Project moved to roda-http-auth
Add basic http authentication to Roda.
Configure your Roda application to use this plugin:
plugin :basic_auth
You can pass global options, in this context they'll be shared between all
plugin :basic_auth, authenticator: proc {|user, pass| [user, pass] == %w[foo bar]},
realm: 'Restricted Area' # default
Call r.basic_auth
inside the routes you want to authenticate the user, it will halt
the request with 401 response code if the authenticator is false.
An additional WWW-Authenticate
header is sent as specified on rfc7235 and it's realm can be configured.
You can specify the local authenticator with a block:
r.basic_auth { |user, pass| [user, pass] == %w[foo bar] }
bundle exec ruby test/*.rb
To avoid having your 401 responses intercepted by warden, you need to configure the unauthenticated callback that is called just before the request is halted:
plugin :basic_auth, unauthorized: proc {|r| r.env['warden'].custom_failure! }
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.