OpenRat is a statifying CMS.
OpenRat generates static files, which are served by a dedicated live web server like Apache, Nginx, Boa etc.
Unlike popular static site generators like Jekyll, JBake etc. OpenRat CMS contains a complete Web UI with user management.
Yes, there are a lot of good CMS in the world, and a lot of them are available for free. Why should you use OpenRat CMS?
OpenRat combines the world of static site generators with a complete web UI. Editors do not have to use a version control system, they only use their browser.
You need a server with PHP >= 5.5 and a relational database.
MariaDB and MySQL are recommended, while PostgresQL and SQLite are supported too.
Download the last release from Github and install it on your server:
Or clone the GIT repository with the command
git clone
or from Github
git clone
Edit the file config/config.yml
and enter your database access data, like:
enabled : true
dsn : "mysql:host=localhost; dbname=name_of_db; charset=utf8"
user : "user"
password: "password"
OpenRat-CMS is available at Dockerhub.
Download and run the docker image from dockerhub:
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -e DB_HOST=$host -e DB_NAME=$name -e DB_USER=$user -e DB_PASS=$pass openrat/openrat-cms
Be sure to replace the variables.
The following environment variables could be set in the docker container:
Name | Description | Default |
DB_TYPE | database type | mysql |
DB_HOST | database hostname | localhost |
DB_NAME | database schema | cms |
DB_USER | database user | |
DB_PASS | database password | |
CMS_MOTD | Message of the day | Welcome to dockerized CMS |
CMS_NAME | Software name | OpenRat CMS (Docker) |
CMS_OPERATOR | Name of your company | Docker-Host |