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This library aims to implement the TransIP SOAP V5 API in Python. The SOAP V5 API is marked as deprecated by TransIP, users are strongly advised to switch to the new TransIP REST API V6.

If you would like to use the new TransIP REST API V6, please consider using python-transip instead.

Quick Start


  • Make sure you have an account at TransIP
  • Enable the API (
  • Whitelist your IP.
  • Generate a new key-pair.
    • Copy-paste the private key into a file.
    • Put the private key in a file called decrypted_key beside this README.rst file.


You can get the library directly from PyPi:

$ pip install transip


The command-line interpreter doesn't do much yet. By default it does a getDomainNames() call, but with the '-u' option it's also possible to add or update DNS records. When calling it with '-h', it will show all available options.

$ transip-api -l username

$ transip-api -h
usage: transip-api [-h] [-l LOGINNAME] [-s] [-a] [-u] [-d]
                   [--domain-name DOMAIN_NAME] [--entry-name ENTRY_NAME]
                   [--entry-expire ENTRY_EXPIRE] [--entry-type ENTRY_TYPE]
                   [--entry-content ENTRY_CONTENT] [--api-key PRIVATE_KEY_FILE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LOGINNAME, --login-name LOGINNAME
                        TransIP username
  -s, --show-dns-entries
                        show all DNS entries for a domain
  -a, --add-dns-entry   add an entry in the DNS
  -u, --update-dns-entry
                        update an entry in the DNS
  -d, --delete-dns-entry
                        delete an entry in the DNS
  --domain-name DOMAIN_NAME
                        domain name to use
  --entry-name ENTRY_NAME
                        name of the DNS entry
  --entry-expire ENTRY_EXPIRE
                        expire time of the DNS entry
  --entry-type ENTRY_TYPE
                        type of the DNS entry
  --entry-content ENTRY_CONTENT
                        content of the DNS entry
  --api-key PRIVATE_KEY_FILE
                        TransIP private key

Example of adding/updating a record:

$ transip-api -l username -u --api-key privatekey --domain-name --entry-name testentry --entry-expire 86400 --entry-type A --entry-content
Request finished successfully.


Further documentation can be found in the docs directory, or on



When using the library I get SSL errors such as:

urllib2.URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 1] _ssl.c:510: error:14077458:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 unrecognized name>


The suds library has fairly limited SSL support which is dependent on the Python version, to work around this the suds_requests library can be used which replaces urllib2 with the requests library. Additionally the requests library automatically pools connections which makes the library slightly faster to use. To install:

pip install suds_requests