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Matthias Benkort edited this page Mar 8, 2022 · 2 revisions




  • A Layer-two Solution for interoperability;
  • Introduces the concept of Wrapped Smart-Contract;
  • Initial launch on Cardano and Solana;
  • Goal: make non-EVM blockchains capable of executing Ethereum-like smart contracts.


  • EVM-based sidechain for Cardano;
  • Uses milkADA for gas and fee.
    • Tokens used by the Milkomeda protocol on the C1 sidechains;
    • Wrapped ADA, used to pay for gas and fee on C1;
    • Can be delegated while locked on Cardano L1 and used in C1


  • (Plans for) DAO;
  • Lock assets on L1 (currently via phase-1 monetary scripts, later via Plutus contract), gives equivalent amount on the sidechain.


  • The sidechains is made of validator nodes which fulfill various sub-roles and acts as bridges between the sidechain and the base layer;

  • In particular, a Milkomeda validation node embeds both a full Ethereum node and a full Cardano node, with their respective databases;

  • The ETH node is not connected to the ETH network, but "simply" used within the context of the side-chain as a mean to produce blocks and validate contracts execution;

  • The cardano-node does watch the Cardano chain and is used to move tokens from Cardano into the sidechain and back, but also to ensure that funds locked on the L1 remains properly delegated;

  • 32 validators initially.


  • Sebastien Guillemot
  • Nicolas Arqueros
  • Robert Kornacki
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