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A set of tools to extract and genotype graph-based variants. Tools are also provided to convert graph-based nodes to linear reference coordinates.
The tool set requires a graph in GFA format, see xmfa_tools for more detail. gfa_var_genotyper also requires vg for read mapping.
Test data sets, scripts and additional documentation specific to skim-seq processing are also available at the PanPipes repository.
The following assumes the GFA graph contains path names in geno.chrXX format. If not, adjust regular expressions in vg gbwt
vg gbwt --path-regex "(.*)\.(.*)" --path-fields "_SC" -G graph.gfa --gbz-format -g graph.gbz
vg snarls -T graph.gbz > graph.snarls
vg index graph.gbz -j graph.dist
vg minimizer -d graph.dist graph.gbz -o graph.min
vg giraffe -Z graph.gbz -d graph.dist -m graph.min -f sample1.r1.fq.gz -f sample1.r2.fq.gz > sample1.gam
vg filter --min-mapq 60 sample1.gam > sample1.mq60.gam
MQ filtering is optional, but recommended
vg pack -x graph.gbz -g sample1.mq60.gam -D | gzip > sample1.mq60.pack.edge.table.gz
- -d '\.chr' -p 'chr' -g graph.gfa > graph.variants.vcf
gfa_var_genotyper -v graph.variants.vcf -p sample.mq60.pack.edge.table.gz -l sample.label --rm_inv_head --ploidy 1 --low_cov --min_tot_cov 1 > graph.variants.sample.genos.vcf
Multiple pack edge table files may be provided via the --packlist option.
- -g graph.gfa | gzip > graph.nodes_to_linear_coords.txt.gz
- -d '\.chr' -p 'chr' -c graph.nodes_to_linear_coords.txt.gz -v graph.variants.sample.genos.vcf -g primary.ref.geno > graph.variants.sample.genos.linear.coords.vcf
Reference genotypes are those used to generate the original graph.gfa and have associated coordinates found in graph.nodes_to_linear_coords.txt.gz The 'primary.ref.geno' will be used as the preferred reference genotype to anchor linear coordinates to. Additional reference genotypes can be provided, see full documentation for details.
More complete documentation for each tool is available below. Tools can also be ran without options or -h/--help to display the help menu.
Usage: [options] > genotypes
general options:
-v --var graph variants file (required)
can parse either vg deconstruct/minigraph-cactus
format or (PanPipes) format
1 or more vg ( pack edge tables may be
specified using -p/--pack and/or --packlist. Pack edge tables are
generated using the `vg pack -D` command. Pack edge tables may be
uncompressed or compressed using either gzip or bzip2. (.gz or .bz2 file
For a single pack table and label use -p/--pack and -l/--label. For
multiple pack table files and labels use --packlist.
-p --pack vg pack edge table
ex: -p sample.1.pack.edge.table
ex: -p sample.2.pack.edge.table.gz
-l --label vg pack edge table label displayed in vcf header
--packlist text file containing list of pack edge table files
and labels (labels optional but recommended)
(1 file and label per line, tab-delimited)
--ploidy 1 (haploid) or 2 (diploid) currently supported
default: 1
--no_graph_gts suppress printing of graph genotypes
Variants in (PanPipes) format can contain inversion
variants, which can result in a negative sign prefix in the 'POS' field
head node id. Conventionally, this field represents the position in the
reference genome and negative values may cause issues with tools that
use vcfs. To remove such variants from vcf ouput, use --rm_inv_head.
Note, the reciprocal variant of the inversion should be called
regardless, so the variant information is still retained for most
practical purposes.
--rm_inv_head remove variants with inverted head node
only applies to (PanPipes) format
default: disabled
genotyping options:
*Currently dynamic, model-based thresholds have not been fully
implemented. At the moment, selecting -m/--model will result in coverage
histograms and genomescope plots being generated, but all calls will
still be based on the static parameters.*
Genotyping thresholds can be set manually or dynamically by creating
coverage count histograms that are provide to GenomeScope for modeling.
(modeling is not recommended for GBS data) When modeling is enabled, any
samples that fail to generate a valid model will fallback to using the
static parameters.
Static parameter genotyping sets a minimum total coverage (all alleles)
threshold. The remaining variants are processed as either low or high
total coverage. Low coverage variants are genotyped using minimum allele
counts. High coverage variants are genotyped using minimum allele
-m --model use genomescope model to define genotyping thresholds
default: disabled
--modeldir output directory for modeling files
default: gfa_var_genotyper_models
--gs path to GenomeScope executable
default: autodetect in $PATH (if available)
static parameters:
--low_cov call GT based solely on allele with highest
coverage (--min_tot_cov still applies)
default: disabled
--min_tot_cov minimum total coverage (all alleles)
default: 3
--max_tot_cov maximum total coverage (all alleles)
default: no maxiumum
--max_low_cov_tot_cov maximum "low coverage" total coverage
default: 9
--min_low_cov_allele_count minimum "low coverage" allele count
default: 3
--min_high_cov_allele_pct minimum "high coverage" allele percent
default: 10
-h --help display help menu
Usage: -g graph.gfa [options] > graph.vcf
Description: writes node-based GFA graph variants to a VCF-like file
Variants are based on branch positions in the graph.
understands when a reverse-oriented variant is the same as a forward
variant and so produces biologically appropriate variants within long
inversions that are ortholgous despite their structural difference. This
behavior constrasts to available tools that we know of.
Output is VCF-like, but instead of the 'POS' field being expressed in
linear coordinates they are instead ordered graph node ids. If you have
used with sorting enabled
(, the node order will
reflect the primary sort reference that you specified (then secondary,
etc.). In other words, they are collinear with the genome sequence of
that reference. Though these node ids do not represent useful physical
distances, they can be determined using
and to convert graph-based vcfs to linear
The output POS field refers to the node id corresponding
to the 'head node'. 'Allelic nodes', which serve as the REF and ALT
fields, are the two possible branches extending from the head node. If
these two branches return to the same node over after a single allelic
node, node sequences are used to determine the explicit base change.
Otherwise, variants are encoded as 'long', 'dense' or 'multipath' with
the relevant node id suffix.
Simple indels are encoded differently than conventional vcf format.
Instead of giving the reference base and the insertion (or vice versus
for deletions), uses the '-' character and the indel
sequence. We find this more intuitive and in keeping with the variation
graph concept, but this difference may break tools expecting a
traditional vcf.
Inversion variants can result in a negative sign prefix in the 'POS'
field head node id. Conventionally, this field represents the position
in the reference genome and negative values may cause issues with tools
that use vcfs. Note, the reciprocal variant of the inversion should be
called regardless, so the variant information is still retained for most
practical purposes.
-g --gfa genome gfa file, vg-based (required)
-d --delim pattern used to split genotype from chromosome in path names
default: '\.'
-p --prefix prefix prepended to chromosome names
useful if part of the chromosome name is used to split path
names and therefore discarded
ex: -d '\.chr' -p 'chr'
default: none
-h --help display help menu
Usage: [options] > gfa_node_coords.out
Description: uses an input GFA file to generate
linear coordinates for each reference and graph node
-g --gfa genome gfa file, vg-based (required)
-h --help display help menu
Usage: -c coords.file -v node.based.vcf -g
genotype [options] > geno.coords.vcf
Description: converts graph-based variant nodes to
linear coordinates for one or more specified reference genotypes. requires a coords file from and a vcf file from
One or more reference genotypes (found in the coords file) must also be
Some graph nodes do not contain sequence for all available reference
genotypes. The linear coordinates will be produced based on the order of
reference genotypes provided using the -g/--geno option.
For example, if genotypes were specified as '-g geno1 -g geno2 -g
geno3', then linear coordinates for geno1 would be produced when a
particular node contains geno1 sequence. If the node does not share
sequence with geno1, then geno2 is checked, then geno3...
Also note that long and/or complex variant alleles are converted to
-c --coords coords file (required)
produced by
can be in gzip or bzip2 format
-v --vcf node-based vcf file (required)
produced by
-g --geno genotype(s) used as reference for linear coordinates
one genotype required, can enter multiple genotypes
when multiple genotypes are provided, coordinates for the
first genotype will be output, when available, followed by
the second genotype, then third, etc...
ex: -g geno1
ex: -g geno1 -g geno2 ... -g genoX
-d --delim pattern used to split genotype from chromosome in path names
default: '\.'
-p --prefix prefix prepended to chromosome names
useful if part of the chromosome name is used to split path
names and therefore discarded
ex: -d '\.chr' -p 'chr'
default: none
-h --help display help menu