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Building, testing and publishing images with Docker, Dive, Goss and Snyk.

Requires Linux, Docker, curl.

A Docker image is published upon tag creation. Release automation configured in .github/workflows/build-tags.yaml.

Release Tags, pinned to a Git SHA, are rebuilt and republished daily to pull in security updates.

Released Docker Images are tagged: ${Docker Repo configured in workflow env var}/${GitHub repo name}:${Git Tag value}

This approach required mutable Docker Image tags. This risks publishing breaking changes to a public Docker Image tag.

The risk of publishing breaking changes be mitigated by pinning promised packages and implementing thorough tests in goss.yaml.

Deleting and re-publishing tags is highly discouraged, and should only be considered in a break-glass situation where a tag breaks due to unpinned required dependencies.

local use

Full CI workflow. Installs dependencies and builds image tagged as test.

# install dependencies, build 'test' image from Dockerfile, run tests and scans
make ci

Locally you'll want to run make install once when first setting up the repo to install dependencies, then repeatedly run make test to build and run tests on the image.

Other make commands available:

make install # install dependencies
make test # build 'test' image from Dockerfile, run tests and scans

Note Dive installation script uses debian installer. To install Dive on MacOS run brew install dive. Dive installation instructions