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A JavaScript library for building graphs using HTML elements

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A simple library for visualising graphs using DOM elements

🎉 Features

  • ✅ Written with TypeScript so it is type-safe
  • ✅ Draggable nodes
  • ✅ Add edges dynamically with drag & drop
  • ✅ Zoomable & draggable canvas
  • ✅ Nodes can be any HTML elements (e.g. <div> or <img>) or even a React component
  • ✅ Add nodes dynamically with drag & drop
  • ✅ Events:
    • 🎉 nodeClick: when a node is clicked
    • 🎉 nodeDrag: when a node is dragged
    • 🎉 nodeDragEnd: when a node is dropped
    • 🎉 edgeClick: when an edge is clicked
    • 🎉 canvasClick: when the canvas is clicked
    • 🎉 canvasDrag: when the canvas is dragged
    • 🎉 canvasDragEnd: when the canvas is dropped
    • 🎉 canvasZoom: when the canvas is zoomed
    • 🎉 canvasZoomEnd: when the canvas is zoomed
    • and many more see FullyLinkedEventEnum
  • ✅ Extend with graph layouts, including DAG, force-directed, or a custom layout (coming soon)
  • ✅ Customizable edge styles (coming soon)

🔀 Example FullyLinked Graph

Example FullyLinked Graph

ℹ️ Get started

  1. First, install the library
npm install fully-linked
  1. Then import it
import { FullyLinked } from 'fully-linked'
  1. Use it
// Create an interface for our node data
interface MyNodeDataType {
  id: string;
  label: string;

// Create an interface for our edge data
interface MyEdgeDataType {
  id: string;
  label: string;

// Get the container element. This can be any HTML div element. 
// It must have a width and height so that the graph can be visible.
const container = document.getElementById("container");
if (!container) {
    // ... handle container not found

// Create a new FullLinked instance
const fl = new FullyLinked<MyNodeDataType, MyEdgeDataType>({
  // Each graph must have a unique ID
  id: "my-fl-graph",
  // The container element must be passed in

// A function to create your node template. 
// Returns an HTML element.
const getNodeElement = (node: ProcessedNode<MyNodeDataType>) => {
  // Create a blank div element as our node container
  const nodeElement = document.createElement("div");

  // Set the node container's styles = `${node.width}px`; = `${node.height}px`; = "#eeee"; = "10px";

  // Add node content
  const content = document.createElement('div'); = "15px";
  content.innerText =;

  // Append the node content to the node container

  // Return the node container
  return nodeElement;

// Set graph data
  nodes: [
      // Each node must have a unique id
      id: "1",
      // Each node must have a width and a height  
      width: 300,
      height: 80,
      // Initial positions of the node
      x: 50,
      y: 50,
      // Pass any data you want to store in the node
      data: { id: "1", label: "Node 1" },
      // The node template is a function that returns an HTML element (created above)
      customNodeElement: getNodeElement
      id: "2",
      width: 300,
      height: 80,
      x: 500,
      y: 250,
      data: { id: "2", label: "Node 2" },
      customNodeElement: getNodeElement
      id: "3",
      width: 300,
      height: 80,
      x: 50,
      y: 450,
      data: { id: "3", label: "Node 3" },
      customNodeElement: getNodeElement
      id: "4",
      width: 300,
      height: 80,
      x: 50,
      y: 650,
      data: { id: "4", label: "Node 4" },
      customNodeElement: getNodeElement
      id: "5",
      width: 300,
      height: 80,
      x: 50,
      y: 850,
      data: { id: "5", label: "Node 5" },
      customNodeElement: getNodeElement
      id: "6",
      width: 300,
      height: 80,
      x: 50,
      y: 1000,
      data: { id: "6", label: "Node 6" },
      customNodeElement: getNodeElement
  edges: [
        // An edge must have a unique ID
        id: "1", 
        // The source and target nodes of the edge
        source: "1",
        target: "2",
        // Pass any data you want to store in the edge
        data: { 
            id: "1", 
            label: "Edge 1" 
    { id: "2", source: "2", target: "3", data: { id: "2", label: "Edge 2" } },
    { id: "3", source: "2", target: "4", data: { id: "3", label: "Edge 3" } },
    { id: "4", source: "4", target: "5", data: { id: "4", label: "Edge 4" } },
  // Each data object must have a unique id
  id: "test",

// Render the graph into the container element