Repository is a starter Vue Storefront 2 application integrated with Magento2.
- NodeJS >=14 <=16
- Yarn
- Magento2
To get started, see the following guides:
Introduction to learn what is Vue Storefront
Configuring Magento2 to setup your Magento2 store
Configuring VueStorefront 2 to install and setup new Vue Storefront project for Magento2
# install dependencies
$ yarn install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ yarn dev
# build for production and launch server
$ yarn build
$ yarn start
- Vue Storefront Documentation
- Vue Storefront Enterprise Documentation
- Magento2 Integration Documentation
- API References
- Community Chat
If you have any questions about this integration we will be happy to answer them on Magento2
channel on our Discord.