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Releases: bdring/FluidNC


15 Jul 13:28
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Added Jobs Feature

A concept called jobs has been added to FluidNC, so that a sequence of related lines (a “job”) can be tracked and executed as a group, with controlled interaction between disparate jobs. This allows files to call other files.

Interacting jobs are treated like subroutines in a programming language - when a job finishes, the job that initiated it is resumed after the place that initiated the “interior” job.

Added Params and Expressions.

You can now put parameters and expressions in gcode.

Standardized delay functions.

This was mostly a code cleanup, but it does enable a change in WebUI whereby, when running a job that includes a delay like a G4 dwell or a spindle or coolant delay, the displayed state does not switch to Idle during the dwell time, but rather remains in Run state. This is important for the Tablet UI which has a different layout and different active controls during Run state.

WebUI Tablet Improvements

In addition to the above, the WebUI Tablet code underwent a lot of rework so that the Tablet code is nearly identical (shared) between the WebUI2 and WebUI3 version. It has a new overrides feature so you can override the feedrate and spindle speeds in Run state. When used with WebUI3 inside a panel (not as a full page), it has an abbreviated layout that only includes the visualizer.

Fixed TMC2209 Issue

Defaults missing homing current to run current on TMC2209 if it is not specified in the config file.

Improvements to auto reporting.

  • Overrides report correctly with multiple channels

  • M30 was not reporting correctly

  • $SS was not always complete when used with the WebUI


20 Jun 18:08
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New release v3.7.18

This release is primarily a bunch of bug fixes, plus some code cleanups

  • Lots of memory fixes to help with WiFi and large SD file transfers
  • Fixed a single axis homing with cycle=0 bug.
  • Fixed a feedrate issue when feedrate override was done when there was no motion.
  • Fixed a WebUI tablet interface arrow key issue.
  • Fixed config file error reporting issues
  • Fixed a delay in the reporting of control pin changes
  • Fixed a hang that can occur when TM2209s are repeatedly initialized


28 Apr 18:52
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  • Config Alarm: FluidNC starts with a config alarm if there were problems in your config file. This can be cleared like other alarms, but it help users understand that there are problems that need to be fixed.
  • Error Reporting: Errors display with a full description in addition to a number. This can be controlled with the verbose_errors: config item.
  • Homing Current: TMC2209 drivers now have a homing_amps: config item. This could be helpful to people trying to tune stallguard homing.
  • Probe: Fixed some probe pin issues. It now has a hard_stop: config item. This will hard stop the motion at the probe contact point. It prevents deceleration overtravel to protect fragile bits. It may be less accurate at higher speeds if deceleration is needed.
  • Homing: You can now set the number of homing touches. The config item is homing_runs: and the default is 2 to match the traditional method. It can be set from 1 to 5. The first touch runs at the seek speed and the rest run at the feed speed. Some features like stallguard homing do not benefit from multiple touches.


02 Apr 18:52
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  • Active limit switches are now shown at startup.
  • Siemens v20 VFD support (thak you RootCNC)
  • Danfoss VLT 2800 VFD Support added (thank you whosmatt)
  • Successful homing cycles are reported. Primarily for pendant and display status
  • Lots of little fixes to support pendant features, like macros.


15 Mar 19:24
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  • Several improvements to how SD card errors are handled. This will make it more obvious when the problem it is a config file issue vs hardware or SD card issues.
  • Several improvement to make pendants and displays programming easier.
  • Added optional flow control on UART channels, useful for pendants
  • Improved handling of XModem errors in FluidTerm
  • OLED orientation flip support added.


28 Jan 08:21
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3.7.14-webui3-test Pre-release

This is a test release for some changes necessary to support WebUI3. This version of FluidNC is supposed to work with either the existing WebUI version 2 or the new WebUI version 3. To test WebUI3 you can get the index.html.gz from .

If you use WebUI3 and then go back to WebUI2, WebUI2 might not start correctly. If you have this problem, you can fix it by deleting the preferences.json file with $localfs/delete=preferences.json . The problem is caused by WebUI3 creating a new preferences.json that is in a format that WebUI2 does not understand.


24 Jan 20:18
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  • Added commands for better file system support with pendants and displays.
  • Added some more Grbl $$ proxies to support legacy GCode senders.
  • Fixed some HTTP Issue
  • Fixed some wifi issues - notably failure to switch to AP mode after STA connect fails (only seen on unsupported ESP32-S3 version)
  • Fixed some WebUI issues - notably initial connect failure with "is your firmware correct" message.


21 Dec 19:46
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New FluidNC release 3.7.12

  • We moved the config file examples to a new repo.
  • The Tablet UI now uses a jog for the probe pull off.
  • Added the ability to suppress messages sent to a uart_channel. This reduces bandwidth and CPU load on both ends for messages that are typically not needed by pendants and displays.
  • Fixed a homing issue where undefined axes would warn about not being homed.
  • Fixed a hardware UART definition issue to improve timing accuracy on higher baud rates.
  • (for devs) New $sd/listJSON and $localfs/listJSON commands for listing directories via serial. Useful for pendants. Directory listing via HTTP is unchanged.

Note: The WebUI has changed. You need to manually install the new file from the release. We hope to make this simpler some day. If you have your config file backed up, you can also do a full install and then reupload your config file.

The current WebUI file can be downloaded here.


08 Dec 19:59
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New feature

Added report_interval_ms config item to uart_channels.


08 Nov 19:37
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This release is mostly bug fixes and tweaks.

  • SSPD Bug Fix
  • Fixed $30 reporting when no spindle is defined
  • Some JSON fixes for WebUI
  • Fixed a VFD UART issue
  • Fixed an issue with Homing cycle 0
  • Fixed missing implementation motor enable pulse delay.
  • Fixed an issue where some arc segment were left in the planner after a reset.