This action takes a requirements.txt file, creates a .zip package with python dependencies and publishes to AWS as a lambda layer.
Required AWS access key id. Default true
Required AWS secret access key. Default true
Optional AWS default region. Default 'us-east-1'
Optional The relative path of a directory containing the requirements.txt. Default "./"
Required The name of the layer. Default ''
Optional The compatible python runtime. Default 'python3.8'
Optional A space-delimited list of additional compatible python runtimes, e.g.: python3.7 python3.6. Default ''
The output of aws lambda publish-layer-version in compact JSON format (
- name: Publish lambda layer
uses: candidco/publish-lambda-layer
layer-name: my-lambda-layer
aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}