A configurable controller that uses sensors, zones and schedules with a web interface for monitoring.
Hardware Requirements:
- Arduino with > 75Kb of flash memmory (Mega 2560, Due)
- Ethernet Shield with micro SD (https://www.adafruit.com/products/201)
- Chronodot RTC (https://www.adafruit.com/products/255)
Supported Sensors:
- DHT22 (temperature & humidity) (https://www.adafruit.com/products/393)
- Any analog soil moisture sensor (hygrometer) (check Ebay)
Recommended Hardware:
- 24vac transformer, for standard 24v irrigation solenoid (http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2102703&filterName=Type&filterValue=Transformers)
- Relay board, for controlling irrigation solenoids. I do NOT recommend these for large AC loads like grow lights, heaters, etc. (http://www.sainsmart.com/arduino-compatibles/module/relay.html)
- Opto22 DC Controler Solid State Relays, for controlling power outlets or other large AC loads (http://www.opto22.com/site/pr_selector.aspx?cid=3&qs=10061016#1053)
- Nema 3r or 4 enclosure, especially for any high voltage equipment. (Check Ebay)
- Terminal blocks for making wire connections, or whatever you prefer
Software Setup:
- Modify the config structure in init for your desired settings
- Using the Arduino IDE upload the controller sketch
- An Internet connection is required for NTP
Software To-do:
- Read/Write configuration from EEPROM
- Add administration capability to web interface