A pytest plugin to measure fixture and test durations.
In order to get the pure test setup/teardown durations, plugin subtracts time taken by fixtures which scope is larger than "function".
$ pip install pytest-durations
--pytest-durations=N Show N slowest setup/test durations (N=0 to disable
plugin). Default 30
Minimal duration in seconds for inclusion in slowest
list. Default 0.005
Note: please don't be mistaken by --duration
options which comes from pytest itself.
============================== fixture duration top ==============================
total name num avg min
0:00:00.115193 fake_pluginmanager 3 0:00:00.034275 0:00:00.034190
0:00:00.060736 fake_config 2 0:00:00.030368 0:00:00.030047
0:00:00.048220 fake_session 2 0:00:00.024110 0:00:00.023326
0:00:00.015640 fake_node 2 0:00:00.007820 0:00:00.007083
0:00:00.011255 pytester 6 0:00:00.001447 0:00:00.001332
0:00:00.008079 fake_parser 1 0:00:00.008079 0:00:00.008079
0:00:00.263918 grand total 78 0:00:00.000031 0:00:00.000017
============================= test call duration top =============================
total name num avg min
0:00:00.720817 test_plugin_xdist_enabled 1 0:00:00.720817 0:00:00.720817
0:00:00.252951 test_plugin_with_options 3 0:00:00.084313 0:00:00.084112
0:00:00.158072 test_get_test_key 9 0:00:00.017230 0:00:00.016828
0:00:00.083768 test_plugin_disable 1 0:00:00.083768 0:00:00.083768
0:00:00.079307 test_plugin_xdist_disabled 1 0:00:00.079307 0:00:00.079307
0:00:00.053477 test_get_current_ticks_frozen 1 0:00:00.053477 0:00:00.053477
0:00:01.355299 grand total 31 0:00:00.000713 0:00:00.000157
============================ test setup duration top =============================
total name num avg min
0:00:00.065258 test_pytest_configure_disabled 1 0:00:00.065258 0:00:00.065258
0:00:00.064810 test_pytest_configure 1 0:00:00.064810 0:00:00.064810
0:00:00.055380 test_pytest_addoption 1 0:00:00.055380 0:00:00.055380
0:00:00.025389 test_pytest_sessionfinish 1 0:00:00.025389 0:00:00.025389
0:00:00.023777 test_pytest_sessionfinish_noxdist 1 0:00:00.023777 0:00:00.023777
0:00:00.010331 test_plugin_with_options 3 0:00:00.002551 0:00:00.002534
0:00:00.008948 test_pytest_testnodedown_noxdist 1 0:00:00.008948 0:00:00.008948
0:00:00.007471 test_pytest_testnodedown 1 0:00:00.007471 0:00:00.007471
0:00:00.273505 grand total 31 0:00:00.002209 0:00:00.000143
=========================== test teardown duration top ===========================
total name num avg min
0:00:00.007211 grand total 31 0:00:00.000177 0:00:00.000123
======================== 31 passed, 2 warnings in 1.72s ========================
Project uses poetry for dependencies management, pytest for testing and pre-commit for coding standard checks.
$ pip install poetry
$ poetry install
$ pre-commit install
$ pytest tests
- Upgrade development dependencies
- Update supported Python versions
- Use same width for all reports (#6)
- Improve test coverage (#7)
- Continuous delivery GitHub workflow
- Do not interoperate with xdist if it is disabled or absent
- Grand total row shows real min/max values instead of averages
- First Release