This repostiory contains the list of Tweet IDs of the 204 648 causal Tweets identified in the paper titled "The architecture of partisan debates: The online controversy on the no deal Brexit", by Carlo R. M. A. Santagiustina and Massimo Warglien, published on PLOS ONE (
Tweets in this dataset can be freely retrieved, with their IDs, using the GET /2/tweets/:id API endpoint (more info at this link:
These Twitter posts were published from the beginning of February 2019 to the beginning of May 2020.
They were collected with the DMI-TCAT using the Twitter Filtered Stream API endpoint V1.1.
Our Twitter stream query was based on the following filtering conditions: "no deal" OR no-deal OR nodeal
Causal Tweets have been identified from the flitered stream of Tweets using a Regex based causal argument extractor, called ISEED-AEA, which is available at the following link:
For additional information please contact: Carlo R. M. A. Santagiustina - [email protected]