$ cp secrets.py.template secrets.py
edit it
do not commit it to git - it's for your site's private stuff
$ virtualenv --no-site-packages /usr/local/pythonenv/UGC $ bash # this is so you don't lose your terminal when you want to undo the virtualenv $ source /usr/local/pythonenv/UGC/bin/activate # chmod +x manage.py # I don't want to have to type "python" before ./manage.py all the time # ./manage.py syncdb # this should ask you to create a superuser # ./manage.py migrate # ./manage.py createsuperuser # if not created yet # ./manage.py runserver
visit http://localhost:8000/admin
and create more users (for your committee) Add usergroups and usergroup2s and sponsors (for content)
usergroup has an organization sponsor has an organization
At the moment, usergroup logos get uploaded into the static images directory - not good but that's the way it works for now.
usergroup2 was invented after usergroup, I should have made usergroup2 first and then made usergroup on top of it. Will make that change after the first event is over.