Hey there, I'm Davide, a backend developer from Italy 🤏
My story, in short:
- CS Degree in Turin, around 2014
- Backend developer, focused on SharePoint (2014 -> 2016)
- Fullstack developer, taking care of everything: SQL, UI, and everything in between (2017)
- Fullstack developer/mentor: Angular + .NET API (2017->2019)
- Backend developer (2019 -> today)
- Backend dev/Architect (in the future - I hope 😉)
and, of course...
- Easy logging management with Seq and ILogger in ASP.NET
- Davide's Code and Architecture Notes - the Error Management Trio, and how it affects your software architecture
- C# Tip: IEnumerable vs ICollection, and why it matters
- How to use IHttpClientFactory and WireMock.NET together using Moq
- Davide's Code and Architecture Notes - Practical creation of C4 Model diagrams with Structurizr