: https://carbon-izsmrq6ap.vercel.app
- Upgrade dev deps: #1075
- Update all contribs: #1076
- Remove greenkeeper: e1bdefc
- Fix IBM Plex Mono font is missing in Safari: #1077
- Docs: add seagalputra as a contributor: #1079
- Test: #1081
- Clean up getCarbonImage a bit: f934296
- Clean up Fonts.js: #1080
- Fix alignment of announcement: 6fffe84
- Make main window flex box so announcement always renders correctly: c733d8d
- Simplify margins: 7382380
- Update bug_report.md: 15e81b4
- Delete ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md: 40524bd
- Update issue templates: b4e2c0b
- Local dom-to-image: #1083
- Remove unused state from Embed/index: d033baf
Huge thanks to @seagalputra and @qw-in for helping!