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Prototype 2

Past due by 4 months 57% complete

The second prototype of Newt integrates CITATION.cff syntax for application metadata and GitHub YAML issue template (abbr: GHYT) syntax for data models.

Three utilities are planned for prototype 2.

  • newt web service (data router) supporting improved YAML syntaxes
  • newtgen for generating SQL, HTML and templates from data models described in GHYT syntax
  • newt…

The second prototype of Newt integrates CITATION.cff syntax for application metadata and GitHub YAML issue template (abbr: GHYT) syntax for data models.

Three utilities are planned for prototype 2.

  • newt web service (data router) supporting improved YAML syntaxes
  • newtgen for generating SQL, HTML and templates from data models described in GHYT syntax
  • newtmustache implementing a light weight Mustache template engine with the ability to resolve partial templates at startup