This Symfony2-Bundle allows an easy Management of E-Mail-Templates with additional translations. E-Mails are listed and can be previewed in SonataAdmin.
In order to install this Bundle you will need:
- Doctrine ORM (required) -> Entity-Persistence
- SonataEasyExtends (required)
- BrauneDigitalTranslationBaseBundle (required) -> Translations
- SonataAdmin (optional) -> Backend Management
Just run the following command to install this bundle:
composer require braune-digital/mail-bundle
And enable the Bundle in your AppKernel.php:
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new BrauneDigital\TranslationBaseBundle\BrauneDigitalTranslationBaseBundle(),
new BrauneDigital\MailBundle\BrauneDigitalMailBundle(),
In order to use the bundle you have to
Just run:
php app/console sonata:easy-extends:generate --dest=src BrauneDigitalMailBundle
And enable the extended Bundle in your AppKernel.php as well:
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new Application\BrauneDigital\MailBundle\BrauneDigitalMailBundle()
You only need to set the user_class
user_class: Application\Sonata\UserBundle\Entity\User # Path to you used User-Entity
base_template_path: "emails" #used for template suggestions in SonataAdmin, defaults to "emails", which would resolve to app/Resources/views/emails
#base_template_path: ["emails_password_reset", "emails_registration] #Can be an array of paths as well
#base_template_path: ~ #Do not use template suggestions (You would have to enter the path manually)
{% extends 'emails/layout.html.twig' %}
{% block body %}
{{ object.template.body|raw }}
---USER_NAME{{ object.object.username }}---
---CONFIRMATION_LINK{% if object.object.confirmationToken is not empty %}{{ url('fos_user_registration_password_confirm', {token: object.object.confirmationToken}) }}{% else %}{{ url('fos_user_registration_password_confirm', {token: 'na'}) }}{% endif %}---
{% endblock %}
Where ---USER_NAME{{ object.object.username }}---
would be a generated placeholder with id USER_NAME.
An txt.twig
file is addionally used to append the Content as plain text as well:
{{ object.template.body|raw|striptags }}
---USERNAME{{ object.object.username }}---
---CONFIRMATION_LINK{% if object.object.confirmationToken is not empty %}{{ url('fos_user_registration_password_confirm', {token: object.object.confirmationToken}) }}{% else %}{{ url('fos_user_registration_password_confirm', {token: 'na'}) }}{% endif %}---
Placeholders can then be used in the Template-Description (layout path has to be the same):
Dear ###USER_NAME###
Thank you for registering. In order to complete your registration, you need to confirm your email address. To do so, click on the following link:
Best regards
##Types of Mails
There are currenty two types of Mails:
* Standard Mail
* User Mail (used for mails regarding a single or two users)
## Send Mails
In order to send mails one has to get the template by entering the layout path and creating a new mail:
$layout = 'emails/confirm.html.twig';
$mailService = $this->get('braunedigital.mail.service.mail');
$template = $mailService->getTemplate($layout);
if ($template) {
$mail = new UserMail();
//send the mail directly
//or store it for later sending
The template will now be rendered and the user is available as `object` in the template.
The locale and recipient adress are being loaded from the first user (`object`).
Or for user independent mails:
$layout = 'emails/static_mail.html.twig';
$mailService = $this->get('braunedigital.mail.service.mail');
$template = $mailService->getTemplate($layout);
if ($template) {
$mail = new Mail();
//send the mail directly
//or store it for later sending
## SendMailQueueCommand
In order to send mails that have not been handled immediately, the command braunedigital:mails:send has to be executed!