A minimal LSP server manager for Neovim, inspired by vim-plug, humbly standing on the shoulders of nvim-lsp-installer
I strive to be able to setup a new machine purely by scripts and config. To that end, I manage all of my configurations in git. The awesome vim-plug does that job for my nvim plugins. And while nvim-lsp-installer does save me the headache of manually installing and updating LSP servers, it does not allow me out of the box to manage the LSP serves I want installed as convenient as vim-plug for plugins.
- a working installation of nvim-lsp-installer
- all the requirments of nvim-lsp-installer
Plug 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig'
Plug 'williamboman/nvim-lsp-installer'
Plug 'benjaminbauer/nvim-lsplug'
-- somewhere in your init.lua or in a lua block in your init.vim
local lsplug = require("nvim-lsplug")
-- valid servers: https://github.com/williamboman/nvim-lsp-installer/#available-lsps
-- optionally add data to pass through to setup
lsplug.add("jsonls", {commands = {
Format = {
Command | Description |
Lspluginstall |
Install all configured LSP servers |
Lsplugclean |
Uninstall all manually installed LSP servers |
This is a scratch-your-own-itch plugin and a working alpha at best. It is literally the first time I am writing anything in Lua and also my first try of writing a vim plugin. I do not know if I will maintain this. If you are reading this, see the merit of this plugin and are more proficient in Lua, please feel free to reach out.