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A scrolling shooter, built with PICO-8


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A scrolling shooter, built with PICO-8

This is a PICO-8 game, which I made during Basic Shmup Showcase event organised by Lazy Devs Academy.

You can play it on and on .

If you want to take a look at the codebase, please visit (the code inside PICO-8 carts of this game is minified, therefore not suitable for reading).

  1. Controls
  2. Gameplay
    1. Power-ups
    2. HUD
    3. Recordings
  3. Development
    1. Technical Challenges Tackled In This Game
    2. How To Develop Further
    3. Code Style
  4. License
  5. Credits
  6. Version History
    1. v0.4.0
    2. v0.3.0
    3. v0.2.0
    4. v0.1.0



  • press & hold x to fire
  • press c to trigger a shockwave (if available)
  • press p to open the pause menu

Virtual controller (in browser, on a mobile device):

  • press & hold to fire
  • press 🅾️ to trigger a shockwave (if available)
  • press to open the pause menu

Physical game controllers are supposed to work as well, even in a browser. Button mapping varies between models.


Your task is to pilot Dart-07 unit on a secret mission on Emerald Islands.

Destroy enemies along the way to increase your score, grab power-ups left by them and survive a boss fight in order to complete a mission.


There are 5 types of power-ups you can grab, each of them either makes your life easier or, if cannot improve further, increases your score:

  • +1 heart – you can have max 10 hearts; you lose one whenever you take damage
  • fast movement – increases player's movement speed; does not accumulate; lost on a damage
  • fast shoot – increases shooting speed; does not accumulate, but can be combined with the triple shoot; lost on a damage
  • triple shoot – you shoot 3 bullets instead of 1, but on a little but slower rate; does not accumulate, but can be combined with the fast shoot; lost on a damage
  • shockwave charge – allows you to trigger a destructive shockwave around you (with use of "c" / "🅾️" button); you can have max 4 shockwave charges


In your HUD you see:

  • left-top: mission progression (the higher the ship's icon is placed, the close to the boss you are)
  • right-top: your score, which you gain by destroying enemies and grabbing power-ups in case they cannot bring any improvement
  • right-middle: power-ups you gathered (excluding hearts and shockwave charges)
  • left-bottom: hearts left; you die when all hearts are gone
  • right-bottom: shockwave charges left; you can trigger a shockwave if you have at least 1 charge left
  • top-middle, during boss fight: boss' health (yes, you are supposed to bring it down to zero 😉)



Technical Challenges Tackled In This Game

In this game I focused on learning various bits of PICO-8 API.

Some of the topics I tackled in this game are:

  • multi-cart setup: this game consists of many carts – 1 main cart for the title screen etc., and 1 cart for each mission (the game contains only a single mission, but the code architecture is ready to have more of them). Each mission has its own sprites and music, as well as a code responsible for available enemy types, including their attack and movement patterns. Common SFXs and sprites are copied from the main cart to missions carts with use of MEMCPY and a user data memory area (0x4300-0x55ff), preserved across loaded carts). Moreover, I implemented this in a way which allows me to use same codebase to load both locally developed carts as well as those published to Lexaloffle BBS.
  • missions defined as a map – level shape and enemy pattern are defined as sprites in a PICO-8 map, but in a simplified form (in order to fit all needed data there). Dedicated piece of code is responsible for translating sprites from map into a mission gameplay, including proper placement of edge land/structure tiles.
  • circular clipping: during shockwave a ring of inverted colors propagates from the player. To achieve that I had to learn how to implement circular clipping masks in a CPU-performant way.
  • dithered fade-in/out transition: basically a set of rectangles filled with FILLP patterns, moving over screen.
  • high score: usage of PICO-8's API to read and store data persisted on a host machine
  • code minification: with my code style (full of spaces and long names), I found it easy to hit PICO-8's characters' count limit. Therefore I forked and modified luamin tool and incorporated it into this game's build flow, resulting with characters' count reduced by around 50%.

How To Develop Further

PICO-8 version used to develop this game: 0.2.5c

Quick start:

  1. (optional) Install nvm
  2. (optional) Run nvm install to setup proper Node.js version
  3. (once) Run npm install to download dependencies
  4. Run npm start to start a watcher which generates minified Lua sources for the game every time a file is changed. Please be aware all files has to be included (#include) manually in the cart's Lua itself.
  5. Start PICO-8 and load dart-07.p8 cart

Optionally, to build without minification: npm run watch-and-build-as-is

To build dist packages:

  • remove cart data file from PICO-8 cart data folder (as set in $HOME/Library/Application Support/pico-8/config.txt)
  • then run npm run dist

To update the sprite sheet of, for example, mission 1:

  • edit graphics/spritesheet_mission_1.aseprite in Aseprite (please remember you have to use official standard 16 PICO-8 colours so they will match on import)
  • export to PNG with scale 100%
  • load cart and run import graphics/spritesheet_mission_1.png or import dart-07/graphics/spritesheet_mission_1.png ( depends on what your current working directory is)

Code Style

This game is made with PICO-8, which imposes a token count limit (which can be checked in console with info command). It means, in a lot of situations a code clarity had to be sacrificed in order to squeeze one more enemy or to implement a high score feature ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I release this game under MIT license for sake of simplicity and to allow people learn from it.

But, aside from that (therefore I cannot enforce it on you 🙃), if you find this repository useful or use it publicly in any way, I would be happy to see myself credited. You can found my social media profiles etc. on , or just link to that webpage 🙂


I implemented this game on my own, as well as drew all sprites and composed all SFXs and music. But there are some resources I found super useful and used some of them I used in the codebase as well. With huge thanks, here are those:

Version History


  • Mission selection screen is now hidden in order to not expose an unfinished work


  • added score is shown in place of destroyed enemy and picked powerup (in case it won't have any other effect)
  • increase shooting speed for a combination of triple shoot and fast shoot powerups (to make it easier to notice the change in the speed)
  • increase screen shake player on damage to make it easier to realized the damage happened; remove screen shake on shockwave trigger
  • fix ship sprite on the mission selection screen
  • HTML5: place PICO-8 game controls closer to the game itself in order to allow narrower iframe size


  • new powerup type: fast movement
  • fixed diagonal speed of a player's ship by dividing it by 1.41
  • fast movement, fast shoot, and triple shoot have their status visible in a HUD
  • more health for mission 1 boss and mission 1 big enemy
  • shake camera on a shockwave trigger
  • lower volume of player shooting
  • show a win screen after first mission (the completed one)
  • print version number on a title screen


  • complete game mechanics
  • complete mission 1
  • complete screens outside missions (but without music for a win screen after mission 3)
  • implemented persisted high score


Shield: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.