --force-rm -t carlosantagiustina/odycceus-cocalc:dev
Alternatively, to download the (latest stable) developer version of the container from dockerhub, run on your terminal these commands:
docker pull carlosantagiustina/odycceus-cocalc:dev
To run the container (only linux):
sudo docker run --name=odycceus-cocalc --restart always -d -v [PATH TO THE FOLDER WHERE THE COCALC PROJECTS AND SESSIONS WIL BE SAVED LOCALLY]:/projects -p 443:443 carlosantagiustina/odycceus-cocalc:dev
To run the container (other OS):
docker volume create cocalc-volume
docker run --name=odycceus-cocalc --restart always -d -v cocalc-volume:/projects -p 443:443 carlosantagiustina/odycceus-cocalc:dev