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Person Re-Identification (ReID) using lightweight Deep Learning model.


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License: MIT


ReID + Kalman

Person Re-Identification (ReID) is a lightweight deep learning model that specializes in learning feature representations of a person.

Here, the person's features are represented as a heatmap applied to the body. An activation map is computed by taking the sum of absolute-valued feature maps along the channel dimension, followed by a spatial L2 normalization.

How the engine works

A video of a person is fed to the ReID model to get the features, which are used for comparison with others. The L2 Distance is used for feature matching.

$$ L2\left( p,q\right) = \frac{1}{n} \sqrt {\sum _{i=1}^{n} \left( p_i-q_i \right)^2 } $$

  • p = customer's features
  • q = features to be compared with customer's features

Install requirements


ReID model training on custom dataset

  1. Make a folder where video data will be uploaded with the following folder architecture


├── person_1_video
├── person_2_video
├── ...
├── ...
└── person_n_video

  1. Train model with

Training usage

python3 --name osnet_x1_0 --videos_path /path/to/model --aug_count 5 --save_path /path/to/save
  • Model name: --name osnet_x1_0
  • Image height: --img_h 256
  • Image width: --img_w 128
  • Batch size: --bs 32
  • Optimizer: --optim adam
  • Learning rate: --lr 0.003
  • Learning rate scheduler: --lr_sch single_step
  • Step size for learning rate scheduler: --step 10
  • Epochs: --epochs 30
  • Evaluation frequency: --eval_freq 10
  • Video data folder path: --videos_paths path/to/folder
  • Take every N-th frame from the video: --skip_frames 15
  • Augmentations count: --aug_count 7
  • Path to save data: --save_path path/to/save

Show help message for all options:

python3 -h

Performance of OSNet models

Model name Jetson Nano RTX 2080ti RTX 3090ti
osnet_x0_25 50ms 12.1ms 9.1ms
osnet_x0_5 53.4ms 12.5ms 9.5ms
osnet_x0_75 55.3ms 13ms 10.2ms
osnet_x1_0 59.8ms 13.5ms 11ms

Convert model to ONNX

  1. Install ONNX
pip3 install onnx
  1. Convert using script
python3 --name osnet_x1_0 --nc 3


  • Model name: --name osnet_x1_0
  • Number of classes: --nc 3
  • Path to weights: --weights path/to/
  • Image height: --img_h 256
  • Image width: --img_w 128 Show help message for all options:
python3 -h

Convert the model to TensorRT

  1. To convert the ReID model to TensorRT, you should first convert the model to ONNX.

  2. Then, install TensorRT Backend For ONNX onnx-tensorrt library.

  3. Run the script below.

onnx2trt osnet_x1_0.onnx -o osnet_x1_0.trt


Make sure to have nvidia-docker installed.

docker run --runtime=nvidia -it --volume /home/ec2-user/reid:/opt/project reid-dev:gpu /bin/bash

Common issues

ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Run this command in the terminal:

echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/lib64:\${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" >> ${HOME}/.bashrc


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