This allows you to spin up new CakePHP 3.4.11 apps. This provides the following containers
- apache(2.4)-php(7.0)
- mysql(5.7)
- phpmyadmin(latest)
You will need to copy the following file.
- Any variable that are commented out are optional for you to use
- All other variables are required
Run composer on the application code
cd public_html
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app composer/composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
** After you set your secrets.env file ** you should grant permissions for your mysql users to connect from the webserver container. This is a one-time thing, so long as the mysql data files do not get corrupted or destroyed. You will will want to connect to your database as root docker exec -it {database_container_name} mysql -u root -p
and you will be promoted the root password (which you have already set in secrets.env. You will then want to run GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON {mysql database}.* TO '{mysql user}'@'webserver' IDENTIFIED BY '{mysql password}' WITH GRANT OPTION; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
You could also set these options in phpmyadmin, but this is easier for me.
docker exec -it {database_container_name} mysql -u root -p
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON {mysql database}.* TO '{mysql user}'@'webserver' IDENTIFIED BY '{mysql password}' WITH GRANT OPTION; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;