WebRTC plugin for Flutter (flutter_webrtc)
- WebRTC is mainly used for real time communication like video/Audio call and chat on Peer-to-Peer and Data channel communication.
- In this app, we have implmented Peer-to-Peer video calling using RTCPeerConnection.
- WebRTC provides custom friendly channeling mechanism for connections.
- Configuration of WebRTC : https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_webrtc
- Flutter_webrtc flutter plugin is responsible for integrating WebRTC API to our app.
- getUserMedia is responsible for transmitting video/audio with constraints.
- Firebase configuration
- FIrebase is used as a channeling mechanism to store generated SDP and ICECandidate from Offer and Answer of Peers.
- These SDP and ICECandidate are then delivered to those peers who wants to establish the connection.