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bazbt3 edited this page Nov 18, 2017 · 1 revision


(Most recent on top.)


  • Change avatar (a precursor to other file operations in v0.3.)
  • Pushed goal of display of longer timelines back from v0.3 to v0.4.

2017-11-18: v0.3.4 (a bit Saturday-ish):

News: The documentation is moving to GitHub Pages so might breakis of course temporarily borked.

  • Added: -
  • Changed: -
  • Deprecated: -
  • Removed: import sys - only used in my Python 2.7 catch-all exception handling.
  • Fixed: -
  • Security: -

2017-11-17: v0.3.3 (Spammy images!A bit spammy?):

  • Added: Display embedded images in posts. It's a bit slow and there is of course no caching.
  • Added: xp x-post crosspost a new message created in a Patter chatroom as a post.

2017-11-17: v0.3.2 (A bit too raw.):

  • Fixed: 'Get interactions' broke with a request for raw data; request removed.

2017-11-17: v0.3.1 (Nearly images!):

  • Added: Display one embedded image's indicator, URL and thumbnail URL, i.e. the app will not yet show an inline image; one must click the link. Probably buggy. (Tested initially using post 227199.)
  • Changed: createpost does not allow an empty post to be sent. Perhaps a bit strict, thus not implemented elsewhere.
  • Changed: For replies: Reduced slashes to 1 for mentions other than the original poster. Confirms more closely to the pnut standard.
  • Fixed: Better error handling: Started to target exceptions for cases where data doesn't exist, e.g. KeyError for accounts missing usernames and/or bio text. (Tested with accounts 175 and, a random choice of 171.)

2017-11-15: v0.3.0 (Embiggened!):


The application is now Python 3.5-only. The 2.7 app was created due to ignorance when it initially failed. Adding import sys fixed the fault in the noob catch-all-then-reset exception handlers. Note: the sys calls made simply aren't necessary in Python 3.5.

Version numbering:

Python 3.5 application starts at v0.3.0 simply to differentiate from Python 2.

  • Added: Moar spaghetti code.
  • Changed: Increased listings from server-default 20 posts to a hardcoded 30. Not friendly yet, being displayed from earliest to latest and with no persistence, hence no version increase.
  • Deprecated: Er… does all the Python 2.7 stuff count?

2017-11-15: v0.2.4 (Now @hutattedonmyarm):

  • Added: Chat channel names now appear in the Subscribed Channels listing, a major barrier passed thanks to @hutattedonmyarm's help! Bug: May break in the Get Channel routine.
  • Fixed: Attributions: PNUTpy author: @33MHz, maintainer: @thrrgilag.

2017-11-13: v0.2.3 (pre-@hutattedonmyarm):

  • Added: Inline display of thread when listing timeline. Bug: Exits current listing.
  • Added: Check total length, including mentions, of post being replied to and force amendment if over-long. (Wastefully copies code from createpost routine.)
  • Added: Channel type indicator, chat or pm.
  • Changed: Menu items: gt now gets timeline, gth gets thread.

2017-11-12: v0.2.2 (Help!):

  • Added: Inline help: type help during post listings. Much tidier. See also changes for main menu update. Added: Subscribed channel list now has a [u] unread status indicator and displays the username of the most recent message poster.
  • Added: Because the application is feature-complete and bug-free I added an ASCII art logo in the code.
  • Changed: To redisplay the menu in the main routine type help instead of menu. Changed to be consistent with inline interactions.

2017-11-11: v0.2.1 (Remember!):

  • Fixed: Main routine now calls the reply, bookmark and repost subroutines instead of exiting.
  • Fixed: Partial fix: Inline menu character input now starts on next line on my phone. (Pythonista, iPhone 6, Menlo 14pt.)

2017-11-11: v0.2.0 (Spaghetti!):

v0.2.0 is here!

  • Added: Starting to add actions in-line with the post listing in global, timeline, mentions, thread and bookmarks. First up: reply to, repost and bookmark a post. It's a bit rough. And ugly. And buggy. The remainder of the actions are placeholders. (And still only 20 posts per listing.)
  • Removed: Repeat display of post to be replied to, during preparation for inline interactions. (It was intended to allow the user to be certain of replying to the correct post).
  • Removed: Superfluous jsondata variable.

2017-11-10: v0.1.32 (Oops!):

  • Added: Test for too-long post, only in 'createpost' routine at this stage.
  • Changed: Tweaked the menu layout yet again.
  • Fixed: Accidental duplication of gt menu option for both get timeline and get thread.

2017-11-10: v0.1.31 (Clearer now? No.):

  • Changed: More updates to menu, input requests made clearer.
  • Removed: Accidental JSON display code from the getpost routine.

2017-11-09: v0.1.30 (Also):

  • Added: Automatic reply to all users mentioned in post (limited to 30 names.) No selection or manual edit just yet.

2017-11-09: v0.1.29 (Bloat!):

  • Added: Subscribe to a public channel (chatroom.)
  • Added: Menu now has current user's username.
  • Changed: Menu order. I'm trying and failing to make it sensible (tm).

2017-11-08: v0.1.28 (Exceptional!):

  • Fixed: Channels and threads now display even when there are fewer than 20 items.

2017-11-07: v0.1.27 (Overload?):

  • Added: Get a user bio. Buggy!
  • Changed: Increased number of Interactions from 1 to 20 (server default). Incomplete.
  • Changed: Unified post and message status indicators.
  • Removed: Reliance on user-entered user_id in 'me.txt' file. I read the API Resources > Users docs. It's "me" when authenticated!

2017-11-06: v0.1.26 (Interact-ish):

  • Added: Started User Interactions. Returns only last one at this stage.
  • Added: Username to 'get channel' display.
  • Changed: Updated menu yet again. Unified timeline display is now 't' (was u.)

2017-11-05: v0.1.25 (Status symbol!):

  • Added: The original poster's username is added to replies automatically now. Take care to check for other people before posting.
  • Added/changed: Post and user status indicators:
    • User id,
    • +f = followed?
    • +F = follower?
    • * = bookmarked?
    • rp = reposted?
    • id: = post id,
    • rep: = replying to post,
    • thd = in thread.
  • Changed: Tweaked post display order.

2017-11-05: v0.1.24 (Baleeted!):

  • Added: Display Global timeline (added after fix below.)
  • Changed: Get hashtag command is now gh (was h.)
  • Fixed: Deleted posts are skipped, app no longer exits when encountered.

2017-11-05: v0.1.23 (Id):

  • Added: Display Unified timeline.
  • Added: Bug: Deleted posts in unified timeline exit the app.
  • Changed: Bookmarks & mentions inquiries requiring a user id still default to requiring input, however pressing [return] inserts a user id saved in a user-created me.txt file. Temporary, perhaps.
  • Fixed: If server response is 201, PigPen now returns 'ok'.

2017-11-04: v0.1.22 (Sensible):

News: Changed version numbering style from n.nn.n to n.n.n., e.g. 1.01.22 is now 1.1.22.

  • Added: Get last 20 bookmarks. (No error handling if fewer than 20 exist.)
  • Changed: Exiting now only requires lower case 'exit'.

2017-11-03: v0.01.21 (hmmm…):

  • Added: List last 20 posts in a thread. (No error handling: app will exit with list index out of range for conversations with fewer than 20 posts.)
  • Added: List last 20 messages for a channel. (No error handling: app will exit with list index out of range for channels with fewer than 20 messages.)
  • Changed: Menu order, attempting a more intelligent grouping.
  • Changed: Code: Created displaypost() subroutine to reduce duplication in similar routines.
  • Fixed: If server response is not 200, PigPen now returns a purposely-ambiguous 'hmmm…' instead of 'oops!'

2017-11-02: v0.01.20 (@jws):

  • Added: Listing of posts containing a specified hashtag (last 20.)
  • Added: Create a message to send to a chatroom or private thread. Need to know the pre-existing channel number.
  • Added: Subscribed channel listing. Returns only channel number, owner/creator and the most recent message with its id. See also next item.
  • Added: Get a channel. Returns content for one post using code modified from above. Potentially useful as a subroutine?
  • Changed: Code: Reordered routines: post, reply and message pushed together.
  • Removed: pprint module import: I decided to examine JSON outside Pythonista.

2017-11-02: v0.01.19 (Threadsbared):

  • Added: Thread id to every displayed mention.
  • Changed: Reversed mentions sort order: most recent is last, at the bottom of the list, onscreen.

2017-11-01: v0.01.18 (Mentions):

  • Added: Rudimentary mentions list display: the default number of 20 most recent, unsorted returned from the server with no parameters requested other than user_id.
  • Added mentions JSON file in examples folder.
  • (Intermediate, breaking, local test versions omitted from release.)

2017-10-31: v0.01.14 (Incompatible):

  • Fixed: Rudimentary feedback after interactions - anything other than '200' now doesn't kill the app. (I tried concatenating an integer and text, tsk!)

2017-10-30: v0.01.13 (Prettier):

  • Updated 'Get post' to show only the poster's username, post create date and post content. An improvement over the previous raw dump.
  • Added rudimentary feedback after interactions - currently not those with displayed content.

2017-10-29: v0.01.12 (Follow):

  • Added the ability to Follow a user (by number.)
  • Started messing about with JSON for a later release; it's not going well.

2017-10-29: v0.01.11 (Newlines):

  • Added newlines in posts - temporary kludge using \n, input by user.

2017-10-29: v0.01.10 (First upload, with the following features):

  • Menu-based,
  • Authorise with a single-user token saved in a plain text file - token generated at the developer page,
  • Post-related features:
    • Post,
    • Reply to a specific post number,
    • Bookmark a specific post number,
    • Repost a specific post number,
    • Get a post's content (raw response from server; not pretty).
  • Added documentation, but not yet /docs/.