Import code from Tensors
This run and associated checks have been archived and are scheduled for deletion.
Learn more about checks retention
10 warnings
failed to run `@example` block in src/examples/
```@example circuit
# simplify Tensor Network by preemptively contracting trivial cases
tn = transform(tn, Tenet.RankSimplification)
plot(tn) # hide
value =
MethodError: no method matching EinExprs.EinExpr(::Vector{Tensor{ComplexF32, 2, Matrix{ComplexF32}}})
Closest candidates are:
EinExprs.EinExpr(::Any, !Matched::AbstractDict{Symbol, Int64})
@ EinExprs ~/.julia/packages/EinExprs/2xI0y/src/EinExpr.jl:18
EinExprs.EinExpr(::Any, !Matched::Any)
@ EinExprs ~/.julia/packages/EinExprs/2xI0y/src/EinExpr.jl:11
failed to run `@example` block in src/examples/
```@example circuit
using EinExprs # hide
using NetworkLayout # hide
path = einexpr(tn, optimizer = Greedy) # hide
plot(path, layout=Stress()) # hide
value =
ArgumentError: Package NetworkLayout not found in current path.
- Run `import Pkg; Pkg.add("NetworkLayout")` to install the NetworkLayout package.
failed to run `@setup` block in src/quantum/
```@setup viz
using Makie
using CairoMakie
using Tenet
using NetworkLayout
exception =
LoadError: ArgumentError: Package NetworkLayout not found in current path.
- Run `import Pkg; Pkg.add("NetworkLayout")` to install the NetworkLayout package.
in expression starting at string:8
failed to run `@example` block in src/quantum/
```@example viz
fig = Figure() # hide
tn_open = rand(MatrixProduct{State,Open}, n=10, χ=4) # hide
tn_periodic = rand(MatrixProduct{State,Periodic}, n=10, χ=4) # hide
plot!(fig[1,1], tn_open, layout=Spring(iterations=1000, C=0.5, seed=100)) # hide
plot!(fig[1,2], tn_periodic, layout=Spring(iterations=1000, C=0.5, seed=100)) # hide
Label(fig[1,1, Bottom()], "Open") # hide
Label(fig[1,2, Bottom()], "Periodic") # hide
fig # hide
value =
MethodError: no method matching contract(::EinExprs.EinExpr)
Closest candidates are:
contract(::Union{AbstractArray{T, 0}, T}, !Matched::Tensor{T, N, A} where {N, A<:AbstractArray{T, N}}) where T
@ Tenet ~/work/Tenet.jl/Tenet.jl/src/Numerics.jl:62
contract(!Matched::Tensor; dims)
@ Tenet ~/work/Tenet.jl/Tenet.jl/src/Numerics.jl:50
contract(!Matched::Tensor, !Matched::Tensor; dims)
@ Tenet ~/work/Tenet.jl/Tenet.jl/src/Numerics.jl:37
failed to run `@example` block in src/quantum/
```@example viz
fig = Figure() # hide
tn_open = rand(MatrixProduct{Operator,Open}, n=10, χ=4) # hide
tn_periodic = rand(MatrixProduct{Operator,Periodic}, n=10, χ=4) # hide
plot!(fig[1,1], tn_open, layout=Spring(iterations=1000, C=0.5, seed=100)) # hide
plot!(fig[1,2], tn_periodic, layout=Spring(iterations=1000, C=0.5, seed=100)) # hide
Label(fig[1,1, Bottom()], "Open") # hide
Label(fig[1,2, Bottom()], "Periodic") # hide
fig # hide
value =
MethodError: no method matching contract(::EinExprs.EinExpr)
Closest candidates are:
contract(::Union{AbstractArray{T, 0}, T}, !Matched::Tensor{T, N, A} where {N, A<:AbstractArray{T, N}}) where T
@ Tenet ~/work/Tenet.jl/Tenet.jl/src/Numerics.jl:62
contract(!Matched::Tensor; dims)
@ Tenet ~/work/Tenet.jl/Tenet.jl/src/Numerics.jl:50
contract(!Matched::Tensor, !Matched::Tensor; dims)
@ Tenet ~/work/Tenet.jl/Tenet.jl/src/Numerics.jl:37
failed to run `@setup` block in src/quantum/
```@setup viz
using Makie
using CairoMakie
CairoMakie.activate!(type = "svg")
using Tenet
using NetworkLayout
exception =
LoadError: ArgumentError: Package NetworkLayout not found in current path.
- Run `import Pkg; Pkg.add("NetworkLayout")` to install the NetworkLayout package.
in expression starting at string:9
failed to run `@example` block in src/quantum/
```@example viz
fig = Figure() # hide
tn_open = rand(PEPS{Open}, rows=10, cols=10, χ=4) # hide
tn_periodic = rand(PEPS{Periodic}, rows=10, cols=10, χ=4) # hide
plot!(fig[1,1], tn_open, layout=Stress(seed=1)) # hide
plot!(fig[1,2], tn_periodic, layout=Stress(seed=10,dim=2,iterations=100000)) # hide
Label(fig[1,1, Bottom()], "Open") # hide
Label(fig[1,2, Bottom()], "Periodic") # hide
fig # hide
value = UndefVarError: `Stress` not defined
failed to run `@example` block in src/quantum/
```@example viz
fig = Figure() # hide
tn_open = rand(PEPO{Open}, rows=10, cols=10, χ=4) # hide
tn_periodic = rand(PEPO{Periodic}, rows=10, cols=10, χ=4) # hide
plot!(fig[1,1], tn_open, layout=Stress(seed=1)) # hide
plot!(fig[1,2], tn_periodic, layout=Stress(seed=10,dim=2,iterations=100000)) # hide
Label(fig[1,1, Bottom()], "Open") # hide
Label(fig[1,2, Bottom()], "Periodic") # hide
fig # hide
value = UndefVarError: `Stress` not defined
failed to run `@example` block in src/
```@example transformation
using QuacIO
using CairoMakie
using Tenet
sites = [5, 6, 14, 15, 16, 17, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 83, 84, 85, 94]
circuit = QuacIO.parse(joinpath(@__DIR__, "sycamore_53_10_0.qasm"), format=QuacIO.Qflex(), sites=sites)
tn = TensorNetwork(circuit)
transformed_tn = transform(tn, Tenet.RankSimplification)
fig = Figure() # hide
ax1 = Axis(fig[1, 1]; title="Original TensorNetwork") # hide
p1 = plot!(ax1, tn; node_size=5.) # hide
ax2 = Axis(fig[1, 2], title="Transformed TensorNetwork") # hide
p2 = plot!(ax2, transformed_tn; node_size=5.) # hide
ax1.titlesize=20 # hide
ax2.titlesize=20 # hide
fig # hide
value =
MethodError: no method matching EinExprs.EinExpr(::Vector{Tensor{ComplexF32, 2, Matrix{ComplexF32}}})
Closest candidates are:
EinExprs.EinExpr(::Any, !Matched::AbstractDict{Symbol, Int64})
@ EinExprs ~/.julia/packages/EinExprs/2xI0y/src/EinExpr.jl:18
EinExprs.EinExpr(::Any, !Matched::Any)
@ EinExprs ~/.julia/packages/EinExprs/2xI0y/src/EinExpr.jl:11
15 docstrings not included in the manual:
Tenet.layers :: Union{Tuple{As}, Tuple{TensorNetwork{As}, Any}} where As<:Tenet.Composite
Tenet.tag! :: Tuple{Tensor, String}
Tenet.ansatz :: Union{Tuple{Type{<:TensorNetwork{A}}}, Tuple{A}} where A
Tenet.tags :: Tuple{Tensor}
Tenet.marginal :: Tuple{Any, Any}
Tenet.Arbitrary :: Tuple{Tensor, TensorNetwork}
Base.:* :: Tuple{Tensor, Tensor}
Tenet.letter :: Tuple{Any}
Tenet.hastag :: Tuple{Tensor, String}
Tenet.untag! :: Tuple{Tensor, String}
Base.size :: Tuple{Tensor}
Tenet.tensors :: Tuple{TensorNetwork{<:Quantum}, Integer, Vararg{Any}}
These are docstrings in the checked modules (configured with the modules keyword)
that are not included in @docs or @autodocs blocks.