This package provides a command line interface for:
- RS-232 device connection.
- MLLP client and Server
Make sure you have MariaDb installed
create databse create database db_name;
grant all privileges on databse_name.* TO 'username'@'%' identified by '<password>';
flush privileges;
Download Miniconda and fix python to 3.11
$ wget
$ bash
$ conda install python=3.11
Check python version
$ python3 --version or python --version
Python 3.x.x
git clone
cd felicity-lablink && git checkput hl7tcp
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Install the package as a simlink in order to local changes tracking:
$ pip install -e .
Update configs
cd felicity-lablink/src/flablink/
nano # and update as necessary
Make sure you have a working database before proceeding to this step
# Run alembic migrations to generate our database tables
cd felicity-lablink/src/flablink/
bash ./
Seed the Db with starter config data
$ flablink seed
Check for the latest device connected to your computer by:
$ s -lh /dev/
You might get a permission denied to accedd usb and serial ports: Add and reboot
$ sudo gpasswd -a $USER dialout or sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
Simulation test with socat:
$ sudo apt-get install socat
$ socat -d -d pty,raw,echo=0 pty,raw,echo=0
2019/05/27 09:49:54 socat[19584] N PTY is /dev/pts/5
2019/05/27 09:49:54 socat[19584] N PTY is /dev/pts/6
2019/05/27 09:49:54 socat[19584] N starting data transfer loop with FDs [5,5] and [7,7]
Start the receiver (serial):
$ serial -s -p /dev/pts/6
Simulate the receiver (instrument):
$ echo -n -e '\x05' > /dev/pts/5
Opening session
-> <ENQ>
Initiating Establishment Phase ...
Ready for Transfer Phase ...
<- <ACK>
$ echo -n -e '\x021This is my first and last frame\x03F0\x0D\x0A' > /dev/pts/5
-> <STX>1This is my first and last frame<ETX>F0<CR><LF>
Frame accepted
Transfer phase completed:
This is my first and last frame
Closing session: neutral state
<- <ACK>
$ echo -n -e '\x05' > /dev/pts/5
$ echo -n -e '\x021This is my first frame\x17F0\x0D\x0A' > /dev/pts/5
$ echo -n -e '\x022This is my second frame\x17F0\x0D\x0A' > /dev/pts/5
$ echo -n -e '\x023This is my third frame\x17F0\x0D\x0A' > /dev/pts/5
$ echo -n -e '\x024This is my fourth and last frame\x03F0\x0D\x0A' > /dev/pts/5
Opening session
-> <ENQ>
Initiating Establishment Phase ...
Ready for Transfer Phase ...
<- <ACK>
-> <STX>1This is my first frame<ETB>F0<CR><LF>
Frame accepted
Waiting for a new frame ...
<- <ACK>
-> <STX>2This is my second frame<ETB>F0<CR><LF>
Frame accepted
Waiting for a new frame ...
<- <ACK>
-> <STX>3This is my third frame<ETB>F0<CR><LF>
Frame accepted
Waiting for a new frame ...
<- <ACK>
-> <STX>4This is my fourth and last frame<ETX>F0<CR><LF>
Frame accepted
Transfer phase completed:
This is my first frame
This is my second frame
This is my third frame
This is my fourth and last frame
Closing session: neutral state
<- <ACK>
Serial ports are mostly set with a baudrate of 9600 by default, but you can modify these settings with stty command, if needed. Eg:
$ sudo stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 9600
The same command, but without specifying the baudrate will give you the actual configuration
$ sudo stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0
speed 9600 baud; line = 0;
-brkint -imaxbel
All should be up by now: Test your serial or tcptip conections (Nb: use Web interface for production)
flablink serial --uid 0 --name AbbottM2000SP --code AbM200SP --path /dev/tty/USB0 --baud 9600 --protocol astm
flablink tcpip --uid 1 --name AbbotAlinityM --code AlinityM --address --port 3120 --socket server --protocol hl7
Setup supervisor for easier script management manager
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install supervisor
check status:
$ sudo systemctl status supervisor
open supervisor config file:
$ sudo nano /etc/supervisor/conf.d/felicity_lablink.conf
Copy and Paste any of the following programs based on available serial devices
command=/home/<user>/miniconda3/bin/python /home/<user>/miniconda3/bin/flablink serve --host --port 8080
inform supervisor of our new programs:
$ sudo supervisorctl reread
tell superviror enact any changes:
$ sudo supervisorctl update
check program status:
$ sudo supervisorctl status
reload all services
$ sudo supervisorctl reload
reload or retart a single program:
$ sudo supervisorctl restart felicity_lablink
tail error logs:
$ sudo supervisorctl tail -f felicity_lablink stderr
or tail -f /var/log/felicity_lablink.err.log
tail output logs:
$ sudo supervisorctl tail -f felicity_lablink stdout
or tail -f /var/log/felicity_lablink.out.log