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A MemoryCache which tries to prevent cache miss for hot entries, by refreshing before expiration.


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InMemory Cache

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A MemoryCache which tries to prevent cache miss for hot entries, by refreshing before expiration.

Auto Refreshing Cache example:

// define auto refreshing cache
var cache = new AutoRefreshingCache<string>(expireAfter: 10, refreshAfter: 8, cacheName: "shortTimeCache");

// add key/value data to cache
cache.Inject("key", "value");

// get count of expired cache by key elements
int expiredCacheCount = cache.CountExpiredElements(new[] { "key1", "key2", "key3", "key4" });

// get or update a key in cache, the update operate when occurred that cache was expired, else get old value.
var value = cache.Get("key", () => "new value");

Lifetime Cache example:

// define lifetime cache
var lifetimeCache = new AutoRefreshingCache<object>(cacheName: "lifetimeCache");
lifetimeCache.Inject("test", 123456);
int testValue = lifetimeCache.Get<int>("test");

Rate Limiter example:

// define rate limiter for decide can call a method too more or not?
var rateLimiter = new RateLimiter(maxTries: 100, inPeriod: 120, cacheName: "rateLimiterCache");
bool canProc = rateLimiter.CanProceed("method name or a key");

Request Limiter by IP Filter example:

// use rate limiter in Web API or MVC Controller to limit request count for all actions by IP filtering
[RequestLimiterByIpFilter] // default: maxTries: 2000, inPeriod: 3600, filterName: nameof(RequestLimiterByIpFilterAttribute)
[RequestLimiterByIpFilter(maxTries: 100, inPeriod: 120, filterName: nameof(TestController))] // customized
public class TestController : Controller
	public IActionResult GetTest()
		// ...
