This node.js package provides methods for compiling and decompiling ladder logic programs.
To install this application using the node.js package manager, issue the following commands:
npm install ladder-logic
Below is an example of how to use the compiler.
var ll = require("ladder-logic");
var program = ll.compile(
"!! this is an example of a latch with an emergency stop !!\n" +
"||--[/ESTOP]----[/STOP]----+--[START]--+------(RUN)-----||\n" +
"|| | | ||\n" +
"|| +---[RUN]---+ ||\n" +
"|| ||\n" +
[ [ 'in', 'ESTOP' ],
[ 'not' ],
[ 'in', 'STOP' ],
[ 'not' ],
[ 'and' ],
[ 'in', 'START' ],
[ 'in', 'RUN' ],
[ 'or' ],
[ 'and' ],
[ 'out', 'RUN' ],
[ 'in', 'RUN' ],
[ 'out', 'MOTOR' ] ]
Below is an example of how to use the decompiler.
var ll = require("ladder-logic");
var program = [
[ 'in', 'ESTOP' ],
[ 'not' ],
[ 'in', 'STOP' ],
[ 'not' ],
[ 'and' ],
[ 'in', 'START' ],
[ 'in', 'RUN' ],
[ 'or' ],
[ 'and' ],
[ 'out', 'RUN' ],
[ 'in', 'RUN' ],
[ 'out', 'MOTOR' ]
|| ||
|| | | ||
|| +--[RUN]----+ ||
|| ||
|| ||