This gem adds methods to apply ANSI colour codes and text styles to strings through the use of Refinements.
When you want to output colourized or stylized text to the console, use this gem.
In your Gemfile
add gem 'ansi_text_styles'
In your codebase add require 'ansi_text_styles'
The refinement methods in the gem can be used by including using AnsiTextStyles
in the file, class definition, or module definition in which you wish to use the refinement.
As this gem makes use of Refinements, some of the below examples will not work if copied and pasted directly into IRB or Pry. This is due to the lexical scoping of refinements. A nice writeup by James Adam can be found on his blog,
Instead, you can require the example files which are included in the gem.
Eg require 'ansi_text_styles/examples/basic'
# require 'ansi_text_styles/examples/basic'
using AnsiTextStyles
puts "How are you?".style(:blue, :bold) + " " + 'I am good!'.style(:red, :bold)
puts '%s %s' % ["How are you?".style(:blue, :bold), 'I am good!'.style(:red, :bold)]
# require 'ansi_text_styles/examples/chainable'
using AnsiTextStyles
puts 'How are you?'.blue.bold + " " + 'I am good!'.red.bold
puts '%s %s' % ["How are you?".blue.bold, 'I am good!'.red.bold]
# require 'ansi_text_styles/examples/stored_styles'
using AnsiTextStyles
text_styles = {
red_bold: [:red, :bold],
blue_underline: [:blue, :underline],
pretty: [:bg_magenta, :blink],
text_styles.each do |name, style|
styled_text = "Text styled multiple ways".style(style)
puts "%s: %s" % [name, styled_text]
# require 'ansi_text_styles/examples/logger.rb'
# Note: The String class is only modified within the lexical scope of the class
class ColourLogger
using AnsiTextStyles
def self.status(text)
def self.log_msg(status_text, message)
"%s %s" % [status(status_text), message]
def self.log_info(message)
log_msg('INFO'.green, message)
def self.log_error(message)
log_msg('ERROR'.red, message)
puts ColourLogger.log_info('a pretty colourised info message')
puts ColourLogger.log_error('a pretty colourised error message')
Foreground and background colour can be applied using 8-bit colour codes (0 - 255).
# require 'ansi_text_styles/examples/8_bit_colour'
using AnsiTextStyles
puts "Standard and high intensity colours"
# Standard and high intensity colours
(0..15).each do |fg|
row = (0..15).collect do |bg|
'xxx'.center(5).style(fg: fg, bg: bg)
puts row.join
puts "216 colours"
# 216 colours
colours = (16..231).collect do |bg|
fg = (bg - 16) % 36 < 18 ? 15 : 0 fg, bg: bg)
colours.each_slice(36).collect do |row|
puts row.join
puts "Greyscale colours"
# Greyscale colours
colours = (232..255).collect do |bg|
fg = (bg - 16) % 24 < 12 ? 15 : 0 fg, bg: bg)
colours.each_slice(12) do |row|
puts row.join
# require 'ansi_text_styles/examples/true_colour'
using AnsiTextStyles
puts 'Foreground using RGB array'.style(fg: [123, 6, 88])
puts 'Foreground using RGB hash'.style(fg: { r: 5, g: 67, b: 145})
puts 'Background using RGB array'.style(bg: [6, 200, 56])
puts 'Background using RGB hash'.style(bg: { red: 56, green: 99, blue: 240})
puts 'Foreground and Background using RGB array'.style(fg: [250, 200, 4], bg: [6, 7, 245])
puts 'Foreground and Background using RGB hash'.style(fg: { red: 70, green: 222, blue: 9}, bg: { r: 200, g: 8, b: 0})
Style | Method | Style Code |
No Style | none |
0 |
Bold | bold |
1 |
Bright (increased intensity) | bright |
1 |
Faint (decreased intensity) | faint |
2 |
Italic | italic |
3 |
Underline | underline |
4 |
Blink (slow) | blink |
5 |
Blink (slow) | blink_slow |
5 |
Blink (fast) | blink_fast |
6 |
Swap background and foreground colours | reverse |
7 |
Hide (foreground colour same as background) | hide |
8 |
Crossed out | crossed_out |
9 |
Colour | Foreground Method | Fg Code | Background Method | Bg Code |
Default | default_fg |
39 |
default_bg |
49 |
Black | black |
30 |
bg_black |
40 |
Grey | grey |
90 |
bg_grey |
100 |
Light Grey | lt_grey |
37 |
bg_lt_grey |
47 |
White | white |
97 |
bg_white |
107 |
Red | red |
31 |
bg_red |
41 |
Light Red | lt_red |
91 |
bg_lt_red |
101 |
Green | green |
32 |
bg_green |
42 |
Light Green | lt_green |
92 |
bg_lt_green |
102 |
Light Yellow | dk_yellow |
33 |
bg_dk_yellow |
43 |
Brown | brown |
33 |
bg_dk_brown |
43 |
Yellow | yellow |
93 |
bg_yellow |
103 |
Blue | blue |
34 |
bg_blue |
44 |
Light Blue | lt_blue |
94 |
bg_lt_blue |
104 |
Magenta | magenta |
35 |
bg_magenta |
45 |
Light Magenta | lt_magenta |
95 |
bg_lt_magenta |
105 |
Pink | pink |
95 |
bg_pink |
105 |
Cyan | cyan |
36 |
bg_cyan |
46 |
Light Cyan | lt_cyan |
96 |
bg_lt_cyan |
106 |
Default colour | default_fg |
39 |
default_bg |
49 |
Because this gem makes use of refinements, it is only compatible with Ruby version 2.0.0 and above (excluding any future release of Ruby 3).