- Install Xampp on your machine.
- Follow the following tutorial to make a new directory named telepresence (Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsmMVwz1rlo).
- Download this video from google drive (Link to the video (https://drive.google.com/file/d/16dv9i_gsk9WaVP7cTfyV7mdBG47Jg4zu/view?usp=sharing) ) and add it to the videos folder.
- Once you copy all the files from the repository to the telepresence folder, you can run the code by going to the web address http://localhost/telepresence
- Create a new workspace
- Inside the workspace src folder copy the telepresence folder from the ROS files folder
- Do a catkin_make
- Start a new terminal and source it with your workspace
- Then run the following command in the terminal
roslaunch telepresence simulation.launch
- Then open a new terminal and type the following command
rosrun rviz rviz -d ~/YourWorkspaceFolder/src/telepresence/include/telepresence/robot_marker.rviz
Now you should see the map in the RVIZ.
- Copy the telepresence folder from the Server files folder to your htdocs folder (See above tutorial to learn how to add the files).
- Start Xampp (Follow the tutorial on top to learn this.)
- Now open your browser and go to http://localhost/telepresence/360.php
- You should see the map on the left side and the 360 interface on the right