Litmus is a playframework (1.x) module that makes TDD easier with play. It's main features are:
- more expressive functional testing
- easy testing of your model validation, both built-in or custom validations
- custom test runner that allows you to categorize tests and run categories separately, or to run just the fast tests.
- selenium WebDriver integration, no more selenium 1
To use Litmus, add the following to your dependencies.yml file:
- litmus -> litmus 0.2.3
- bverbeken:
type: http
artifact: "[module]-[revision].zip"
- litmus -> *
After that, a simple play deps --sync
should be enough to get you up and running.
For example, litmus allows you to write most of your functional tests as one-liners like these:
Litmus also provides a superclass for model validation tests (thoughtfully called "ValidationTest"), to take away any excuse you might have not to test validation anymore. You can write things like:
When using Litmus, the usual play test runner gets replaced by an alternative version (http://localhost:9000/@tests).
If you annotate your test classes or their superclass like so:
@Category(value = "verySlowTests")
then the litmus test runner will pick up these categories and allow you to run them separately from your browser. Subclasses of litmus.UnitTest, litmus.FunctionalTest or litmus.WebDriverTest are categorized by default as respectively Unit Tests, Functional Tests and WebDriver Tests.
Of course, play auto-test still works as before.
Note: you can disable the alternative test runner by adding litmus.runner=false
to your application.conf file.
For more information on how to use Litmus, you can refer to
- the samples folder, which contains a play application that has examples for all the available asserts.
- the documentation page, which can be found here.
- more asserts (json assert, ..?)
- other types of testing (javascript unit testing?)
Source code:
Issue tracking:
This is a work in progress (of course it is, it's software).
If litmus is missing features you dream of, or you have suggestions on how it could be made better, tweet me (@bverbeken) or send a pull request.